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Control + Arrows to move selection

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at the moment when you hold control and press right with pixels selected, it moves it 10 pixels to the right. it would be VERY helpful if I could change it to 16 pixels with a plugin or something. sorry this is kind of a specific question

thank you

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It would be very useful for you, you mean :) I guarantee you that if I change it to 16 there'll be other people demanding it to be changed back!


Maybe if it were configurable though somehow ... 

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You've got the selection made - right?


Press Ctrl + C to copy it then Ctrl + Shift + V to paste it into a new layer.


Apply the Panelling plugin with a 16 pixel value in the direction you require.


TechnoRobbo's PseudoSnap would achieve the same thing once the selection was on it's own layer.

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