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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. Seems to me that you could create the effect fairly easily using a combination of this and this. Why bug Rick to code up something you can easily create yourself in 2 steps?
  2. Can you just Google up an image of an icicle (like the one you linked above), magic wand the ones you like, and add them to your drawing on a separate layer? I often wonder why people try to create complicated objects when they could just GIS/copy/paste something instead.
  3. Heh. I figured. Seriously, that type of thing is a total pain in the backside. And, you asked for it like it would be a 5 minute job. So, either "pony up" the CodeLab script, or expect Rick to put that on his To Do list... right there near the bottom.
  4. usedHONDA, I like this. Please show me the code (either in CodeLab or C#) that would allow this. Thanks!
  5. I think I'll pass. I really don't want my finger prints all over the internet.
  6. Why not just select the text tool, click where you want the first letter to go, type the first letter, press enter, type the next letter, etc. Once you have them all typed in, you can click the Center text button, move them all around, etc.
  7. I have an idea how to fix it, but no idea how to implement it... (I know that sounds strange, but I'm working on it in the back of my mind. When it bubbles up to the front, you'll be the first to know.)
  8. Please read this page: http://boltbait.googlepages.com/install If you still have questions, please post.
  9. There is a note in the CodeLab script on the first page of this thread to help you getting this working on version 2.72. It looks like this: ColorBgra PrimaryColor = (ColorBgra)EnvironmentParameters.PrimaryColor; // for 2.72 use .ForeColor Just change the line like this: ColorBgra PrimaryColor = (ColorBgra)EnvironmentParameters.ForeColor; and it will work for 2.72 CodeLab. As for a UI, sorry, you'll just have to live with CodeLab on this one.
  10. Yes. Too many spammers were coming from the Yahoo site so Rick banned the whole site. Things have been much quieter since then.
  11. Maybe you could just google image search something... http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&q ... +bag&gbv=2
  12. Dude! You don't even have, in your wikibook, a link where people can download Paint.NET. I see it on the landing page, but, if you go to the table of contents, you'll never find it.
  13. Yes. Until they're finalized. I don't expect this to turn into a vector drawing program. Here's another one: I would like to be able to adjust the selection (make it bigger/smaller/move it, etc.) while an effect dialog box is open.
  14. Sorry, I didn't have access to the internet when I made the latest build. But, I did have my old icon. I still like yours better, but its too late now.
  15. OK, fair enough. I'd like to see all the drawing tools (square, circle, etc.) have adjustable nubs.
  16. I thought it was pretty well agreed that the features PdN needs most are on this list: http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=3455 At least, my personal favorite one is.
  17. OK, its been updated. Go get it here: http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=2498
  18. I have recompiled this effect with the new CodeLab beta and added an icon to the effect and also added a UI that allows specifying the feather amount (from 1 to 5 with a default of 2). Download here: http://boltbait.googlepages.com/feather 8)
  19. except the benefit of being "lossless".
  20. Thanks MadJik, that's a GREAT example of how to use the new UI creation stuff! BTW, if you downloaded the new CodeLab DLL between the time I posted my message above and my post right now, you need to download again. I just fixed the range for the Angle chooser from [0,359] to the proper [-180,180]. Sorry for the confusion. (Thanks MadJik for the bug report.) Let me know if there's anything else. http://boltbait.googlepages.com/codelab
  21. Heh. Us moderators don't know anything. Rick needs to check in on this one.
  22. I'll get around to that eventually. Sorry for the delay.
  23. That would be great! OK, I've added, to CodeLab, the capability to add a user interface (UI) to a script. This would create a UI similar to this for the effect: Or, by defining only int Amount1=45 with a range of [-180,180] you can build an effect with a UI like this: You can also build a 1 or 2 slider UI by simply defining only Amount1 or Amount1 and Amount2. You can download the new dll here: http://boltbait.googlepages.com/codelab I have also packaged it up with a bunch of sample cs files that MadJik has modified by adding slider controls to them which you can download from that page. I have also published the complete source code with all of my changes. Oh, how I wish I'd had this when I first started writing scripts! 8) EDIT: Fixed the range of the Angle Chooser. Updated the code and source.
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