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Posts posted by AndrewDavid

  1. On 12/15/2018 at 1:20 PM, null54 said:

    G'MIC-Qt should automatically download the filters when the plugin is first launched.

    Just an observation. It doesn't update those filters in my Fave list. Thought I lost them for a second until I did an update from within the plugin.

  2. On 2/17/2021 at 8:03 PM, toe_head2001 said:

    Let me know if you have any questions about it.

    When I bring the code into Codelab, it generates a error message and creates 25 different Palette files. All I wanted was to add it to a submenu (which is the easy part).

    While we are talking about it, we never did get a dialogue box to name the palette file. Put it on my XMAS wish list. :)



  3. @Reptillian Issue resolved.




    it's a matter of exactly where the files should be placed. There are so many options now.  TiledForm works only in the Effects menu. AxisStreak and FragmentBlur work in the GmicPDN folder.  I see no reason why TiledForm shouldn't work in the GmicPDN folder now that we can go two levels deep.



  4. Still getting an error after updating



    GmicSharp.GmicException: *** Error in ./ *** Command 'input': Unrecognized item '$avgc' in expression 'begin( const avg_c=$avgc...'
       at GmicSharp.Interop.GmicNative.HandleError(GmicStatus status, GmicErrorInfo errorInfo)
       at GmicSharp.GmicRunner`1.GmicWorker()



  5. Hello again @Reptillian

    Getting this error from your new version.




    GmicSharp.GmicException: *** Error in ./ *** Command 'input': Unrecognized item '$avgc' in expression 'begin( const avg_c=$avgc...'
       at GmicSharp.Interop.GmicNative.HandleError(GmicStatus status, GmicErrorInfo errorInfo)
       at GmicSharp.GmicRunner`1.GmicWorker()


    All folders are created and placed correctly


  6. Hi @Reptillian

    Getting this error from your version 2




    GmicSharp.GmicException: *** Error in ./ *** Item substitution '{deg2rad(180-0)}': Unrecognized function call 'deg2rad(180-0)' in expression 'deg2rad(180-0)'
       at GmicSharp.Interop.GmicNative.HandleError(GmicStatus status, GmicErrorInfo errorInfo)
       at GmicSharp.GmicRunner`1.GmicWorker()


    All folders are created and placed correctly. Your version 0.2 works fine. 

  7. Here's a little story to share regarding 4.5.

    I came across a solution that failed to build because I was missing 4.5. The app was a few years old and I wanted to try it out. took me awhile to find the correct installation file that would allow VS2022 to recognize 4.5 was installed. Prior to installing 4.5, when I was selecting an .ico file in project properties, then changing the build action to embedded resource, the panel would jump to compile C#, and I would have to select embedded resource once again.

    Since installing Net 4.5, it no longer jumps, but accepts embedded resource right away.

    Hard to believe such an old framework would have an effect on VS2022.


  8. @toe_head2001


    In its entirety. I notice these  code lines starting to appear in the New Codelab



    public GradientMapEffectPlugin()

        : base(StaticName, StaticIcon, SubmenuName, new EffectOptions() { Flags = EffectFlags.Configurable })


        instanceSeed = unchecked((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks);



    along with this


    [assembly: AssemblyMetadata("BuiltByCodeLab""Version=6.4.7995.19949")]


    I thought the 2 were related.

  9. When building a plugin in Codelab, there are four choices when you select the Color Wheel. One is with a reset button(Default). 



    When the code is generated I see this related to the ColorWheelControl
    using ColorWheelControl = PaintDotNet.ColorBgra;
        props.Add(new Int32Property(PropertyNames.Amount4, ColorBgra.ToOpaqueInt32(PrimaryColor), 0, 0xffffff));
        configUI.SetPropertyControlType(PropertyNames.Amount4, PropertyControlType.ColorWheel);
        Amount4 = ColorBgra.FromOpaqueInt32(token.GetProperty<Int32Property>(PropertyNames.Amount4).Value);


    I see nothing that refers to Reset. This leads me to believe that's its built into the ColorWheelControl object. That would then mean to me that it falls upon @Rick Brewster to build it into the ListBoxControl. Hence your thread title and my request. If there is code available, please enlighten us. I see new code being generated in Codelab such as "instanceSeed = unchecked((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks)"; A way of tracking the build of codelab used to create the plugin.




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