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Everything posted by oma

  1. I've had a straY 100 pixies or two this is my solution, for those nastys, use outline 1 pix wide they now show up so hit the back button and erase them as you have just found the offenders.
  2. part of it this woman will be the face behind the mask. she will be holding it down from her face partially obscuring lower half, this will give me practice doing eyes . also some work on doing hands. and I do not have a tablet so it is all mouse work.
  3. the slow process of gradiant and gassian blur to skin tones. sneak peek at next work only about 20% done. :wink: this is just because someone questioned that it was possible in paint.NET it truly is 100% possible. long process but possible.
  4. I found out about Paint.Net on same PapaJohn forum.
  5. this one is for madjik. haven't quite figured out your settings yet but think I've got the how down pat.
  6. very pretty committing to that first solo picture and applying what you've learned so far is a major accomplishment. I see a lot of potential in your art work, and a unique style in the making. keeps those pictures coming.
  7. Ha ha that's so funny Andrew. knowing how Bolt Bait dislikes the polar. the real trick to using Polar is to make it almost as if its not even there. hide the little bits and pieces within another bit of art work so BoltBait can;t detect it. I love the polar inversion. wish the plug in boys would write a bipolar plug in just for me. as Ash says "Ahem" ciao
  8. thanks Wither, I'd like to go the full PDN with out an outside stock image, but that would work in a pinch. I'll download that mud though maybe sit with it on my desktop for a few days see if anything comes to mind. ciao OMA
  9. does anyone have any tips on getting this glossy crackle finish one on the right ivory and gold color. http://www.flickr.com/photos/irenevermeij/107391534/
  10. tuts tuts tuts, and questions questions questions, I asked Ash and Madjik and everyone else, I think until they were sick of hearing from me. post pictures in the pictorium. most of the people are helpful with suggestions. Personally I actually learned much from the picture add on game we used to play in the overflow. That thread has since died out but it was a real great way to see what different effects did without committing to a picture. I wonder if it shouldn't be revived by the mods.. quite a few good PDN users learned in that game.
  11. Pictures? all I'm seeing are sigs lately. although having said that there are a few I truly liked MattBlack that is so stylish. very mature looking. darkshadow I love the Alvin sig. and jerkfight that navigation bar is real nice. hamster why you changing your sig? I think that black/grey one is very smart looking.
  12. did you have to do any thing special to get the oil paint so smoothly done? this is especially nice.
  13. as always there is a very large copy of this on my deviant art site. enjoy
  14. I'm smiling because I now know how to use the sparkle plug in. PS ASH there is one even bigger on my deviant art site. just because I know you like to view them large. LOL!
  15. @madjik thanks finally got it. two things I kept doing incorrectly. I wasn't setting layer to additive and wasn't moving the flake/flare to 100. thanks
  16. which version of sparkles are you all using? it just freezes up my machine every time.
  17. My 11 yr old has just downloaded PDN and loves these trees. Is there a tut anywhere for these if not would one be possible? or a PM with some advice for us both? second that tut request these are lovely.
  18. @topezia snow mounds try that wasteland tut, orange search button top right. only thing to change cut a few of the flower shapes, tint pale blue very end white scale , drop down by stones on separate layer and zoom blur.
  19. looks a little bit like snow althought maybe you can slow it down a bit. and if that much snow was falling at that rate. there would be little tiny mounds of it at the base of the rocks. Oh yess and the leaves would definetly not be on those trees. LOL! those things would make it a bit more realistic, from the desk of OMA as she watches out her office window at the snow falling.
  20. just messing around ... playing ... testing new combinations. I like this pattern. I'm not sure what I'll do next with it, Maybe save it for future use.
  21. @olav that ball and lava is super fine looking :wink: @thanks blooper. looks good real small check it out on my da gallery you'll see the bad layer job. merged too soon on the feathers. LOL! live and learn.
  22. @twisted whiskers looking good you might want to adjust that transparency down a bit more on bottom layer, and see if your girl shows up a bit more. next step is to get the shine. and that's playing with your curves+ luminosity..
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