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Everything posted by TechnoRobbo

  1. It's there. Just start with an image in PaintDotNet and you can control it's opacity for tracing User's Manual Page 25
  2. Version 1.3.14+ Ready for Download New Brush Designs by Eli, Enhanced Zoom (Zoom Out!!)
  3. It's an adjustment brush - all effects modify an image. The Dodge and Burn use a color matrix and all the others are Built-in PDN adjustments applied in brush form. As Billie Preston once said, "nothing from nothing leaves nothing, you gotta have something"
  4. Right Click and drag image around - If you forget theres some instructions at the bottom https://www.dropbox.com/s/re58v5wr3vtqvhe/DnBCapture.PNG?raw=1
  5. scroll all the way to the bottom and you'll find the Start Size and End Size sliders they will control the grow' At the Top and you'll find the Start Rotation and End Rotation sliders they will control the Twist Make sure your object is large enough to fill the screen and centered The video in the Plugin's post shows how to use all the slides http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/26879-trs-strobe-motion-v-12/?p=394955 If you did not watch the video or found the plugin in the plugin pack , heres the video
  6. Brushes? Does anyone have any brush ideas? I based the stock brushes on brushes used in retouching tools in other software. Brushes are black and white and opaques 256px X 256px. (scaling is done in the code). Soft edges are useful for blending but not a requirement. The Default Brush I'll be happy to incorporate a brush that you find extremely useful. In other words you "Go To" brush. Total number of brushes will be limited to 20 - hate to scroll down too far. Remember that a brush can be used for brush "strokes" as well as stippling. The custom brush selection will always be available so you can always use a brush that doesn't end up on the menu.
  7. Thanks Eli but my bad. Let's be serious with 76 plugins by the time you scroll to the bottom it's bedtime. I've added a link at the very top for those computers without 96 Mb download and SSD drives.
  8. Version 1.3.13+ adds a Contrast brush fixes Red & Blue Checkbox switch suggested by Pratyush Ready for Download Contrast Brush video with T-Swizzle
  9. Thanks Maximillian , but these were the idea people Pratyush Eli. Red Ochre racerx
  10. Version 1.3.11+ Ready for Download LockShade bug fix sorry for the multiple changes but the plugin went thru quite a transfiormation
  11. Version 1.3.9+ Ready for Download Hue Rotation + Preview Multiple people have requested a Hue control
  12. v 1.3.8+ Ready for Download adds Saturation & Alpha Channel bug fix Saturation suggested by Pratyush Alpha Channel bugfix
  13. I'm sorry to hear that Humility. Did you follow the Quick start Guide? Here's a video that may help you get the gist.
  14. v 1.3.7+ Ready for Download adds Desaturation Deasuration suggested by racerx
  15. Ok, Just for you doughty, Maximize/Normalize button added - tested up to 144 DPI Version 1.3.6+ Ready for Download
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