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Everything posted by HELEN

  1. I love the car photo manips (the earlier works) and latest images nice, too.
  2. I can see you've been doing lots with the plugins. I like that. Pretty good so far!
  3. Pretty good so far. Don't be afraid to experiment the plugins you can find on this site.
  4. I also like the first one best, but they're all really nice. The sig that you made for a website is...wow. The rounded cube is superb. I love the smooth texture to it. And also, did you do the game textmaps all in PDN or you used some other program?
  5. Cool piece, once again. I also think if you played around with S3D you'd get some pretty good results.
  6. Very beautiful sigs. I like what you did with liquify.
  7. That's great! The different shapes and colors are lovely.
  8. With the color corrections, the image is even better. It looks softer.
  9. Lovely sig. I love how you gave it a more "comic-book" look to it. I also like your current sig.
  10. It says (with a few corrections), "Attention. Don't try to jump on buildings. You will get hurt. Instead of that, try the doors. If you don't understand how this works, you are going to die. Thank you for your understanding." Hmmm...
  11. Cool work. The grungey work compliments the title of your gallery "...images of doom." Kind of spooky if I may say so. And also, there's a few grammar mistakes in the second image, unless you did that deliberately.
  12. "Rusty?" Nah, I don't think so. They're awesome.
  13. Just to add to my comment. Your sig and avvie are nice, too.
  14. Both very good! They look just like paintings.
  15. Yes, the water is even better. The colors are so rich and pretty.
  16. Ooooh...I like your work. It's sleek and nice to look at. Keep it up!
  17. Keep working with Dents. You create such wonderful work!
  18. Hmmm...let me think. Could it be that the two butterflies are the same color? No. That's not it. It's a double-bodied butterfly!
  19. *Insert a BIG shocking smiley here* Wow! Wow! And Wow! As I love Barbieq's work, that's how much I admire your's.
  20. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome! Does that say it all?
  21. My heart jumped when you said, "Ma'am." lol
  22. I forgot that I commented here, but it was a joy to view your gallery again. Love the latest images!
  23. Such stunning images. I love the meaning in the second image--kind of sad.
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