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Mr Frojo

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Everything posted by Mr Frojo

  1. Yea, thats all I could think of too. Im not good with ice or frosted stuff. I dont think theres any tutorials out there either.
  2. Im not really sure what you mean. Do you want to move text? Just use the rectangle selection tool, then the move selected pixels tool right next to it.
  3. You really need to do a shape3D tutorial ash, or at least explain how you can make some of that stuff.
  4. I think they would do the same thing. Anyways, i was having the same problem you were having, and heres how I fixed it. Go here and download it (the download link is right before that gray box of text.) Install and run that, and select paint.net on the list. Make sure that you ONLY have paint.net selected though. Click remove, and when it is removed, try to install paint.net again.
  5. ^ Needs a little feathering on the edges of the sphere.
  6. I would say go here and use that to try to get something similar to barkbarks attempt there.
  7. I think ill try to make a curser pack sometime. Ive always wanted to try out that plugin.
  8. This plugin is getting so advance. You should make a shape3D tutorial ash.
  9. Ok. Go here and download version 4.42. Install that, then go to your start menu. Because you have vista, it should be either this or this. Click "Default Programs" (at the top for the first one, near the bottom right on the second one.) You should see this. Click the second link, "Associate a filetype of protocol with a program." Scroll down to .zip as shown here. Click "change program". Then click browse. It should take you to program files, as shown here. If not, find your way there by going to c:/Program files . Then, find the folder called 7-Zip. Click it, then double click the file called 7zFM. Then click ok. After all of that, try to open the file. It should work.
  10. Windows vista has nothing to do with the problem. EDIT: Im working on something right now that will help you. One second.
  11. Could you post a picture of something you're trying to achieve?
  12. So has is it starting today, or in a couple days? It does look like a lot more people are going to be entering this one, which is good. I was suprised how few entered last time.
  13. Was this any of you guys? Somebody said on the bloody potato ladys artical:
  14. If anyone remebers that video I posted a little while ago, where that one person had no idea how to use the red eye tool, look what kind of an impact that had. http://www.download.com/8301-2007_4-973 ... tag=blog.5 If you scroll down to the 4th paragraph, it says how paint.net has a weak red eye tool, and links to that video. You see what happens when the people who review software have no idea what they're doing! EDIT: Oh wait. I just realized that its the same person who wrote that as the person who did the video.
  15. Im in agreement on skinning getpaint.net. I still think that doing any of the other ones would be better than this, but it looks like not much others think that.
  16. Try to increase the tolerence a little bit. If that doesnt work, try to select everything but the dog, then invert the selection (Ctrl + i) Pictures would help.
  17. I think it can be screenshot, but ill probobly make an actual page anyways. Ive been meaning to learn html, and this will help.
  18. I dont think its in French yet. Resize your avatar though. Max width is 100px.
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