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Everything posted by usedHONDA

  1. I've actually used the curve feature in Alpha mode. It's good for fixing what Antialiasing does wrong or creating wavy gradient things like this:
  2. I find it fun. I also like doing it because it gets popular in a hurry-- it's rare that anybody posts a cursor pack.
  3. I had the same problem you had. That's why I'm making cursor packs.
  4. I decided that I'm not going to make an actual web page. Just a pnd-generated screenshot.
  5. I've done that many times in the past. 3 cheers for Curves+!
  6. I don't think spots should be reserved, but that's my opinion.
  7. Just uploaded! tNOS2: Download and comment here and on dA!
  8. Welcome to the 1000+ Post Club, tLh! 8) Not true. Trickman and (I think) Bob along with others that I don't remember the name of was over 1000 when you registered.
  9. In most cases, that's what happens when you get banned. I believe in this forum, all of your posts and topics get deleted if you're banned.
  10. No, it gets the "Most Useful Tool for Pirates and Terrorists" award. You're prize is a free illegal copy of an iso that claims to be Vista Ultimate!
  11. Here's your benchmark: http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewt ... 2345#32345 Looking at the first image, I would say that a 50kb (33%) compression from png to hdp/wmp is pretty darn good.
  12. Sure, but it would take a lot of searching, loading, saving, experimenting, and guessing. But most of all, experimenting and guessing. Just looking at it, I can pull out a number of effects that can give a decent result, but it would take far to long to explain. For example, you can type some text, duplicate the layer, and apply the Glow effect. Another thing you can do is create some vertical lines that intersect horizontal lines, and set the layer blending to Reflect.
  13. No. If you really want to get your account deleted, start spamming the forums. please don't. i beg of you. don't.
  14. Make a new layer Start drawing on it with the brush with the color orange Set layer blending to multiply Flatten
  15. I found an example of the troubles Rick Brewster had with Win2k support: http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=774
  16. From what I have gathered over the last 10 months of being part of this forum, it would be too much work to provide support for an OS with such a small audience. If you really want support for Win2k, download the Paint.NET source code and start editing it. There's no other way besides upgrading to XP.
  17. Wow. I have no idea what that guy was talking about. Here are some possibilities of the subject: Microsoft plans on giving Vista away Linux is going to sell themselves to Microsoft Paint.NET is forcing us to donate to Microsoft Vista comes with Paint.NET and Linux is free
  18. Yeah, me too. 8) Me, too! ... ...and the rest of the forum as well...
  19. The origional alphapad logo: Which group of squares is on top? EDIT: Oops. I just realized that the bottom-right group of squares aren't aligned right.
  20. I don't think this thread will get moved because it concerns Paint.NET. Throughout the months that I have been part of the forum, I must have seen over 30 of these threads thanking the programmers.
  21. Weird. I was just about to update 2 of the images: | EDIT before I update my signature: |
  22. That's funny. I'm already designing a new layout. Vistapad: (the logos are just fillers so it doesn't look as dull)
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