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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. If the canvas is single layer, the default is PNG. If the canvas is more than one layer, the default is PDN.
  2. This thread was closed because people were talking like idiots.
  3. Heh. No problem. Sorry if I sound grumpy. My program is still not working...
  4. No problem... save as "GIF" instead of "PNG". Problem solved. (Compatibility--Just one more reason idiot fan-boys can shut the hell up about PNG being superior to GIF. ) You know, in your original post title, you asked about "GIF" and then saved in "PNG" format... Could have saved yourself a lot of time
  5. Give us a sample picture... and an example of how you want the final to look. The reason I ask, is that "pencil art" is a fairly wide topic. Colored pencil? No 2 pencil?... etc. Do you want a smooth sketch, or a rough sketch type effect?
  6. Looks fine to me. I don't see a "blue background"... This is what I see: So, what's the problem?
  7. Apology accepted... You can't. That's why we always keep text on a separate layer.
  8. I think barkbark00 is correct. (Notice how the two 'L''s are the same, and so are the two 'A's.) Your best bet would be to search around some of the font sites for something similar. This should get you started: http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=3393
  9. Perhaps you could show us an example of what you want.
  10. I tried it with your sample image (in the post linked above) and I must say, it turned out pretty nice. I just adjusted the Brightness / Contrast up pretty high (82/61) until the general look was achieved. Then I adjusted the color balance by sliding the Yellow/Blue slider to the blue side by +10 (0/0/10).
  11. Try using the built-in Brightness/Contrast mixed with this plugin: http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=3135
  12. Could you show us an example of what effect you mean? Or, are you looking for a File type support plugin?
  13. You might want to review page 6 and 7...
  14. Use circle select... Shift Select. Gradient tool... Why make an effect when you can do it so easily with built-in tools?
  15. The school psychologist would like to have a word with you.
  16. What program are you copying from and what program are you pasting to?
  17. So... download the fonts and install them onto your computer. Who's stopping you? Paint.NET does not ship with any fonts. There is no need. As you have seen, you can download fonts for free all over the net. In fact, here is a thread about it: http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=3393
  18. In my opinion, Paint.NET has just enough text. Perhaps you could be more specific...
  19. Well, its not a vector (or 3D) format--his only other choices.
  20. Hope you got permission to use that... And, are you planning on writing more than just the title page? Seems kinda pointless without something behind it.
  21. Good idea. I would work with a canvas of, say, 200x200. Then, when finished, Image > Resize before saving your final output.
  22. I added Paint.NET information here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wet_floor_effect http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Source_lines_of_code
  23. I agree. I would like to be able to draw a circle or square from the center to the corner/edge. Here is a similar suggestion that I made: http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=3326
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