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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. Step 4 should be: 4. Go to Edit > Paste into New Image or hit Ctrl-Alt-V
  2. I don't think you can. For software development, I recommend the classic version.
  3. Try this: When using Image > Resize, select the "Nearest Neighbor" resampling method.
  4. The built-in printing capability of paint.net is pretty poor. Try this plugin instead:
  5. Yes, eventually this will happen. In fact, I've already rewritten my plugin installer to work with the store version. I'm working with Microsoft to get it into the Windows Store. Once I've done it, I will be sharing my code with the other plugin authors so they can do the same thing. Just be aware, this is going to take a while. Microsoft isn't known for moving quickly on anything.
  6. And, that's why the plugin installers won't work.
  7. Are you running the Windows Store version of paint.net?
  8. I tried Krita, it's garbage. Anyway, if you want to make and use masks, we have plugins to help.
  9. The Overwrite blending mode doesn't have any meaning when dealing with entire layers... only when working with tools.
  10. The Overwrite blending mode doesn't have any meaning when dealing with entire layers... only when working with tools.
  11. You can already do this by changing the blend mode of the tool to replace. Check the toolbar when the tool is active.
  12. This ^^ I merged all of your threads together. You're welcome.
  13. You've already had the developer of paint.net look at your suggestion. There is no need to bump it. In fact, do it again and I'll lock the thread.
  14. Here is a plugin to do the job: https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/18085-eyeshine-animal-red-eye-removal/
  15. Please read the forum rules: Forum Rule #7 Specifically, rules 7 and 8.
  16. I have created some custom shapes for you. https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/32254-boltbaits-shape-pack-and-additional-shapes/ At the bottom of my first post, you'll see a link for RightAngle.zip and a link describing how to install custom shapes. Hope this helps.
  17. Read this: https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/9349-plugin-problems-read-this/
  18. If you are using the classic install (NOT the store version), go into your "My Documents" folder and delete the folder "paint.net App Files". See if that fixes the problem.
  19. What format are you saving (.PDN, .PNG, .JPG, etc.)?
  20. https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/18968-shape3d-2007-08-24-updated-august-2017/
  21. Nope. I used to do this in all of my plugins... they are now blocked.
  22. Clicking on your link says the image doesn't exist.
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