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Everything posted by TechnoRobbo

  1. I've read cases for and against - but some folks say that HDPI maybe unnecessary and others rave. I personally don't have an opinion.
  2. What type and size of files are you trying to load? Here's a similar issue http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/27133-outofmemoryexception/?p=397532 with a Direct Draw Surface
  3. In order to solve this I switched my display to 120 DPI and it was driving me CRAZY!!! But I did solve it. Version 1.0.3.+ high DPI friendly ready for download
  4. This is the problem. If you adjust the screen to 1X (96 DPI) the program will scale nicely. Let me see if I can defeat the issue graphically.
  5. Nice Image DD - undistorted airplane makes it look even more surreal
  6. Goonfella - V1.0.3+ tell me if this solved the issue V1.0.3 ready for download
  7. I can't reproduce - the image is retained when I hit OK. I'll keep testing in PB to see if I can get it to glitch. Post Edit: Just got it to Reproduce - timing in Plugin Browser? - may have to increase delay.
  8. uploaded Version 1.0.2+ adjusted for Netbooks see if this fixes your woes
  9. Nice Red!! Brush Strokes pales in comparison to your new yet to be released.....
  10. Full 360° Stroke Control added V1.0.2+ is ready for download.
  11. This was a good very good Idea - thank you Eli V1.0.1+ is ready for download.
  12. Thank You, Goonfella,Cc4FuzzyHuggles,DD. Very Nice! Seerose. The parameters Eli mention are closer how the algorithm works - the intent was to paint a Monet. In fact the plugin's original name was Monet, then I thought it was too obscure of a name and no one would understand what it did, so I renamed it TR's Brush Strokes. BTW Fur Blur is a much more sophisticated algorithm but I'm glad this one was mentioned in the same sentence.
  13. Technorobbo's Brush Strokes This plugin literally redraws your image in simulated brush strokes Menu: Effects->Artistic v.1.0.6 centers brush strokes around original pixels v1.0.5 adds a texture option Hidden Content: v1.0.1 adds Stroke Width Variance v1.0.2+ adds full 360° stroke direction v1.0.3+ fixes Plugin browser compatibility version 1.0.4+ Bristles and accelerated render Music by TechnoRobbo Source code for VS Programmers The Plugin TRsBrushStrokes.zip
  14. This is a possible solution for controls built in Visual Studio http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/31390-hex-color-wheel/?p=421701
  15. This topic is in response to this post http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/30462-feature-request-hex-color-input-available-in-plugins-color-wheel/?p=420010 I've been using a custom Color Wheel on Visual Studio. When I read the post I saw there was a need to modify it to include Hex input. I asked Ego Eram Reputo,Red Ochre and Midora to have a look at it before posting and they had excellent suggestions which were incorporated into the control. Thank you all for taking time to look. Here is the control source to be incorporated in a project Namespace is Controlz: Using Controlz; The control has one event : private void colorWheelTR1_ValueChanged(object sender, Color e) One Read/Write property: colorval Three Read only properties: hue,val,sat for HSV reference The Control :ColorWheelTRControl.zip Make sure to build the control after you import the source into your project. It will then appear inthe Toolbox
  16. Bug Report - Double Slider CodeLab 2.4 (PDN 4.0.5) if double slider had Min:0 Default:8 Max:15 the numericupdown cannot increase the value above 8.03 unless the slider is already set above 8.03 Repro: Create Double slider Min:0 Default:8 Max:15. Compile Plugin - run plugin press up arrow and the value will stop at 8.03
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