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Everything posted by TechnoRobbo

  1. Version 1.1.2 Fixes a re-entry bug- Thank You to Red Ochre
  2. Thanks BBQ, I thought it'd be a good idea to make a Vegan plugin
  3. Version 1.1 uploaded - adds major changes New Video Uploaded with v1.2.0
  4. Greatest Invention of the 20th Century - the lint roller. I've never thrown a cat at black fabric, but I'm sure they'll stick like Velcro

  5. Reached my single file upload limit Plugin Pak now comes in 2 files
  6. I believe it maybe the PNG8 format with the extra transparency chunk http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/book/chapter08.html#png.ch08.div.5.2 None of my graphic programs can convert to it.
  7. Thanks Red, Checkout the new eyeball example. Pretty weird.
  8. TechnoRobbo's Intensity Warp Re-map pixels within an image by the intensity. One of these "what if" things us programmers do. I wanted to use little or no trig to create the image. Ended up looking cool. 100% CodeLab. Version 1.3.0 adds these features suggested by Red Ochre Load from Clipboard( tile and stretch) Zoom Background Image Load image displays "All Images" as default Hidden Content: Version 1.2.0 ability to shift pattern , tiled and stretched custom texture option Version 1.1.2 Fixes a re-entry bug- Thank You to Red Ochre Version 1.1.1 adds preview image Version 1.1 Adds the ability to use built in texture, color gradient or load cutom texture. Adds 2 extra mapping schemes and a detail adjustment Menu: Effects->Distort New Video Glass Block Tutorial http://youtu.be/KcH2hs9dmvg The Plugin TRsIntensityWarp.zip
  9. From what ive read, PNG format definition does not allow paletted RGBA but can be hacked to do so.
  10. Thanks for the info, and it appears to work with well TR's Color Reducer for editing the color table
  11. Skull, is right though, there is a difference in shape behaviour, the shape tool needs to be dragged diagonally when holding shift to create a circle, previously straight down worked.
  12. IMHO. I think render is too generic, Iterative is a good fit for parametric line drawings plugins not based on pseudo-ranomness (but may employ randomness). It sounds very elegant also. Much more so than parametric geometry or some other head scratcher.
  13. Unbelievable pixey! Thanks Red, back home today. And I'm going to keep calling you the Master of Mathematical Art until that title sticks
  14. skully, I think the OP is referring to the selection tool not the drawing tool.
  15. Same plugin with two different DLL names Look for similar names with slight variations in your effects folder Delete the older one
  16. Sounds like PNG-8 try looking through the filetype index - I haven't seen it but I haven't had a use for it. http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/15260-plugin-index/?p=252432
  17. Is this what your looking for? http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/27677-trs-custom-palette-matcher-v103-jan-2nd-2014/ You define a palette and it matches the colors in the image to that palette
  18. Did this while family's getting ready to go to dinner.
  19. Nice Red, very nice, ran out of reps, catch you on the flip-side. We could have used this for the Planetoid animation
  20. Congrats Pixey! Everyones was very creative. Personally I can't choose - love 'em all. Each one takes me to a different place.
  21. Your window border color is messed up too. The only way I was able repro the default color issue was to change the registry. Do not adjust the registry. Instead, I suggest reinstalling paint.net to fix the registry entries.
  22. Necessity for cancelling long complex loops. Integral part of CodLab 2.3 generated code. No need for that, I just proof read it, Wordpad copy pasting. And, I assume the reps cap exists so as not to de-value it's importance
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