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Everything posted by lynxster4

  1. @Cc4FuzzyHuggles...you're quite welcome! I misinterpreted your original post. Didn't realize you were looking for a 'more curvy' heart. Glad you like it. Enjoy!
  2. @Scrapbook, Red ochre, doughty, and Pixie....thanks so much for the kind words! I hope you all enjoy them.
  3. Hi everyone! My Christmas shapes pack is ready. After some re-working, I am pretty happy with the results. Every shape works in all three (3) modes. Please have fun with them! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Pack is now available in the first post
  4. Thanks Red ochre! I'll try it next time. Thanks, doughty. I just let my hand and mouse 'flow' with the shape. Let your arm relax...if you tense up, the lines will be jerky. You'll do it!
  5. It could be any number of things. Did you close the shape properly? Did you go back and edit a piece of the shape? Oh boy, that's where I get in trouble. The 'Link with Previous Line' button can be a shape wrecker! I've had to start over a few times. Once those diagonal lines appear, for me, it's a do-over. Shapemaker is not easy, as I am finding out. If you're going to use Outline only, then tracing is pretty easy. If you want it to look good in all 3 modes, it takes a lot of thought. A lot. Here's a heart I just made using only one path, the cubic spline. Here's the code: <ps:SimpleGeometryShape xmlns="clr-namespace:PaintDotNet.UI.Media;assembly=PaintDotNet.Framework" xmlns:ps="clr-namespace:PaintDotNet.Shapes;assembly=PaintDotNet.Framework" DisplayName="Lynx-Heart Curvy" Geometry="M 249.88,135.5 C 256.42,121.18,262.97,106.86,274,94.5,285.03,82.14,300.55,71.75,315.5,66,330.45,60.25,344.85,59.15,358,59.5,371.15,59.85,383.06,61.67,396.5,69,409.94,76.33,424.92,89.17,435.5,103,446.08,116.83,452.27,131.63,454.5,148.5,456.73,165.37,454.99,184.3,450.5,201.5,446.01,218.7,438.77,234.17,425.5,251.5,412.23,268.83,392.91,288.02,379,301,365.09,313.98,356.57,320.76,345.5,330.5,334.43,340.24,320.8,352.93,311,362,301.2,371.07,295.25,376.5,287,385.5,278.75,394.5,268.22,407.06,261.5,416.5,254.78,425.94,251.88,432.27,249.5,432.5,247.12,432.73,245.28,426.86,237.5,416.5,229.72,406.14,216.02,391.28,204.5,380,192.98,368.72,183.64,361.01,173.5,352,163.36,342.99,152.41,332.69,141,322.5,129.59,312.31,117.73,302.23,107.5,292.5,97.27,282.77,88.67,273.4,80.5,262.5,72.33,251.6,64.61,239.16,58,226.5,51.39,213.84,45.91,200.95,44,183,42.09,165.05,43.77,142.03,50.5,124,57.23,105.97,69.01,92.91,80,83.5,90.99,74.09,101.17,68.32,113.5,64.5,125.83,60.68,140.3,58.81,152,59,163.7,59.19,172.64,61.45,182.5,65.5,192.36,69.55,203.13,75.4,211.5,81.5,219.87,87.6,225.82,93.96,231.5,102.5,237.18,111.04,244.13,124.38,249.13,135.5 Z "/> Hope this helps you in some way... I'd love to know how to use the 'Hidden Content' feature. I can't find it anywhere...
  6. mackenzieh, you can download it by unhiding the 'hidden content', copy everything and paste into a notepad document (.txt). Save as 'pushpin' and change the format from .txt to .xaml. Put it in your shapes folder and you're good to go.
  7. Zagna's shape also works for me...though it took a few seconds... Set outline color to red and fill to black....simply stunning!
  8. Cc4FuzzyHuggles and doughty...there is already a pre-loaded heart shape in Shapemaker. No need to make your own!
  9. And I replied to your post with: "That is just beautiful! I love what you did with the flowers!" I thought you intentionally colored them in like that, making that diagonal line yourself. I never thought to test them in Fill or Fill with Outline. I was totally focused on Outline. I apologize to everyone that some of my shapes in my four posted packs are not correct in Fill or Fill with Outline. I have no time to fix them. If anyone wants to fix some, please feel free to do so. Future packs will be correct!
  10. @EER...thank you so much for those words of encouragement! I can definitely see that with a complex shape you would probably have to 'map it out' on paper to be successful. I think we were treating it simply as a 'tracing tool'. But it is so much more. Yes, advanced indeed! Thanks, again, for this great plugin. P.S. Re-watching TR's videos has helped me a great deal, but I still want to see him tackle the soccer ball!
  11. Pixey...what beautiful shapes! And they are 'colored' so nicely. Yes, I'm having the same problem with some of mine, too. We'll figure it out! I thought I was doing it right...apparently not! Ha...
  12. TR...I would also like to see how you accomplish the soccer ball correctly. I am also having some difficulty with some of my shapes in Fill Mode. No matter how many different ways I try it, they still come out 'distorted' like the example Scrapbook posted. I have watched your (2) videos many times and think I understand it; then I go do a shape and BAM! there's those distortions again. Am I missing something? I do understand that the plugin is based on geometry and that by leaving a line path 'unclosed' in the Path List will cause the program to automatically close it by drawing a line. And that is what causes the distortions. Some shapes I just can't figure out how to close properly. There has to be an easy solution that we can all understand. Thank you for all you do and the awesome plugin Shapemaker! I have fixed the Rolling Stone's shape for Fill Mode. That one was not that hard! Others are more troublesome. <ps:SimpleGeometryShape xmlns="clr-namespace:PaintDotNet.UI.Media;assembly=PaintDotNet.Framework" xmlns:ps="clr-namespace:PaintDotNet.Shapes;assembly=PaintDotNet.Framework" DisplayName="Stones Tongue" Geometry="M 126.88,218.25 C 116.28,213.94,105.68,209.63,96.5,205.5,87.32,201.37,79.56,197.4,72,191.5,64.44,185.6,57.07,177.75,51.5,171.5,45.93,165.25,42.15,160.59,43,158.5,43.85,156.41,49.31,156.87,60,152.5,70.69,148.13,86.61,138.92,99.5,131,112.39,123.08,122.26,116.45,132,110.5,141.74,104.55,151.34,99.29,160,95,168.66,90.71,176.37,87.4,185,85.5,193.64,83.6,203.2,83.13,211.5,84.5,219.8,85.87,226.85,89.1,231.5,92,236.15,94.9,238.41,97.49,240.5,97.5,242.59,97.51,244.49,94.94,249,92,253.51,89.06,260.61,85.75,269,84.5,277.39,83.25,287.07,84.07,294.5,85.5,301.93,86.93,307.11,88.98,313.5,91.5,319.89,94.02,327.5,97,335.5,101,343.5,105,351.88,110,359.5,114.5,367.12,119,373.96,122.99,381,127,388.04,131.01,395.27,135.05,402,138.5,408.73,141.95,414.95,144.83,421.5,148,428.05,151.17,434.93,154.64,440.5,156,446.07,157.36,450.32,156.6,451,157.5,451.68,158.4,448.77,160.94,444.5,164,440.23,167.06,434.58,170.64,428,174.5,421.42,178.36,413.91,182.51,404.5,187,395.09,191.49,383.8,196.31,373.5,200,363.2,203.69,353.9,206.26,344,209,334.1,211.74,323.61,214.65,315.5,216.5,307.39,218.35,301.66,219.16,295,220,288.34,220.84,280.74,221.73,277,221.5,273.26,221.27,273.39,219.94,273.5,229.5,273.61,239.06,273.72,259.51,274,275,274.28,290.49,274.74,301.02,275,311,275.26,320.98,275.32,330.41,275,340,274.68,349.59,273.97,359.34,273.5,367.5,273.03,375.66,272.78,382.22,270,390.5,267.22,398.78,261.9,408.79,255,416,248.1,423.21,239.63,427.64,231,431,222.37,434.36,213.57,436.66,202.5,437,191.43,437.34,178.1,435.72,168.5,433,158.9,430.28,153.04,426.45,147,422.5,140.96,418.55,134.76,414.47,130.5,405.5,126.24,396.53,123.93,382.66,122,370,120.07,357.34,118.51,345.89,117.5,334,116.49,322.11,116.02,309.79,116,299.5,115.98,289.21,116.39,280.95,117,272.5,117.61,264.05,118.41,255.41,120,246.5,121.59,237.59,123.98,228.42,126.38,219.25 Z M 43.5,158 L 451.13,157.75 M 126.75,218.25 C 129.88,198.88,142.38,171.13,154.63,158 M 126.75,218.25 C 129.88,198.88,142.38,171.13,154.63,158 M 274,221.5 C 274.63,200.5,277,175.75,289.88,158 M 274,221.5 C 274.63,200.5,277,175.75,289.88,158 M 203.5,189.5 C 180.5,229.75,164,305.75,191.5,356.5 M 203.5,189.5 C 180.5,229.75,164,305.75,191.5,356.5 "/> It is now rendering correctly.
  13. Well done, Lydia (Scrapbook)! Great for a practice run. I love your preview pic; you obviously put a lot of effort into it. Have an early Christmas cookie... ! I look forward to more shapes. Thank you for sharing!
  14. @ScrapbookWithPDN....thanks again! Yes, this plugin is definitely great fun. Most fun I've had in years. And it forces me to try new techniques as I 'color' them: so I learn more about PDN.
  15. Very nice shapes, Pixie. Bravo! I like Santa...he looks a little...mischievous. (Here's your carbs for the day!)
  16. Humility...I think that is a very good start. Very realistic-looking. Keep plugging away...you'll get better...I promise!
  17. @toe_head2001...thanks so much! Keep your plugins coming...I enjoy them all. @Eli...thank you , but you've made me sad... . Is there something I can do to help you?? @racerx...thanks for the comment! So....you want your pie and eat it, too? @Pixie...many thanks! Does look good enough to eat. (I've noticed...we need a larger variety...too many carbs, but they sure are good! )
  18. Hello fellow PDN users! I have a Thanksgiving shape pack for everyone. And guess what? It has food in it! There's some other shapes as well. Have fun using them and be creative. When I was making my finalized cornucopia, I realized I needed some more veggie shapes, so I made them and will update my Food Pack thread. Hint: I used TR's Paste Frame for my cornucopia rim and it worked great. Thanks, TR! Pixey, your pumpkin is in there, too! Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Pack is now available in the first post
  19. @ Red ochre...thank you for both comments! I will keep in mind to post smaller pics. I don't think EER noticed....so we're good.
  20. Wow, I can hardly keep up with all things new! Great plugin Red ochre....here's my pic...I call it 'A Bit of Fresh in the Desert'. Thanks so much.
  21. @ Pixie...thank you very much! No worries, we all get 'waylaid' time to time from the 'real' world. @ Limon...thank you so much for your comment. Enjoy!
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