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Everything posted by usedHONDA

  1. I should-- I'm legally related to some people that live there
  2. Looks like it's the 30th (the 1st in Asia and Australia). Should the new contest begin now?
  3. I didn't think it was possible to break 3 rules at once! Nondescriptive topic name Big avatar Wrong location to post in
  4. 333! This page is half evil! Both edited in Paint.NET
  5. I'm not sure if I should be scared-- you don't even have an avatar.
  6. Yeah, but I like coding XHTML as well as creating background images in Paint.NET
  7. Current status (source code-wise): http://usedhonda.110mb.com/pdnstuff/mscsource.txt Valid XHTML 4.01 Strict!
  8. I don't need anything like that. Because of the way my firefox layout is, all I need to do is put it in fullscreen mode (F11) and take the screenshot from there. BTW, http://isnoop.net/tools/css.php
  9. @Redman: Sorry, but it's written in the rules that you can't have an avatar wider than 100 pixels.
  10. You may want to look at the chart here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PNG#Color_depth
  11. I'm already working on a stylesheet. This time, I'm creating it from scratch (and a little cheating by copying meta tags and such).
  12. The only free programs that do that are from the Mozilla Foundation.
  13. Now all we need is somebody with a DSLR to test it!
  14. Beta testers for Beta releases? Kinda weird, but okay....
  15. So I guess that makes it 26 nominations or something?
  16. In response to Stephan: You weren't part of the forum at the time, but there was a Paint.NET logo contest in Janurary. It lasted over a month and we ended up with more than 15 users joining in and over 30 logos to vote on. My point is that you can submit multiple skins (a maximum of about 5), have time to go back and fine tune, and have a decent competition (with more than 4 entries) by the end of the month. Another reason to do widgets is because you can actually download and use them-- not just admire them. You would be able to upload them to the Konfabulator Gallery and DeviantArt. @Firefly: The OS talk was about creating a screenshot from scratch, not a theme.
  17. Replace the alpha.... what? All you need to do is create a new layer, move it to the bottom of the list, and fill it with white.
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