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Everything posted by TechnoRobbo

  1. That's actually a very good point, hmmm sounds like an update
  2. TechnoRobbo's TreeMaker This plugin came out of a conversation between Red Ochre and myself on different approaches of the algorithm that could be used on Red Ochre's Dryad. This was an example I offered up and I was not going to publish it since Dryad did the job in a much more creative way. Red urged me to post it,since it presented the users with an alternative. So here it is. Update v1.0.3 increased adjustment range Update v1.0.2 Thicker base for realism Menu: Effects -> Iterative Lines The Plugin TRsTreeMaker.zip The VS Source Code for Programmers TRsTreeMakerSrc.zip
  3. Sounds like you have dust bunnies in your processors fan system. I'd use a can of air from an office supply store, position it at least 5 inches from the vents and blow it out. You'll see lots of dust bunnies fly out. Your laptop should stop overheating. Do Not us an automotive air compressor!!! High pressure can damage the fan. Do not blow into it with our mouth (saliva may come out).
  4. Excellent job and quite an extraordinary result! I may have helped but the sheer intensity of this plugin and attention to detail was all you, my friend. Dwarves!
  5. To All Version 1.1.3 Added - New Algorithm G ,tweaks on Algorithm F and enables Color Wheel Transparency Color Wheel Transparency example with 2 Layers https://www.dropbox.com/s/y375gixeduydbup/APLUS.PNG?raw=1 + https://www.dropbox.com/s/4dadraxhlh73mx2/BEQUALS.PNG?raw=1 = https://www.dropbox.com/s/jf7widx5ehn3ht3/LAYERC.png?raw=1
  6. Thanks Dale, that music piece was multi-tracked on my old 4 track cassette many moons ago. I'm glad the video was helpful.
  7. Try renaming the DLL and see. If you have the original your AV should ignore it.
  8. almost as if created by a tree nymph - can't wait to pair it up with fur blur
  9. Skull - your'e a wild man - that's freaky stuff. Sasha - Here's another possibility : adjusting any Color Controls will stop the current render and recolors what's in the buffer - Touching any render control will restart the render. There's a very good chance you re-adjusted the color when the buffer was empty and it was performing a render. I made it like that so you can stop the render and re-tool. The Auto-Redo will not stop on it's own until at least 2% of the canvas has a visible image. But it can be stopped or restarted depending on the adjustment. When I finish the video it should all make sense. Until then:
  10. It's suppose to go semi transparent so you can see your results better. As for the two dots, try clicking on the square root color curves its probably the screen contrast Keep me in formed please.
  11. Algorithm F has 1000^9 ( one and 27 zeros) possible combinations with probably the same percentage as A thru C of success. A tru C only have 1000^4 possible combinations so it will take a lot longer to get a good render on F. E & F are botth 3D calculations and the results look more complex. The quickest way I've found to is to set the density to 2 (2 million iterations) and wait for a good result then increase the density. I intend to do a quickstart video showing users how to make the most out of the settings quickly and how to take a noisy image and with a small tweak in manual make it go smooth. I've tested so many algorithms - my eyeballs are falling out of their sockets. Maybe I should have called it "Smoke" instead of "Black & White"
  12. Version 1.1.1 add Color Curves - this is a very important update Linear (original) https://www.dropbox.com/s/owmyb5oepjg7wnu/ClrLin.png?raw=1 Square https://www.dropbox.com/s/4rfbb93m7c61dq8/ClrSqr.png?raw=1 Square Root https://www.dropbox.com/s/bnk2l7yksw4on9f/ClrSqrt.png?raw=1
  13. Version 1.1.0 adds 2 new complex algorithms and form transparency - extra sliders https://www.dropbox.com/s/46hl3ng6d063nv3/Algorithme.png?raw=1 Algorithm E Complex algorithms have more adjustments and take longer to achieve a successful render
  14. Red's Excellent example inspired me to add to new color schemes Black and White and White and Black V 1.0.9 now available
  15. Yes completely dependent since it's a roving point carving out an image. Your example is an excellent pointer for all users. BTW , your the one who got me thinking about the Auto-Redo- reps to you!
  16. Version 1.08 Uploaded Introduces Auto-Redo to insure a useable render everytime. Auto Redo identifies a bad render and restarts the process until a good image is rendered. Turn Off Auto-Redo to do manual settings 4th algorithm added
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