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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. Thanks! But, none of my entries have 2 votes? Both of my entries got 3 votes each.
  2. I just updated the Apply Mask plugin. It should no longer crash if the number of layers changes and you press Ctrl+F to rerun the effect. It should now maintain the R, G, and B values for pixels who's Alpha drops to 0.
  3. "Effects > Selection > Bevel Selection" bevels by following the selection outline (the dashed line). You have selected the "Keep original alpha" checkbox... therefore the bevel selection will bevel a square and then set the alpha to 0 because you had original alpha of 0 on your selection. Solution: Either selection the white areas using the magic wand before running the effect, or run the "Effects > Object > Bevel Object" plugin instead.
  4. I seriously doubt that Paint.NET is blocking your wifi. It is probably an overzealous virus software that is blocking it.
  5. Got tired of my old signature, so I made a new one. My idea was to emulate Rick Brewster's Tesla signature. Took my sports car out last weekend to take some pictures. His car is blue and mine is red which I think gives a nice contrast (Red vs. Blue). Here's a picture of the car that you can see peeking out of my garage in a post above: It is a 2005 Lotus Elise (with Touring package and Sport package). 15K miles.
  6. That's never gonna happen. Here's what @Rick Brewster said about the issue: His quote is about JPG instead of PNG, but the same reasoning applies to your question.
  7. Known issue: https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/114910-weird-circle/#comment-561820
  8. Yeah, my fault. I compiled it against a beta version of Paint.NET Download again and see if it doesn't work better now. I recompiled the ApplyMask.dll file against the released version of Paint.NET.
  9. I would love that. @Rick Brewster, the code is here: https://github.com/BoltBait/ApplyMask/blob/9d49160cd84bbf5211c50c0ac5f532a13798f998/ApplyMaskEffect/ApplyMask.cs#L424 in my private repository.
  10. Pack 68 includes a small bug fix for the Object > Apply Mask plugin.
  11. I don't believe any of my GPU plugins use the Median effect. The only older style plugin that uses it is Oil Paint+ which works just fine if you fix this bug.
  12. Sorry, not possible. However, you can always click on the menu: Not possible. Effects are not tools and there is such thing as a tool plugin. What would you change them to?
  13. https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/16736-landscape-plugin-with-source-code-nov-2-2009/ This plugin uses gaussian blur to sharpen a photograph. The technique is called Unsharp Mask.
  14. Thanks! Sounds like you've upgraded Paint.NET to v5.0+, that's GREAT! But, yeah, @Rick Brewster blocked some of my old plugins because they would cause problems with Paint.NET v5.0, so you'll need to update to my latest plugin pack which has been rewritten to take advantage of many new features of Paint.NET including GPU acceleration. I think it is a good time for you to refresh ALL of your plugins. Many, not just mine, have had updates recently. I would go into your plugins directory and remove all files from in there. Then you should be able to install my plugin pack, no problem. Then, go download fresh copies of the plugins that you use regularly.
  15. Do you still have problems after clicking the Bold or Italics check boxes?
  16. Why do you need multiple instances? You can open multiple images in Paint.NET: You can see the thumbnails at the top of the UI. Use Ctrl+Tab to cycle through those images.
  17. You can't. Paint.NET is a bitmap editor that works in the RGB space. This means that Paint.NET stores the working bitmap in memory in the RGB color space, all the effects work on the colors using RGB math, the blend modes all work on RGB values, and it saves the image using RGB pixel values. The color docker window allows you to specify a color using HSV, but as soon as you do, it is converted to RGB for use. There is no accurate conversion back-and-forth from HSV to RGB. There are always small rounding errors introduced. Allowing you to specify a color using HSV is only a convenience to the user--the value is immediately converted to RGB for use within Paint.NET.
  18. Paint.NET is a bitmap editor that uses the RGB color space. The color docker window allows you to specify colors using the HSV color space. This is only offered as a convenience to users as there is no direct translation between RGB and HSV (and back again). That's why these very small "off by 1" errors happen. This is a "known issue". While much work has been done in this area to minimize the effect, it will not be fixed. If you need to do precise work with specific colors, use the RGB sliders to choose your colors. These will always be consistent.
  19. You can not use the clone stamp to copy from one image to another. HOWEVER... You can clone stamp from one LAYER to another. So, if you can load both images (source and destination) to separate layers of the same picture, you can clone stamp from one layer to another, no problem.
  20. If you are concerned that once the image is loaded, Paint.NET treats it like a color image, that's just the way Paint.NET works. All images are edited as color. Once you save the image again, you can specify black-and-white. If you're saying the plugin loads the image and that results in putting color in where it doesn't belong, that's for the OP to fix. Can you be more specific?
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