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Everything posted by TechnoRobbo

  1. That's cool - that's because you used transparency in your custom brush and it didn't overwrite the first brush completely. Brushes should be black and white and opaque but you stumbled upon a very interesting trick! To reset just pick a stock (built-in) brush I think I should leave that - Gives more options
  2. Thanks Red, now I'm embarrassed. Without Pratyush, Eli and Red Ochre this plugin would not exist. It wasn't even on my radar. So Kudos to your great ideas. On a different note - what the heck is this icon suppose to be? ->
  3. Version 1.3.5+Ready for Download A few more Red Ochre suggestions implemented Stippling by Clicking Mouse ClipBoard image for Background Reference Double-Click on Title bar will re-size to see Windows Taskbar (Start).
  4. Did you change any of the UI values? The error tells me you adjusted a default value manually. try copying the text and make no changes
  5. Waa??? No way. You mean I traveled back to the wrong year? Thanks Maximillian.
  6. Click on this link: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/32063-trs-portrait-retoucher/?p=428864 find link to the zip file in the first post Follow the instructions in this link https://boltbait.com/pdn/InstallingEffects.php Just replace the file name BoltBaitPack42.zip with TRsRetouch.zip in the instructions
  7. Actually there kind of is (other than Boltbaits solution) - it's hidden under Layers Menu. It's called Rotate Zoom or Ctrl+Shift + Z. Best if you paste into new layer the deselect (Ctrl+D). You can adjust magnification amount numerically. It will keep the height/width ratio intact. The only way to adjust to exact pixel size is using that separate image method.
  8. I would like to share this PM with everyone This is Brilliant!!!!!!!!! Thank You Eli !!! Version 1.3.2+ Ready for Download!!! adds Blur and Sharpen
  9. Try TR's Photo Retoucher using the Defaults http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/32063-trs-portrait-retoucher/?p=428864 should get rid of jpeg artifacts
  10. Version 1.2.1 Ready for Download Zoom feature and Shade Lock Thanks for the suggestions Eli - Shade Lock should be activated after a Mouse Up.
  11. All Shapes created with ShapeMaker The Zip File: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zl57btbe8pl3hgv/TRs%20Shape%20Pack.zip?dl=0
  12. Version 1.1.0+ Ready for Upload Different Brush patterns - Load a custom brush
  13. No Zoom yet - but it does have auto pan The new brushes will alleviate the overdodging Have you tried turning down the exposure? If you've try any other dodging tool they do behave like this.
  14. Thanks DD, I'm working on different brushes and custom brushes for texturing
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