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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. Damn, dude! You're crazy good. I'm going to have to promote more of your stuff to the Galleria. Now... if I could only get you to answer my last email.
  2. What you need to do is download a program called Inkscape. It is free and can handle Adobe Illustrator files. Or, you can try this: http://weblogs.asp.net/jgalloway/archive/2008/02/24/opening-adobe-illustrator-ai-files-when-you-don-t-have-adobe-illustrator.aspx I don't know if it works, but it looks interesting.
  3. That is a pretty broad question. Perhaps you could give us an example image that you don't like and someone here can help you correct it.
  4. Have you tried the Object > Outline plugin? There are two. One in pyrochild's plugin pack and one in BoltBait's plugin pack.
  5. I think you may be looking for a "panelling" plugin. I believe you'll find one in MadJik's plugin pack. Or not. Why not show us what you want. (A picture is worth a 1000 words.)
  6. No, not Gaussian Blur. Try Frosted Glass of radius 1. This will eliminate the obvious banding.
  7. If you are seeing visible banding on a gradient, you may want to try using a Frosted Glass (1) on the gradient after you draw it.
  8. Have you read this: http://www.boltbait.com/pdn/CodeLab/help/tutorial3.php and this: http://www.boltbait.com/pdn/CodeLab/help/tutorial4.php I don't like using an external DLL file for effect plugins. I prefer to simply use the source code. This avoids all kinds of versioning problems. (Ask Pyrochild how much of a PIA it is answering all the install questions!)
  9. Honestly, I believe the mod team assembled here is "top notch". If you've spent any amount of time on other forums around the Internet, I'm sure you've seen the mess that is out there. We are mearly trying to keep the forum neat and orderly. That said, if you have an issue with a specific mod, please don't hesitate to PM another mod about it. Just be sure to be respectful about it and you will be taken seriously.
  10. So, make an edit of my edit! Then, you'll know. (...Depending on your skill level, of course!)
  11. You'll get more responses if you give us an example image you're trying to emulate.
  12. I'm thinking you need to learn how to use this: http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/CloneStamp.html
  13. The old main image data is not preserved, so you're safe there. However, the old thumbnail may still be embedded in the image. The easiest way to prevent that is to follow this procedure after your edits are complete: Flatten, Select All, Copy, Paste into a new image, save that new image. This will create a new file with a new thumbnail.
  14. If she was incredibly beautiful (except for the obvious), would you give her a kiss? I suspect you will have nightmares about this image tonight. Enjoy.
  15. You noticed! I don't own Photoshop. It was all Paint.NET plus the feather plugin. That's about it.
  16. 5 minute hack: Happy Halloween! Source Image: http://www.sizlopedia.com/2007/07/29/face-recognition-in-image-search-engines/
  17. I don't, so thanks for the additional information. Now I know what you're talking about.
  18. Probably because Paint.NET is a bitmap editor and not a vector editor. Once text is rendered it is converted to a bitmap (Paint.NET's native editing format). For a free vector editor, I would suggest trying out InkScape.
  19. What was the name of the text file? If it was Rainbow.txt out of my plugin pack, it is a Palette file and should be installed by following these directions: How to install palette files
  20. The problem is usually that you had an active selection and you were trying to type text outside of that selection. Pressing the Esc key before using the text tool will solve that problem.
  21. TIFF support in Paint.NET is rudimentary at best. It is included only as a convenience, not as a major feature and it is not likely to get better in the future. If you need better TIFF support, I would suggest a commercial graphics program.
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