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Everything posted by AndrewDavid

  1. This just started happening. I have built several plugins in codelab, so I know what I am doing. I was building the HSVInvert plugin from Boltbait's tutorial and found this anomaly (another one). Before building the DLL, I created the 150X200 HSVInvert.png and placed it in the same folder as the CS file. When I selected File/Build DLL I got the first error message telling me the .png must be 16X16. Clicking OK took me to the build screen, but no 150X200 .png was showing. I double checked to ensure it was in the same folder. It was. At this time the icon started showing up next to my selection in the drop down menu next to HSVInvert. How can that happen if I haven't built the DLL? Here's a pic to show you what I am seeing. Flames.cs also shows up and has a 150X200 .png built, but it doesn't show up as an icon. That was the last DLL I built. I haven't even built the HSV Effect. Yes - I forgot to name it HSVInvert.sample.png
  2. That's easy. Anything that doesn't require codelab.
  3. 2 Years since my last posting? What have I been doing? Doodling I say.
  4. Well done @lynxster4 It was not just your system. Mine shared the same folder structure and moving the presets to C:\Users\Andrew\Documents\paint.net User Files\Effect Presets\System.Private.CoreLib worked for me too. How the folder was created is a mystery, but we have to point the finger at @Rick Brewster I say that because of the name of the folder. It's actually an assembly reference.
  5. Ladies - run the app and you should see the in the toolbar. Installer worked for me after getting through all the protection levels on my machine. Coding has shown me there are a few areas that you need to update to show the everywhere.
  6. @Pixey The current version is 1.7.01 and it would appear to me you have a much older version installed
  7. This is new Never seen this before. From @MJW's post.
  8. Hi @drownedsorrows Check your location of the Optional Based Libraries The new version require they be in the effects folder - not the app folder (Program Files\Paint.net)
  9. @dbareis Lets not forget Paint is a graphics application - Not a word processor. The work that has been done to allow text to be used in the app is excellent if you have the right plugins. For example I recently imported a 40 page PDF and rebuilt it in Paint. The secret is having Notepad running in the background for any text edits. Once the edits are completed, its just a copy and paste into Paint (Watch out for those margins) 😊
  10. Thanks @BoltBait I finally got it working. Don't worry - I won't publish (Ha Ha)
  11. @BoltBait I have a request. One of your effects that I constantly use requires some modification to suit my needs. This is a personal request. Using Codelab, can I rebuild one of your effects found in SelectionTools.dll? The one I want is OutlineSelection. I could extract the code that I need to rebuild it in VS using Codelab as a staging platform for Net 5.0. Can I have your permission? Another way of learning - hacking I guess you might call it. Then could you assist if I run into any problems? I've noticed C# 9 has simplified the code and VS is pretty good at solving the errors.
  12. Hello @john23 Lets see if I can be clear. Rest assured you will get access to the NIK collection and not lose anything else. You have updated Paint to a new version (well done). The plugin that allows you access to the NIK collection had to be updated to support the new version of Paint. It can be found here; https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/20622-psfilterpdn-2021-07-29/?ct=1632861602 Once you install this newest plugin, you will have access to the NIK collection just the same as you always have. Let us know if this resolves your issue.
  13. Not at all - Win 10 of course. Works through the menu. Works in other apps like VS and VS Code, Notepad. Just tried it again and it worked. I'll keep an eye on it and see why it didn't work.
  14. @BoltBait Ctrl-C not working in Codelab. I think I saw that mentioned in another thread in another part of the application.
  15. Found this anomaly practicing building plugins. Plugin still works. I think we can agree Net 5.0 is a little buggy.
  16. Hopefully this is an easy question. In Codelab I see the IntSliderControl on the opening screen. When exported to VS it exports as a Class C# cs file. My project is Form based. I am trying to add that IntSliderControl to my form, but it does not exist in the toolbox. This tells me a little bit of programming is required to build it programmatically like in codelab. This of course is way over my head. I hope I have explained it correctly. Can you help with the code required or steer me to the right place to know how to build it. I have searched for 3 days to answer this riddle.
  17. I just saw the error again. I went into Properties\Package and reset my assembly version to It allowed me to build and it changed it back to which was the value that was there before I reset it. Another Microsoft bug.
  18. I was able to resolve this one (DrawGrid) easily with the new Codelab.
  19. It surfaces in codelab Warning at line -63: Assuming assembly reference 'System.Drawing.Common, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51' used by 'PaintDotNet.Effects' matches identity 'System.Drawing.Common, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51' of 'System.Drawing.Common', you may need to supply runtime policy (CS1702)
  20. @BoltBait @Rick Brewster added a new feature For effects and file types, some of them need to be patched up at load time to be compatible with 4.3. If you remember from some of the previous alpha builds, I mentioned that I made a similar caching system for these types of plugins (as described above for Shapes). I later disabled it because I had concerns about its security. I've now re-enabled the cache, but only for plugins that are installed into the Documents folder -- not for plugins installed into the Program Files location. So in essence they can be installed in two locations now.
  21. Yes - I have seen it many times. Close the solution and reload usually works.
  22. When a DLL is created in Codelab It is placed in a zipped folder that includes a batch file that places the effect in the old C:\Program Files\Effects Folder @BoltBait's Codelab installer does the same thing. Hidden features? They still get loaded and work.
  23. @midora VS 2022 would not let me. Errors galore. VS 2019 allowed me to change references, but when I debugged, I got all kinds of errors. It did create the plugin though. @BoltBait I stand corrected. Is it causing you grief updating CodeLab?
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