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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. This is good information. I considered supporting this in CodeLab, but I couldn't come up with an easy way to specify the rules.
  2. Version 1.7 Released - This should address the issues with code completion (Intellisense).
  3. Without seeing the photo, have you tried this plugin: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/16736-
  4. Bernadette, try following these directions: https://boltbait.com/pdn/InstallingEffects.php Let me know if this helps.
  5. BTW, anytime you upload a PNG picture to Facebook, it converts it to JPG for you. Other web sites also do conversion on the images uploaded. The only way to be sure of the quality is to upload it to a site that you pay for yourself.
  6. All of those tools are selection tools. Pick one. It is not overkill. Creating a new layer is exactly how this type of thing is done.
  7. Ah! Well, you need to learn how to use layers. Read this page: http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/WorkingWithLayers.html Add a new layer. Draw your elipse on the new layer. If it is in the wrong place, select it with the selection tool and move it with the move selection tool.
  8. This page may help you: http://sites.google.com/site/boltbait/feather
  9. The best way to do it is like this: 1. Open the picture you wish to cut FROM. 2. Use your selection tools to select the "good stuff" and press Ctrl-C to copy it to the clipboard. 3. Open the picture you wish to put the stuff TO. 4. Press Ctrl-Shift-V to paste your cutout to a new layer. 5. Press Esc key to deselect the new object. 6. Run the Effects > Object > Feather effect. Adjust the radius as necessary--usually 2. Now, here is another way to do it: 1. Open the picture you wish to cut FROM. 2. Use your selection tools to select the "good stuff" and press Ctrl-C to copy it to the clipboard. 3. Open the picture you wish to put the stuff TO. 4. Press Ctrl-Shift-V to paste your cutout to a new layer. 5. Press Esc key to deselect the new object. 6. Run the Effects > Selection > Feather effect. Adjust the radius as necessary--usually 2. Notice, the first method uses Object Feather and the second uses Selection Feather. They are different, but similar. Object Feather finds the edges of objects by looking for non-trasparent pixels and it blurs those edges. Selection Feather uses the actual selection outline as the guide to make the edges slightly transparent. Play with both to see which one you like better. I use both depending on the situation.
  10. You're probably looking for my Feather plugin which can be found here: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/8318-x . Follow these instructions to make it part of your Paint.NET: https://boltbait.com/pdn/InstallingEffects.php
  11. Not true. pyrochild REQUESTS a donation. He does NOT require payment.
  12. Or, I could just fix the bugs. and I will too, just as soon as my life slows down.
  13. Try following these instructions to install plugins: https://boltbait.com/pdn/InstallingEffects.php
  14. Try one of these: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?showtopic=17056 * *This one costs money.
  15. Um... could you be more specific? "An aberration is something that deviates from the normal way." That isn't much to go on.
  16. Try reading this tutorial: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/12184-
  17. Bump this thread again and I'm going to lock it.
  18. There's this plugin: or, this plugin: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/11514- (3rd one down)
  19. I suspect that the problem is that you are scaling a small graphic up to something larger when printing. Try creating the image with a higher dpi.
  20. Just do this: Adjustments > Black and White Adjustments > Brightness / Contrast Slide the contrast slider all the way to the right. Adjust the brightness slider to taste. Or, move the contrast slider to 88 and the brightness slider to -88.
  21. Here is a tutorial that I wrote a long time ago: http://sites.google.com/site/boltbait/seamless Maybe it will help you.
  22. I'm too lazy busy to download and test. Show me some screenshots of it in action.
  23. Try some of these: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=paint.net+tutorial&aq=f
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