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Everything posted by oma

  1. personally I'm not sure how to do this in paint.net but heres a suggestion. open your pdf image set your measurement to which ever you prefer I'd probably use pixels (there's that little grid then it says units drop down box gives 3 options. ) run a line along any straight edge in you image note the length it tells you right along the bottom left of the screen then use this conversion calculator http://www.translatorscafe.com/cafe/uni ... r/pixel-(X)-to-centimeter-%5Bcm%5D/ round about manner but may get what you wish done.
  2. yes if you are just drawing arrows for sure.... and it can do ever so much more. open your original picture make sure your layers box is showing (if its not along top where it says file, edit, view etc clik windows and then click the reset windows locations. add a transparent layer (in the layers box :AddNewLayer: the furthest little icon on the left clik the line tool :LineCurveTool: (see up along it says tool brush width style. you can change the ends of the lines to arrows .....) if you want a curved line there are 4 nubs on that line you should try pulling on them just as a test. its best to do your lines on separate layers in case you want to go back and erase them out. when you have edited picture with arrows to your satisfication along top file and save as .jpg or png program will ask you if you want to flatten just say yes but remember its not reversible so be sure you have where you want arrow. ciao OMA welcome to the forum
  3. your welcome see you noticed I said left side for search button instead of right. so what can I say I'm dyslexic or have alzheimers glad you found the plugin and were able to get downloaded. look forward to seeing what you are working on in your gallery soon. ciao OMA
  4. not necessary for me as the word work around is just so darn easy to do. and frankly I think I'd rather see this kept as a artistic style program instead of a text editor. (goodness knows there's enough of those out there) I just remembered at one time you'd been working on something and it was buggy wasn't sure what happened to that work. ciao OMA
  5. not at my own desk so can't give you the link. but if you use that search button up top left and type in google map or google maps it brings up a shadow plugin use the binary not the source download. ciao OMA
  6. you did allow xml files at one time didn't you? I have some in my documents that are scriptlabs. and matching xml files. I was able to edit those xml files.ciao OMA EDit scrap that statement I just rechecked they were the xml files from Shape 3d. I was loading the xml to shape 3d and then using the settings in scriptlab. ciao sorry for confusion but xml would be really nice feature.
  7. agree it was buggy but I didn't see any further work on it. It had promise maybe a flea in Simons ear will spark him to rehash that start of plugin. He's learned lots since then and maybe he can fix the errors that were in the original Beta. Simon...... what's up with that plugin? scrapped totally ? or still in the thinking about it stage??? ciao OMA
  8. Question: David at one time Simon was working on re editable text plugin was that one scrapped? ciao OMA
  9. oma

    Oma's gallery

    yes they do like to dart in and out of view while feeding. need to study some more on drawing the fushia flower to finally finish this one. before I flatten it does anything on that bird look out of place? I've redone the wings 3 times all told and finally feel they are looking decent. I just looked at a big picture book of birds and notice the wings should be semi transparent. you can actually see the flowers behind the bird right thru the wings in these closeup photos. that I can do as I put in the background. any other areas needing a bit of work? ciao OMA
  10. oma

    Oma's gallery

    nearing the final stages on the humming bird. need to work on the fuschia flowers next. that step needs to be completed before the final overall colorization can be done. pg 35 I've added more work shots ciao OMA
  11. chk your pms name of the plugin was changed when it was combined by the writer. search term to use is "Polar transformations".
  12. @Juraiko1324 not bad I'm not usually drawn to grunge images but this one kind of grows on me after looking at it several times. can't put my finger on what's making this one catch my eye over other grunge style images but there is something there. I do find the text is a bit difficult to read. not sure how you could correct that ..... maybe an outline ? I think you used vingette maybe a bit lighter next time. think that's what is partially hiding the text . @pdnnoob that has loads of potential. I'm always attracted by textures. looks like the center of a flower. try another color.... you might like it more. I can see this going as an underwater cave sort of deal with some blue tones.
  13. I will PM you. do you know how to check your pm's on this site? at top where you log in on this screen next to it is messages clik there. ciao
  14. very nicely done. well I'm not sure. did you look at the post by jesmic? he didn't say but looking at his it looks like he started with a curved line. first instead of the straight 4in line I did in tut. use line tool and right clik and pull the two center nubs (this is how you make bezier curves using line tool )
  15. would it be possible to link to one you would like to know how to make? the ones I searched out on the web look like they use twinkly stars etc. madjik has a plug in to render sparkles. if you want those blinky pictures its a matter of making a series of the same background picture and making a gif. there are several tuts on making animated gifs in our tut section. perhaps that can help you out. viewtopic.php?f=38&t=26976&hilit=animated+gif and of course Simon made a plugin viewtopic.php?f=16&t=28407 made with noise
  16. mine as well but as soon as you hit the delete button it goes gray. its impossible to have no layers. there is always one layer if you have an open pdn. its likely left active incase you want to do control + a delete at that stage. .
  17. ? Simon there doesn't appear to be anything wrong there. What exactly do you think the glitch is? are you trying to get rid of the black background to start transparent? its just control +A delete. not sure what you are getting at.
  18. all of those things are makeable in this program. just not one step though. I did a tut on cardboard in the tut section. maybe that can help you out. glitter is nothing more than noise.
  19. which ever way you go on this one madjik, I'll be sure to use it. It is going to be a great addition to the plugins you've already written. I've already ideas on how to work this into my hummingbird picture I'm in process of doing right now. great plug in already even if you only have in development stage. I await final release with pleasure. ciao
  20. oma

    Oma's gallery

    Helen are you telling me "no rush" "just hurry" ? @Welshblue, Janettesue and Goonfella thanks for the encouragement. this one is a bit more difficult for me ...... but then again that's the way I like them. the more challenging the better. I've added some more work in progress shots page 35.... because I know Helen is chomping at the bit. ciao OMA
  21. nice work so far, I see lots of promise in your work. my fav is the space scene , one thing above person mentioned is to work on the text. You don't want it lost in the backgrounds. but overall a fine gallery start. ciao OMA
  22. oma

    Oma's gallery

    stick with it and lots of practice. You'll get the hang of it shortly. Personally I read lots of how to draw books .... textures I can pretty well figure out from playing with plugins until I know their capabilities and their limitations. do the tuts with open mind. they are not just there to teach you how to draw x but to impart the techniques you can apply to your own work. bunny fur was a variation of a grass tut not the one ASH did using bars but the one with cut away circles. ciao
  23. looks great. I just need to figure out how you got those circles outside the line in that abstract. or is that another version. I can get the circles spacing within but not outside. EDIT figured out the outside circles now ... just need to figure out open circles solid line. can get the line with lines and open circles but not solid line with open circles. EDIT I see from your abstract that's not possible yet, could it be possibly added? not likely if you've not done it so far. EDIT one thing that could be possibly added is a button for reset all. not a biggy as you have individual reset buttons but that would be nice. works fine my end. haven't had any crashes but I tend to do one line one layer at a time. Only thing I find cumbersome now is changing colors. ciao OMA
  24. spiral for sure but how did you get the dots along side. is this a new plugin you are working on? I want to pre play with it please.... ciao OMA
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