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Everything posted by TechnoRobbo

  1. V 1.0.5+ Ready for Download v1.0.5+ Quick Set of node count and Selection safe render Special thanks to Eli
  2. Great Work Sasha- Eli - no that's an over sight - I'll fix it right now
  3. Fix Uploaded - v somehow I accidently checked Auto-Resize on the picturebox - set it back to Normal I have already considered all these changes but I'm done for a little bit - look for these in the future.
  4. Version 1.0.4.+ Ready for Download v1.0.4.+ more fluid lines and better preview allows you to see exactly how the final shapes will be rendered (that's it I'm done for the weekend)
  5. My Apologies , I was just popped forward in time so I can see the results of the Oscars - now I can place my bets. Version 1.0.3.+ Ready for Download Version 1.0.3 - Node Count is stored between sessions. Oops,knew I forgot something. Now off to the future to see those pics of Pluto from New Horizons. "Come along Clara"
  6. Version 1.0.2.+ Ready for Download Sorry Eli - slight fix on same feature
  7. ​Version 1.0.1.+ Ready for Download Version 1.0.1.+ includes a chioce to limit nodes to screen Thanks to Eli for the insight.
  8. Thank You, Eli, EER ,ReMake, DD and RED The Scramble Nodes button will return all your nodes to the screen. Making them disappear was a conscious effort due to the abstract nature of the effect. But I could put in a checkbox to limit nodes movement so you have a choice.
  9. TechnoRobbo's Filaments A Simulation of Time Lapse of Writing with Light. TR's Strange Attractors captured chaos theory algorithm's in a motion. TR's Filaments attempts to do the same but in a user controlled fashion. Results can be blended into and existing image or used as a solid compositional element. Version 1.0.15+ includes Color Themes A fragmentation slider (from Super Fine/ slow renders to Coarse/ faster Renders) A Re-Draw button to restart a render after you push Stop and make changes to Color Mix. Also some minor bug fixes. [hide][/hide] Version1.0.13+ Preview ( Node Pad) now matches final image exactly. Diffusion can be set to zero for harder line effect. Version 1.0.12.+ Increased curvature range! Nodes is now Minimum 3! Nodes Max is now 50! Version 1.0.11+ Speeds up Intensity Adjustment - Speeds up Overall Render Version 1.0.10+ Closed loops Inner and Outer Curvature Control v1.0.9+ Adds Max Intensity adjustment v1.0.8+ Super smooth Lines!!!!! v1.0.7+ has a 4 color blend - fade in checkbox was removed - not necessary v1.0.6+ adds filament thickness and 4 color mix (plus a back color) v1.0.5+ Quick Set of node count and Selection safe render v1.0.4.26685 strecth fix uploaded v1.0.4.+ more fluid lines and better preview allows you to see exactly how the final shapes will be rendered Version 1.0.3 - Node Count is stored between sessions Version 1.0.1.+ includes a chioce to limit nodes to screen Menu:Effects -> Iterative lines Music by TechnoRobbo Expanded Features Closed Loop Open Loop More Samples https://www.dropbox.com/s/n7v06vae2m7ytil/BaBam.png?raw=1 https://www.dropbox.com/s/k9tg4dl10828zgy/TRsFilaments3.png?raw=1 https://www.dropbox.com/s/jzougo46xkr7txc/TRsFilaments2.png?raw=1 https://www.dropbox.com/s/l3q8e3c49o58iyb/subatomic.png?raw=1 Much thanks goes out to my fellow Dwarf Horde members Red Ochre and Ego Eram Reputo. And Eli! Their advice and suggestions help this plugin take form. The VS Source Code for Programmers The Plugin TRsFilaments.zip
  10. You are very welcome Miss Nite Nurse 79. Very cool pics Miss Nite Nurse 79 and Seerose
  11. Your example looks a lot like the results from BoltBait's Bevel Selection available in his plugin pak
  12. Version 1.5.1.+ Ready for download this includes a surrender mode - In regular mode it will not place an image that does not fit the settings but it will make 10000 attempts per image clone to try fit the image. In Surrender Mode if the plugin is required use settings that limit it's options for image placement it will make 3000 attempts then surrender and place the image in a random location. (Code Name NiteNurse79 Mode)
  13. is Constrain to Selection or No Overlap checked? It sounds like the plugin is trying to meet the criteria and after 10000 tries it cannot hence the long render. the previous version tried to honor "constrain to selection" and if it could not then it would surrender and draw the image anyways. I'ts re-tries were limited to 3000 I'll add an option to surrender
  14. try this: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/30002-trs-custom-random-filler-january-27th-2015/?p=416696 Since images are rectangles, a Rotation of Zero and Rotation Range of zero give the tightest packing of objects!!! Try re-scaling to fit more objects in the image. The plugin will try 10000 times to place the next image, if your criteria is too strict (image too large, too many objects , selection too small) it will not place the image. Age of Equarius Shower Curtain Try my TR's Tiled Pixels http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/26758-trs-tiled-pixels-v12/?p=393920
  15. Version 1.0.5+ Ready for Download http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/30002-trs-custom-random-filler-january-27th-2015/?p=416696 v1.5.0.+ New "No Overlap" option Since images are rectangles, a Rotation of Zero and Rotation Range of zero give the tightest packing of objects!!! Try re-scaling to fit more objects in the image. The plugin will try 10000 times to place the next image, if your criteria is too strict (image too large, too many objects , selection too small) it will not place the image.
  16. If I give TR's Custom Shape Filler an "No Overlap" option would that do the trick?
  17. Version 1.0.3.+ Ready for download v 1.0.3.+ Color Location Tweak and Smoothing Mode Switch
  18. Version 1.0.3.+ Ready for Download Version 1.0.3.+ adjusted to work with Windows themes
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