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Rick Brewster

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Everything posted by Rick Brewster

  1. Well, I guess that makes 1 vote for GIMP's MDI, countless votes for Photoshop's MDI, and countless votes for Paint.NET's. (Seriously, all I ever read online about GIMP's interface is how much people hate it!)
  2. This has already been asked and answered about 10 times very recently. Please read the rules: use "Search" before asking. Closed
  3. Please read the rules before posting, esp. the part about using the Search facility before asking questions. There is a sticky'd topic in the Plugins section that explains how to install plugins. Thread closed
  4. Please read the rules, and repost again with a useful thread subject. Thanks. Locked
  5. Read the rules please. No generic thread titles. Locked
  6. Trying saving as TGA. It should support the transparency.
  7. So, this is in the Popular Feature Requests thread already. Which means please don't post a new topic on it. Locked
  8. Or just link here, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/More_Cowbell I had someone tell me once that Paint.NET needed more cowbell ... I think it was a snide comment from a GIMP fan or something though.
  9. usedHONDA, ironically if you had read Dragoneer's post you'd know that a System Restore had already been attempted. (It's ironic because you specifically called out that one should read your post in full detail .....) Anyway, Dragoneer, it looks like your computer's troubles extend way beyond Paint.NET and past what we would know how to fix.
  10. Glad everything got figured out. Because of that, and because the subject is against the rules and keeps nagging at me (to be fair this post was created right before I posted the rules), I'm closing this happy thread. Locked
  11. Yeah it sounds like Paint.NET is not the cause of, but merely a victim of, some troubling things going on with your computer.
  12. In Paint.NET, once something is outside the canvas it is lost forever.
  13. Here is your pictorium: http://www.deviantart.com I don't see any reason to create a special forum section for it here. dA is going to be 1,000x better at this than a phpBB forum. Just make an account there and add a link in your sig.
  14. You can't have multiple instance of Paint.NET 3.0 open. The tabbed interface replaces that.
  15. This is in the popular features thread already. Which means don't open a new thread about it. Locked
  16. You read the rules so obviously you know: no generic thread topics. "Wow" says nothing. Locked
  17. aapezzuto, Read the rules. Do not resurrect old threads. Locked
  18. I wasn't suggesting that as a good idea, Hellfire. You completely misunderstood me.
  19. Adding rich text formatting to layer names? "Layer 2 (1)" and "Layer 2 (2)" ? I'm going to be brutally honest here and say that I seriously hope you're joking because that's the worst idea I've ever heard. And I've heard a lot of bad ideas! You're solving the wrong problem man. Please read this blog post for some guidance: http://thedailywtf.com/Articles/The_Com ... loves.aspx (you'll have to copy-paste the URL because it isn't linking right w/ phpBB) (Article summary: Some engineers went off on some huge long design discussion to figure out how to make heated handlebars for their bikes that they ride to work. Because one guy's hands were cold Then one guy came onto the e-mail discussion and said, "Umm, duh ... just use gloves." And that was the end of that.) In any event, what CMD mentions from GIMP and what jeradc mention from Photoshop do appear to be better implementations. In the end though, is it really even worth it? Is it that much of a problem? Or does this thread keep going just because it's giving you guys something creative to vent into In other unrelated news I just got back to my desk to find somebody has placed a mini Butterfinger on my keyboard. :?:
  20. I already mention this in the Popular Feature Requests thread. That thread is not an invitation for more comments, it is in fact the opposite (and as much is clearly spelled out there). Paint.NET uses WIA, and having "votes" isn't going to just magically change that. I'm not asking for your critique on my "coding"; your "pardon" is rude and valueless. Locked
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