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Everything posted by oma

  1. I've just downloaded this. After I finish my Elephant picture I'll give this a real workout. ciao nice work OMA
  2. re check the one you are posting into has the same resolution as well as size.
  3. re check the one you are posting into has the same resolution as well as size.
  4. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks StormShadow I'm sure one of the newbies that doesn't know how complicated this picture is will also tell me I'm out and should have left the open top in etc etc etc. and dollars to donuts it will be a "siggy cut and paste smudgey guy" The perspective is simplified on the update I just added, but this doesn't mean it is a simple box shape. The wood pieces all were done separetly and the little emblishments took a bit of fiddling as well to have them running in the correct directions. anyways you can all view the update pg 48. remember its not finished yet. Still much to do.
  5. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks StormShadow I'm sure one of the newbies that doesn't know how complicated this picture is will also tell me I'm out and should have left the open top in etc etc etc. and dollars to donuts it will be a "siggy cut and paste smudgey guy" The perspective is simplified on the update I just added, but this doesn't mean it is a simple box shape. The wood pieces all were done separetly and the little emblishments took a bit of fiddling as well to have them running in the correct directions. anyways you can all view the update pg 48. remember its not finished yet. Still much to do.
  6. what a great gallery! I'm so glad you finally opened one. I've been waiting. It certainly is worth the price of admission. keep those wonderful images coming! ciao OMA
  7. what a great gallery! I'm so glad you finally opened one. I've been waiting. It certainly is worth the price of admission. keep those wonderful images coming! ciao OMA
  8. oma

    Oma's gallery

    just for you sneek peek at an update. I'm still fighting with that little house thing. So ended up simplfying as my drawing skills still are not up to doing those shaped little posts. (guess that's what I've to practice ) larger full size of this is on Pg 48 along with the other wip shots
  9. oma

    Oma's gallery

    just for you sneek peek at an update. I'm still fighting with that little house thing. So ended up simplfying as my drawing skills still are not up to doing those shaped little posts. (guess that's what I've to practice ) larger full size of this is on Pg 48 along with the other wip shots
  10. you are welcome. Glad to have helped. I'm fairly sure I will be around when your summer school program starts. Feel free to just pop me an e mail direct if you run into a problem. From what you've posted so far it now looks like you've your work plan undercontrol, and a nice set of tut's for the young ones to experiment with. ciao OMA
  11. you are welcome. Glad to have helped. I'm fairly sure I will be around when your summer school program starts. Feel free to just pop me an e mail direct if you run into a problem. From what you've posted so far it now looks like you've your work plan undercontrol, and a nice set of tut's for the young ones to experiment with. ciao OMA
  12. get drawing then. and add it to your gallery . :wink: what was the thing I said ages ago.... oh yes "less chatter more art" I think the more you use this program the more you will see most of the things you are asking for are there or a simple enough work around is avail. until version 4 comes out lets have a picture of what you think it will look like. (in your gallery... :wink: ) ciao now lets see some magnificent artwork. OMA
  13. get drawing then. and add it to your gallery . :wink: what was the thing I said ages ago.... oh yes "less chatter more art" I think the more you use this program the more you will see most of the things you are asking for are there or a simple enough work around is avail. until version 4 comes out lets have a picture of what you think it will look like. (in your gallery... :wink: ) ciao now lets see some magnificent artwork. OMA
  14. Andy is trying to fly! oh that one is precious. ciao OMA
  15. Andy is trying to fly! oh that one is precious. ciao OMA
  16. I have a better idea how about iPodLover you do some artwork with this current program as it is and add something to your personal gallery for Worldwide art day which by the way is Today. ciao OMA
  17. I have a better idea how about iPodLover you do some artwork with this current program as it is and add something to your personal gallery for Worldwide art day which by the way is Today. ciao OMA
  18. yes I know I was refering to that shaded line down the centre made me think of a card. the planet is super good. I really really reallly love it. !
  19. yes I know I was refering to that shaded line down the centre made me think of a card. the planet is super good. I really really reallly love it. !
  20. oma

    Oma's gallery

    not even close... not a boomerang not a tutu etc etc.
  21. oma

    Oma's gallery

    not even close... not a boomerang not a tutu etc etc.
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