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Everything posted by Pixey

  1. This is really an amazing piece from you @Drydareelin and I have to say it's possibly my favrite thus far . I immediately thought of when looking over the side of the Queen Mary at sea at night .
  2. Also - you should have your text on a new transparent layer.
  3. Hi - Just hit delete on your computer. Also - see this diagram to move selected text. Also:
  4. Hi @Daniel67400 & Welcome to the forum . I'm sorry, but we must use English on this forum. I have translated your question: "My question: in paint.net, when we click on the "move selected pixels" tool, we can lean the text. But once the text changed angle, I can not modify it (add or delete a character). Is there a solution? thank you, thank you. " Answer: Please make sure to un-select the Tool to delete.
  5. Just love these two renditions @Seerose they are both very sweet - great work
  6. It does require a lot of practice and patience - but it's very rewarding to end up with a shape you drew yourself. Here is a very basic 'Learn 101 how to use Shapemaker.' I made this in the older version, but the 'way to use it' is the same. Tips: 1. Right click mouse to add points to draw. 2. When zoomed in use the Alt key + Left click of mouse to navigate.
  7. Lovely Lilly @lynxster4 . I too love them so much
  8. Very nice @PranavJH By the way - if you copy the last 7 digits from the Imgur code - in this case " rFbiaml " then go up to the tool bar and click on that black box with the green dot then add the 7 digits to that box and you will get a nice Thumbnail like this:
  9. Thank you @welshblue . I am racking my brain to recall how I made that blue glass. I remember it was a stone texture, I believe from @yellowman's stone tutorial. The smaller pebbles. I will try to recreate it and let you know. I often make things and cannot remember exactly how I did them
  10. Why thank you @Woodsy . I did think of doing a turkey instead, but thought vegetarian would be more PC
  11. Hello @ShaunP & Welcome to the forum - is it possible to give us a screen shot please? You will need to save the shot to another site, then paste the URL or IMG tag into your thread.
  12. All lovely and so colorful as always @Seerose. Makes me feel so Christmassy
  13. @PranavJH - Welcome to the forum . I like the colors and the text in your Logo. Like @welshblue says, some work on the white lines is needed. I would try the Outline Selection plugin, instead of the line tool.
  14. Thank you very much @lynxster4 @LionsDragon and @Seerose
  15. I would like to wish everyone a - Very Happy Thanksgiving for 2017 - Have a Wonderful Day on Thursday.
  16. The theme this week is – "WOVEN PHOTO" Chosen by @Pixey (SOTW #176 winner) This week you're challenged to design and create a signature using the Woven Photo Plug-in By @Ego Eram Reputo. You may use either the original version, or the test version. The deadline for entries is 7:00pm (UK time) 2:00pm EST on Saturday 2nd of December 2017. To see how that equates to other countries, here is a link to the World Time Competition Rules 1. Max dimensions are 500 x 200. Please NOTE: The forum limits signatures to 500 x 150, if it is too large do not try to use it as your regular signature. 2. Please keep your signature family friendly. 3. Please keep to the theme that has been set. 4. You may modify or replace your image until the deadline! 5. Don’t violate copyright laws with found images; links to source images would be courteous. 6. Your entry must be made using Paint.net; please don't use an outside image editor and try passing it off as PDN work. 7. There are three entries per entrant allowed. 8 . Don’t add links to larger versions of your signature. Your entry should be voted on based on the size laid out in rule #1. Please keep larger versions of your work for your gallery. 9. Signatures may be either horizontal or vertical. The winner of the current SOTW gets to choose the subject for the next competition. Good luck all and thank you in advance for entering. Thanks to - chrisco97, Sozo, TheHowler, Nitenurse79, Chimay, DrewDale & Pixey for keeping this comp going in the past. Previous comps have included the following topics as listed Here compiled by MJW. This list will, perhaps assist future winners with a theme. This thread is for posting your entries only. If you want to talk about any of the entries, you can do so in the discussion thread found here.
  17. And the winners are: 1st Place: @Pixey with 8 votes 2nd Place: @dipstick - with 2 entries - with 7 votes 3rd Place: @welshblue - with 6 votes Thank you all for your entries, and votes . Fabulous entries from everyone
  18. Hi @Eddie331 and Welcome to the forum . One way is to make a new layer above your photo, then use a gradient - dark to lighter - and then change the mode of the layer to Multiply.
  19. I like the new update:
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