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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. Yes, if you compare the screenshots on the first page of this thread... and you think of the capabilities it has now vs. then... Amazing. All made possible by Tom Jackson's original code.
  2. Post here: https://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/forum/16-the-pictorium/ (One thread per person.)
  3. Make sure you haven't selected the pencil instead of the paint brush by mistake. Otherwise, give us a screenshot of your paint.net window and we'll try to help you.
  4. CodeLab 2.19 Released This is only for Paint.NET 4.0.6+! Small update today... Changes: ▪ Fixed the crash that could be caused by the error tooltips. (toe_head2001) ▪ HiDPI fixes to all forms. (toe_head2001) ▪ IntelliBox items now filter as you type. (toe_head2001) ▪ Checkbox for Show Errors turns red if there are errors. (BoltBait) Grab the CodeLab DLL here: http://www.boltbait.com/pdn/CodeLab/
  5. Build your own from the CodeLab source code listed above?
  6. Start by reading this: https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/WorkingWithLayers.html
  7. Comparing this image to the first image you posted in this thread, your images have GREATLY improved. Good Job!
  8. When a BSOD happens, the screen will tell you why the computer crashed. We will need to know the reason for the BSOD. Windows logs when a BSOD happens. You can view these events in the Event Viewer. Press your start button and type Event Viewer and press enter. In there, select Windows Logs > System. Look for the Error event that caused the BSOD and tell us the reason. Knowing nothing else about your problem, I'm going to guess that your video drivers are out of date. Upgrade those and see if you're still getting this error.
  9. This is due to math. For example, A*B = B*A (Multiply blend mode--order makes no difference) And, A+B = B+A (Additive blend mode--order makes no difference) But, A-B =/= B-A (Difference blend mode--order can make a HUGE difference)
  10. The message is very clear: In order to install paint.net on Windows 7, you must first install Service Pack 1. Download here: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/15090/windows-7-install-service-pack-1-sp1 Looks like you are using 32 bit, so download the appropriate service pack on that page.
  11. Install my plugin pack. Then you can find it under: Effects > Object > Switch Gray to Alpha
  12. Well, sorry, but my tutorials are about as official as you're going to get. But, you're right, they are not complete. I'm not part of the paint.net development team, but I started writing tutorials as I began understanding how plugins worked as a way to help others. And, as there was no official documentation, I worked with the early plugin developers to understand the limits and capabilities of the plugin system. (You can still read the CodeLab thread from the beginning to chart my progress.) As for other types of plugins, I've never written a filetype plugin. But, you can be sure that if I ever do, I'll be sure to write a tutorial on how to do it. The only other type of plugin is "shapes" and you can find information on how to design and code custom shapes here: Since you feel that the current set of documentation is lacking, you can write some yourself! Play with paint.net, tinker, figure out how it works, then write down what you found! That's what I did and you can do the same. I'm sure there are many people who would benefit from any tutorial you care to write.
  13. The problem is that you have not read the original poster's mind figured out that they where talking about effect windows and not menus.
  14. Here: https://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/109990-how-to-write-an-effect-plugin-tutorialsresources/
  15. This thread is really old, so I'm going to close it. But, here is the info you need:
  16. Follow the instructions here (starting with step 4): http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/110411-common-install-uninstall-crash-problems-and-solutions/
  17. The only way plugins would go missing is if you are doing a new install to a different directory than the old install.
  18. Go into your mouse settings and make sure this is NOT set:
  19. Welcome to the forum! I'm glad you like the program. Be sure to check out the tutorials section of the forum for instructions on how to accomplish amazing things using paint.net. Also, check out the plugin forum to unleash the full potential of paint.net. Finally, consider supporting future development of paint.net by giving a donation.
  20. If you really need to edit images of that size, I would suggest using Photoshop.
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