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Posts posted by AndrewDavid

  1. @dbareis

    Lets not forget Paint is a graphics application - Not a word processor. The work that has been done to allow text to be used in the app is excellent if you have the right plugins. For example I recently imported a 40 page PDF and rebuilt it in Paint. The secret is having Notepad running in the background for any text edits. Once the edits are completed, its just a copy and paste into Paint (Watch out for those margins) 😊

    • Like 1
  2. @BoltBait I have a request.


             One of your effects that I constantly use requires some modification to suit my needs. This is a personal request. Using Codelab, can I rebuild one of your effects found in SelectionTools.dll?  The one I want is OutlineSelection.  I could extract the code that I need to rebuild it in VS using Codelab as a staging platform for Net 5.0. Can I have your permission? Another way of learning - hacking I guess you might call it. Then could you assist if I run into any problems? I've noticed C# 9 has simplified the code and VS is pretty good at solving the errors.

  3. Hello @john23

    Lets see if I can be clear. Rest assured you will get access to the NIK collection and not lose anything else. You have updated Paint to a new version (well done). The plugin that allows you access to the NIK collection had to be updated to support the new version of Paint. It can be found here;




    Once you install this newest plugin, you will have access to the NIK collection just the same as you always have. Let us know if this resolves your issue.


    • Like 1
  4. Hopefully this is an easy question. In Codelab I see the IntSliderControl on the opening screen. When exported to VS it exports as a Class C# cs file.

    My project is Form based. I am trying to add that IntSliderControl to my form, but it does not exist in the toolbox. This tells me a little bit of programming is required to build it programmatically like in codelab. This of course is way over my head. I hope I have explained it correctly.



    Can you help with the code required or steer me to the right place to know how to build it. I have searched for 3 days to answer this riddle.



  5. It surfaces in codelab


    Warning at line -63: Assuming assembly reference 'System.Drawing.Common, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51' used by 'PaintDotNet.Effects' matches identity 'System.Drawing.Common, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51' of 'System.Drawing.Common', you may need to supply runtime policy (CS1702)

  6. @BoltBait @Rick Brewster added a new feature


    For effects and file types, some of them need to be patched up at load time to be compatible with 4.3. If you remember from some of the previous alpha builds, I mentioned that I made a similar caching system for these types of plugins (as described above for Shapes). I later disabled it because I had concerns about its security. I've now re-enabled the cache, but only for plugins that are installed into the Documents folder -- not for plugins installed into the Program Files location.


    So in essence they can be installed in two locations now.

  7. @midora

    The only reason I am using VS2022 (Preview) is because VS2019 does not support Net 5.0.

    I just finished going back to 4.2.16 to play with codelab. The work that was put into that plugin is gold. Not only does it create error free plugins, it exports to VB 2019 with no errors. The same plugin was opened in VS 2022 and 2 errors that should be easy to fix are not. Net 5.0 doesn't play nice. Maybe some work still needs to be done to make it backward compatible. My turn to look at your plugin.

  8. @midora


    And here I thought that was a simple one. I just go by the size of the DLL.


    Remember the original crashed trying to divide by 0?


    Well I tried your suggestions but I couldn't find a place to put your Amount statements without causing an error.

    I placed your other snippet where I think it should go, but that caused a crash. Crashed trying to divide by 0.

    Perhaps I didn't put it in the right place. All the code was copied from the original and placed in my Net 5.0 template.


    Some things I understand but the actual coding is beyond my ability to fathom at this time. I'm hoping to gather experience doing thesr small plugins.


    I was able to rebuild @xod,s text plugins. But they were working to begin with.  Hope you will try again and test.



  9. To whom it may concern

    I've come a long way since my last post. Found some guides buried in the forum.


    Visual Studio 3033 has had some issues


    I would think Net 5.0 has some too. Still missing documentation for many issues.


    I think I have a good working template now.


    Now when I try to create a Git repository, I have to do it through the command line. It was uploading fine a few weeks ago.

    I also don't get the blue icons anymore for my newer repositories. The resource files are not segregated into their own folders.



    I have built this one totally on Net 5.0

    However it is not rendering the grid to the surface.

    I'm sure you will find the code messy - but it does work with that exception.

    If you have the time and patience have a look and see what is wrong. You are free to update as necessary on Git

    Thank you in advance.

    I know you guys like puzzles 😊

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