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Everything posted by oma

  1. oh thankyou Bugster that's very nice of you to say, I try to do my best...
  2. 100% paint.net I give some of my tips in facial contours Basics in the tut section enlarged version of basics and another version of this picture on my deviant art. link is just beneath my sig.
  3. excellent job got to try this on some of my pictures save me a $70, dye job every few months. well done.
  4. very nice Vista now would be the time I think I add up some screen shots on how I get the fellow 3d from there. I didn't even see this tut, but its very similar to the first steps on how I draw my people.... I draw from scratch and don't trace but guess this is a good place for people to start. so here is my hints on faces now in the tut section viewtopic.php?f=15&t=21909
  5. actually these type of questions about a specific tut are added on the bottom of the tut for future ref. that way when someone else has a similar problem the answer is right there within the page following the tut. but quick answere is check you did change the blend mode on the layers. notice additive is used. :wink: don't be surprised if a mod closes this thread. OMA
  6. this was a fun piece to do. It's actually a test that my face I'm working on is being shaded corectly. Every once in awhile during the making of a face I flatten it and change the colors if the face is still recognizable then I know I'm on the correct track. this one I called "The blueman ".
  7. after looking real critically at my last picture of the woman with the flower in her hair I think I need a lot more practice drawing ears so here is the practice work I'm doing right now. side view of a mans ear. :wink: i don't only draw pretty ladies.
  8. don't do what I did the first 50 times I tried it. and I know the answere is here somewhere I just couldn't find it. so here goes quick recap. have your image make a new transparent layer over it fill that transparent layer with black set the blend mode to additive <===that's what I was missing now you see your picture thru the black layer stay on that black additive layer put a few dots in of white try one or two brush size at say about 10 or 20 and then do the effect on the BLACK layer. hope that helps.
  9. @NoWayOut thanks for the comment. but you want to know what really amazes me? its the fact that I joined this forum just about 1 year ago and at that time I couldn't draw a stick man with any degree of accuracy. :wink:
  10. another little one from my work in progress file. think I'm done with this one now.
  11. just dropped in quickly to say Merry Christmas, kids and grandkids will be here shortly for dinner quick update on my work in progress 100% paint.net I feel I am making good progress on this piece. Now I am liking the hair a bit more . Still feel the hair could use refining but think that will have to wait until I explore some more of the new plugins, maybe not this picture. Next I want to work in the reflected highlights and not sure how to acheive that yet, still thinking , straining the noodle. chat with you in the days ahead. ciao OMA PS. a full 100% image of this is on my deviant art site click the link below my name and leave a comment please.
  12. yes I'll use feather but still a long ways off to blending the lips into the face. I've still to do rounded contours and some overlay at low transparency to give them glossy appearance. need the laugh lines and creases and cheeks first. I'll put up another more updated version on my deviant art account very shortly. not sure I got the joke
  13. oh I love chocolates. off to the overflow to see what you are talking about. early this morning I did a bit on the eyes and am now starting to merge them into the face. (will take aprox 10 to 15 layers to acheive this using paint brush, gassiaun blur and transparency) sneak peek. I will come back to the eyes again after I tweek the nose and forhead area. I usually jump around on a face so one area doesn't tend to get overworked. I notice the cupids bow over the mouth is now out of position by placing the eyes, this will be moved and made more defined once the nose is highlighted.
  14. The eyes have good shape so far, looking good indeed. Keep it going.May I ask, are you using any reference pictures or photographs for you work, or are you completely drawing from memory and 'feeling' it as you go along? bit of both Myrddin the nose is by feel from the practice I've done in past pictures, the hair iffy sort of a cross between polar inversion hair and loads of twists and distorts, loosely based on my wedding photo. the eyes are first time out really trying to get correct so from the book Keys to Painting Faces and Figures edited by Rachel Rubin Wolf (excellent reference) ISBN 0-89134-976-6 this is what I'm hoping to acheive and what I've got so far.
  15. now to show a bit more of my work in progress (should correct that one of my works in progress) added lips then some hair which will need to be manipulated more after the eyes are in. and third pic is the eyes which I just started this morning. these eyes and surrounding shading will take me about a week I think to get even remotely correct.
  16. Oh I am glad to see all the pictures coming up in the forum and not just new sigs. Its just like old times, and the best way for everyone to share tips and tricks for better pictures. Welcome to a lot of new people and if I miss commenting on your pictures please don't be upset. I'm not on as often over Christmas season, but in the last few pages I noticed some real budding artists. and some old friends back again to join us. @derkaderka that is a real good picture 3d shape isn't the easiest to manipulate good job. @HF cars and sets excellent welcome to the forum. look forward to seeing more pictures from you @Trek you are winning my heart OMA loves abstract art. @Bugster, I meant to comment on your last couple of pics. they have been real good, but this line and curve of the gun is very very good. its hard to get those lines all down correctly. very well done. @DCConviction I am super impressed with that picture and be assured a week on a work is not considered slow. looks to me like you are going to become on of our great artists on this pictorium keep up the good work @Js92 did you draw that image? or use a stock photo and manipulate it? the use of limited color pallett is right on the mark for this sort of image.
  17. you are on a roll tonight janetsue both you and madjik seem to have a theme started there. love them all I was playing around tonight and came up with this celtic inspired piece. hope you all enjoy it. ciao OMA
  18. thanks for the comment. I appreciate your looking and asking about this. When you check out the plugins remember there are two different kaleidscope one is in distort and one is in render. both are good this one is the render using triangles and gradiants can't recall number of angles might have been 12 or 13
  19. kaliedogen to start, releif, majority, some curves+ (luminosity) couple of layers some rotated 45 degrees one layer I used seamlesstexture maker. one layer was the centre tile 45degrees aligned up across top left corner dup layer fliped horizontal merged together then dup and fliped vertical. couple of outlines a few borders and I beleive a sharpen+ at default.
  20. just taking a few mins. to play with some of the new plugins like how this one turned out.
  21. I tend to do as david said but use 3 layers the top is original image second I stretch outside of canvas a bit bottom layer is a dup of #2 and I add motion blur.
  22. I played around doing some awhile back check my deviant art pages ...with all the new plug ins with the new 3.2 version I'm sure that these could even be more improved. but here are a few and one has a few basic steps in the writeup. http://omagrandmother.deviantart.com/ar ... e-65704032 http://omagrandmother.deviantart.com/ar ... t-65652374
  23. @pyjo winter begins but don't forget the days are going to start getting longer tomorrow. YEA! .
  24. absolutely stunning ASH! did you use 3d plugin ? I've also been working on more realistic skin tones. mine is totally paintbrush, gassiaun blur and transparency changes. this is my work in progress
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