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Everything posted by TechnoRobbo

  1. Actually it's listed as "-Plugin Browser" so it moves to the front of the list after the sub-menus. So you didn't actually lose at the table. you still walked away with a few chips.
  2. We'll have to discuss the file types among the horde. Multi-threading the assemblies load can get confusing since the user would have nothing to do. Yikes I forgot that %20 issue - fixed and uploaded, sorry. dropped font size on Radio's - you're probably not the only one with that issue. Build Uploaded!!
  3. The Plugin Browser has been updated Version Now includes Built-in Effects. The Plugin Browser will also suggest plugins that you don't have but may want to download. Once a month the Plugin Browser connects to the paint.net forum and downloads a copy of the Plugin Index. This file is used to match keyword searches against plugins by parsing the plugin descriptions from the Index. You will receive a prompt before the download proceeds. A very special thanks to Midora for insight and suggestions.
  4. Here's a technique I developed to choose colors for the outside of our home. Use Magic wand and other selection tools to select the clothes to be recolored copy clothes to a new top layer. make top layer B&W use Curves in adjustment menu to change contrast towards white but make it look natural select empty part of top layer and invert selection - (don't forget to pick replace or you'll look like an idiot if you make a video) click on image (original) layer and delete clothes by cutting or pressing delete change top layer blend mode to multiply!!!! create a new layer bottom layer and use the Paint Bucket to paint it the new color This technique works with clothed people, naked people, planes, trains, automobiles, and the occasional exterior of a house. BTW - we painted the house white. image from wikimedia public domain license
  5. Thank you for the bug report - fixed and added keywords & preview for Plugin browser Version1.0.5 is available for download
  6. Try TR's Edge Fader Extreme V 5.0.4 (EFX) Duplicate image into many layers. Make ellipse selections around parts of the image - invert selection, delete and apply EFX. make duplicates and arrange them like a collage. Like this:
  7. Interesting, sounds like a good idea. I will eventually refresh all the plugins to be Plugin Browser compatible - I'll make the change then.
  8. That's a little vague. Can you explain what you'd like with a little more detail?
  9. Ego, Your fellow Dwarves forgive you. Great job as always.
  10. Thanks Ego, I had to double up on reading glasses to see it. Half of the slider was covered. No doubt about it , I gotta get another pair of glasses.
  11. The Master of the Mathematic Art! And on his birthday he gives us a present.
  12. Ask and you shall receive Red version 1.01 includes brightness control and preview for Plugin Browser
  13. "What side of the road is that?" I wondered. Luckily, they make a website for everything. http://whatsideoftheroad.com/. Nope, your on the right side, rest of the world is nuts.

  14. Your Welcome NiteNurse, For the curious programmers out there I just posted the VS source code
  15. if you play with the divider (95 to 96 to 94) you'll see it re-rounds and re-interprets the shading. Thanks Red
  16. TechnoRobbo's Color Reducer (and palette maker) v1.0.2 Scale down the color count in your image. Greatly reduce file sizes. Use the selection to limit the area modified, If reduced to less than 1000 Colors you can edit the color table. If 96 colors or less you can save a Custom Palette!!! Menu: Effect -> Color version 1.02 small UI fix version 1.01 includes brightness control and preview for Plugin Browser Plugin was originally written to reduce the size of the help file in The Plugin Browser. The Plugin TRsColorReducer.zip The VS Source Code for Programmers https://www.dropbox.com/s/rnhhfatjqgvoepk/TRsColorReducerSrc.zip?dl=0
  17. That sounds like a good idea - threw this together to answer a forum question to create a bands Kick Drum Logo - hence the name Drum Skin
  18. Name can have duplicates, DLLs can have multiple effects Both would avoid cross conflicts with similar names
  19. Not really , scriplab is a macro program and this is an organizer. When you have several hundred plugins it will let you find the one you need.
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