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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. You say that you want a single editor for images that can edit EXIF data... well, paint.net can't do that. We are simply trying to give you workarounds to the fact that paint.net doesn't have an EXIF editor. An EXIF editor is on Rick's list, but well down the list in order of priority. He's only one guy (with a full-time job and a girlfriend)--he can code only so much.
  2. If you absolutely must have that functionality, then I suggest using Photoshop.
  3. If that is the case, then paint.net is not for you.
  4. When saving an image, it is sometimes critical to change the configuration. For the other times... click. If your only complaint about paint.net is that it takes one "extra" click to save a file... and that makes it "simply unfit" for your purpose... I'm not sure you will ever find an image editor that will satisfy you.
  5. When installed properly, it will show up under File > Save As... > Save as type:
  6. Nope. Sorry, there is no way to do that. Your best bet would be to move your palette section around your image as you work.
  7. If you don't like to have the color window open, or it doesn't have enough spaces for the colors you need, try this way: 1. Create your palette as part of your drawing (off to the side) 2. Select the Eye Dropper tool and setup the options as shown: 3. When using the pencil tool to draw, press the letter 'K' to switch to the Eye Dropper tool, click your color palette to select your next color, and continue drawing.
  8. Sorry, that value is hardcoded at 8 and there is no mechanism to change it.
  9. Since you are literally the only person in the world requesting this feature, I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for it to be implemented.
  10. My advice: redownload fresh copies of the plugin packs you actually use and install them one-by-one until the start time becomes just right.
  11. I would recommend tweaking the UI like this: protected override ControlInfo OnCreateConfigUI(PropertyCollection props) { var configUI = CreateDefaultConfigUI(props); configUI.SetPropertyControlValue(Constants.Properties.Text.ToString(), ControlInfoPropertyNames.Multiline, true); configUI.SetPropertyControlValue(Constants.Properties.Bold.ToString(), ControlInfoPropertyNames.DisplayName, "Formatting"); configUI.SetPropertyControlValue(Constants.Properties.Bold.ToString(), ControlInfoPropertyNames.Description, Constants.Properties.Bold.ToString()); configUI.SetPropertyControlValue(Constants.Properties.Italic.ToString(), ControlInfoPropertyNames.DisplayName, string.Empty); configUI.SetPropertyControlValue(Constants.Properties.Italic.ToString(), ControlInfoPropertyNames.Description, Constants.Properties.Italic.ToString()); configUI.SetPropertyControlValue(Constants.Properties.Underline.ToString(), ControlInfoPropertyNames.DisplayName, string.Empty); configUI.SetPropertyControlValue(Constants.Properties.Underline.ToString(), ControlInfoPropertyNames.Description, Constants.Properties.Underline.ToString()); configUI.SetPropertyControlValue(Constants.Properties.Strikeout.ToString(), ControlInfoPropertyNames.DisplayName, string.Empty); configUI.SetPropertyControlValue(Constants.Properties.Strikeout.ToString(), ControlInfoPropertyNames.Description, Constants.Properties.Strikeout.ToString()); configUI.SetPropertyControlValue(Constants.Properties.LetterSpacing.ToString(), ControlInfoPropertyNames.SliderLargeChange, 0.25); configUI.SetPropertyControlValue(Constants.Properties.LetterSpacing.ToString(), ControlInfoPropertyNames.SliderSmallChange, 0.01); configUI.SetPropertyControlValue(Constants.Properties.LetterSpacing.ToString(), ControlInfoPropertyNames.UpDownIncrement, 0.01); configUI.SetPropertyControlValue(Constants.Properties.LineSpacing.ToString(), ControlInfoPropertyNames.SliderLargeChange, 0.25); configUI.SetPropertyControlValue(Constants.Properties.LineSpacing.ToString(), ControlInfoPropertyNames.SliderSmallChange, 0.01); configUI.SetPropertyControlValue(Constants.Properties.LineSpacing.ToString(), ControlInfoPropertyNames.UpDownIncrement, 0.01); return configUI; }
  12. No, there is not currently a way to do that. The best way is what EER mentions in the previous post.
  13. IRON67, when helping people, the hardest part is the mind reading...
  14. When a person walks, they move more than just their knees. It would look better if the movement started at the waist. Plus, the arm swing and the leg movement should be synchronized. In your animation, it looks like the legs are moving twice as fast as the arms.
  15. IRON67, hypercat is probably talking about Effect dialog boxes and not the 4 standard docker windows. hypercat, there is no option to make the effect dialog boxes show up where they were last used. Sorry.
  16. I can not view FLV files. But, hopefully someone else will be able to help you.
  17. There may be something wrong in your Temp folder. Try deleting: C:\users\[yourname]\AppData\Local\Temp\PdnSetup\*.*
  18. OK, humor me. Starting at step 4, follow each step and describe fully the results of each step.
  19. Please follow the instructions listed on this thread (starting on step 4):
  20. If you have my plug and pack installed, try affects Fill from clipboard.
  21. The compiled DLL file is still available. People are still able to use it to make incredible images. The only thing we lost is the ability to make enhancements to it. (Not that there was any room for enhancements!)
  22. MKT recently contacted the mods and let us know: 1. he's been very busy with work and family 2. he lost the source code to the Shape 3D plugin 3. he doesn't speak English and doesn't really trust google translate That's why he hasn't been around.
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