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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. Sarkut, time to update your specific instructions. The BoltBait Plugin Pack should be installed by following these instructions: How to install Paint.NET plugins.
  2. Saving as JPG is never going to work. Try saving as PNG instead.
  3. Questions must be posted in English only (per our forum rules). Please try again. Closed.
  4. You're better off using your video editing software's transitions.
  5. You must be getting them from the wrong place. I don't see a single RAR file in the Plugin forum.
  6. MadJik, here is the code that activates the code completion: if (e.KeyData == Keys.OemPeriod) According to the compiler's help: So, I'm not sure why this isn't working. How do you suggest I handle this?
  7. Try this plugin: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?showtopic=10684 or, maybe this plugin: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/2214-
  8. No, sorry. This is the best solution we have for now. In a future version of Paint.NET, Rick has said that he will include brush support. But, that is a long way off.
  9. What you're looking for is this: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/14845-
  10. Press space or Esc, then comma. Once the Auto Completion list is visible, there are only certain keys that will finish the code: Space, Enter, Tab: Replace what is typed with selection Esc: Cancel I'll add comma to the first list in the next build.
  11. CodeLab 1.6 released today. Features: - Float slider bug fix. - Code Completion. (This is similar to Microsoft's Intellisense.) - "File>New" Templates for writing complex effects. Go get it here: http://www.boltbait.com/pdn/CodeLab/ Screenshot:
  12. pyrochild will love hearing that. His Curves+ plugin does exactly what you want.
  13. Can't remember if I posted this before, but it came up the other day and thought I should post it. I was trying to draw a filled square with a 1px border and this is what I got: As you can see the border only appeared on the right and bottom edges of the drawn square. (You should be able to see my rendering options in the screenshot.)
  14. If you need this feature, I recommend a professional editor. For example, you can purchase older copies of CorelDRAW for <$30. It has a good profile system.
  15. This has been fixed in the plugin pack dated July 15, 2010. See first post for the zip file. Thanks for the bug report!
  16. Yes. This means, inside of Paint.NET, click the "Effects" menu. From there, click the "Selection" submenu. In that submenu, click "Bevel".
  17. You slightly missed the first step: "Place some text on a layer by itself." In order to do this properly, you need to add a new layer first, then add the text to that layer.
  18. There is a little check box in the layer window (lower right corner of my screenshot). Click it.
  19. Yes, the background layer is separate (if you'll notice in the lower right corner). So, yeah, it'll totally do what you want. You need to install my plugin pack. http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/8318- Once you learn how to install plugins, a whole new world of Paint.NET goodness opens up to you.
  20. Well, if you follow my steps, it will look something like this: Now you'll know if it is worth it to figure out what I said.
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