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Paint.Net Setup Front End has encountered a problem and needs to close.

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I have been running Paint. Net v 3.5.8. on my computer for many months. I am using Windows XP Home with Net installed.


On 05.06.13. I tried to use the programme and it would not start, I got the error message 'Paint.Net Setup Frontend has encountered a problem and needs to close'.  I repeatedly tried to start the programme but kept getting the same message.


I completely uninstalled the software using Revo Uninstaller.


I have tried to re-install the software but I am getting the same message when I try to install it, the installer appears to go through the motions of unpacking the files and then the error message appears.


I have used a Registry Cleaner (CCleaner) to try and get rid of all the Paint.net files.


Anyone have any solution or experienced this problem.


Thanks in advance.




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Are you trying to install version 3.5.8 or 3.5.10?  The reason I ask is that there is no support for older versions.  It's 3.5.10 or nothing. But hey, it's a free download :)

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Hi Ego,


Yes I am trying to install the latest v 3.5.10.  And I get the same annoying message.  It unpacks the files and then the message as described appears.


I have completely repaired all the .net frameworks on my P.C. because I thought it might be something to do with the net software.


Installed:  Microsoft .Net Framework 1.1

                    "          "         "              2.0  Service Pack 2

                    "          "         "              3.0      "         "      2

                    "          "         "              3.5      "         "      1

                    "          "         "              4     Client Profile

                    "         Chart Controls For .Net Framework 3.5


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Have you seen this thread? Install uninstall troubleshooting

From that thread are you logged in as an Admin? Is your anti virus disabled for the installation?

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Hi Ego,


Yes I had seen that thread and I believe I have done everything that Rick Brewster suggests.


I completely removed .Net Framework v 3.5. SP1 and ran the Paint.Net Installer v 3.5.10.  It then stated that it needed to install Net Framework which I allowed it to do.  The installer installed Net Framework and then I again got the dreaded message 'Paint Net Setup Frontend has encountered a problem and needs to close!


I am logged in as an Administrator and yes I have tried to install with my Firewall and Anti virus off.


I have also run Windows Install Cleanup Tool and Paint Net does not show as being installed.


I do not have any problems with Microsoft Automatic updates ( after installing Net Framework it was automatically updated from Micorsoft website) so I do not believe it has anything to do with MSI installers.


I may well give up and revert to The Gimp, it is just annoying not knowing what is causing the problem.


On a better note I hope the weather is better where you are than in the U.K.




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Sounds like you have tried the most common solutions. Is there any further information contained in the error message? Perhaps an error code?

It may be worth trying the scans (sfc /scannow and chkdsk /f) which pyrochild suggested in this this thread.

Weather is usual for this time of year. Cold frosty starts and calm clear days.

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No error codes - just the message.  I had done chkdsk it reports everything okay.  I am at a loss to know why the programme will not start or install.  Every other software I install has no problem opening. I will try the other scan sfc.




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I know you have reinstalled some of the .NET framework. My last suggestion is to repair each of the installed versions. The option is under Add/Remove Programs in XP.

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Hi Ego,


I am a bit reluctant to uninstall and re - install all of the other Net Frameworks, I am dubious about what might happen to my system and I might have to reinstall Windows XP.


I think for now I will soldier on without Paint.net and use The Gimp.  Maybe when I eventually upgrade my P.C. to Windows 7 or 8 I will try it again.


Thanks for trying to help.


If I eventually find out the cause I will post in the forum.


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Not reinstall, repair. Item 5 in the installation troubleshooting thread I linked to early on in this discussion.

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Hi Ego,
I have run the Net Framework Verification Tool it stated:-
Install state for .NET Framework 1.0 not installed
Install state for .NET Framework 1.1 Installed with service pack 1
Install state for .NET Framework 2.0 Installed with service pack 2
Install state for .NET Framework 3.0 Installed with service pack 2
Install state for .NET Framework 3.5 Installed with service pack 1
Install state for .NET Framework Client Installed with no service packs.
Install state for .NET Framework 4 Full not installed
Install state for .NET Framework 4.5 Not installed


Do I need the other frameworks installed, that are not installed?


If I knew how to attach the copy of the log - I would.


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Try removing all of them and reinstalling only framework 4.

No, Paint.NET is not spyware...but, installing it is an IQ test. ~BoltBait

Blend modes are like the filling in your sandwich. It's the filling that can change your experience of the sandwich. ~Ego Eram Reputo

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Ego.  P.s.  Further to my last entry I ran Microsoft NetFx Repair Tool - still the same. Still get the same error when I try to run Paint installer.


I have not done what pdnnoob suggests as yet - await your comments.


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Unless I'm mistakened, I don't have .NET 3.5 installed, and I'm currently using 4.0 without any problem.

No, Paint.NET is not spyware...but, installing it is an IQ test. ~BoltBait

Blend modes are like the filling in your sandwich. It's the filling that can change your experience of the sandwich. ~Ego Eram Reputo

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You're misunderstanding the way .NET versioning works. Each version installs "side by side", and newer versions do not forcibly usurp older ones. Newer versions are as compatible as possible with older versions, but there are changes that are introduced which break compatibility. Sometimes this is on purpose in order to fix design inadequacies. Sometimes this is for security reasons. And of course, sometimes it's just a bug. In any case, if an application targets a specific version of .NET then it will require that version to be installed in order to ensure that it's running on the version of .NET that the developer designed and tested it for. The framework is then removed as a "moving target".


Newer versions of the framework are released for the benefit of developers who write applications for them, not so that end-users can install them and suddenly have all of their .NET 3.5 SP1 apps "upgraded" to use .NET 4.


When .NET 2.0 came out and Paint.NET was still requiring .NET 1.1, this was brought up by a particularly irate forum user who simply wanted Paint.NET to run on .NET 2.0 for the sake of not needing .NET 1.1 installed. I had to point out that if I allowed Paint.NET to run on whatever framework version happened to be available, then he would see crashes or his .PDN files would not work with other users (yes, I verified this). When I tested Paint.NET v3.5.x with .NET 4, I also came across a few changes in WinForms that I had to fix up for the next version of Paint.NET. However, for Paint.NET v3.5.5, only minimal testing has been done with .NET 4 and you may see errors or crashes.


.NET 3.5 SP1 and .NET 4 can live peacefully together. Any of your .NET 4 apps will continue to use .NET 4, and your .NET 3.5 SP1 apps will be happiest running on the version of .NET that they were designed and tested to work with. The disk space requirements shouldn't even be an issue these days.


.NET 3.5 SP1 is not "outdated" simply because .NET 4 has been released. Like I said, you're misunderstanding the way .NET's versioning works. (And that's not a dig against you -- .NET versioning doesn't work the way most people expect versioning to work, in general.)


Yes PDN will run on 4.0 - however it is not advised.  Rick posted that he wished he hadn't included that functionality (there may be issues swapping *.pdn files).


BTW you don't need to remove the different versions. Just turn them off one at a time: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/24916-


Then I found this little removal tool:  http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/24987-cant-start-or-uninstall-systemcore-error/?p=375028

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Ah my mistake then. I remembered seeing that topic before, and something got twisted and tangled in my head so that I thought something with 4.0 didn't work well with the others when it came to paint.net...

me and my silly brain :roll:

No, Paint.NET is not spyware...but, installing it is an IQ test. ~BoltBait

Blend modes are like the filling in your sandwich. It's the filling that can change your experience of the sandwich. ~Ego Eram Reputo

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Hi Ego,


Went to the link http://forums.getpai...p?/topic/24916 this refers to Windows 7 for turning on and off windows items - being a silver surfer I am still living with XP and I do not think XP has this luxury.  ( I can't find it.)


I have downloaded the removal tool from the other link http://forums.getpai...error/?p=375028.  I have not run it yet.


Does this do a bulk removal of all the .Net Framework versions if I run it or will I have to remove them one at a time.


Do I need to remove all of the versions or just v 3.5. SP1 which Paint.net uses.




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I would assume the tool will give you the option of individual removal. Of course we have no idea if removing and reinstalling will actually solve the problem.

This is what I'd do:

Start with the newer versions of the framework. Remove one. Reboot & retry Paint.NET. Reinstall the removed framework if the problems persist and move on to the next older one.

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Hi Ego,


Searching the forum, I found the following which was started by forum member - kwgrid in 2011.  He apparently had a similar problem and resorted to Microsoft for an answer.  When I get the chance I may well try his suggestion.




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At this stage anything is worth trying.

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Hi Ego,


I have finally had some success.  I tried uninstalling one at a time but everytime I re - installed the framework version I had uninstalled I got the same error message.


I decided to go the whole hog and used DotNetFx and completely uninstalled all versions which were installed.  I then ran CCleaner Registry cleaner.


Went to Microsoft Web Site - Custom Installs and after it did scan stated I needed to install .Net Framework 4 Client Profile first before installing any other Frameworks.  I then downloaded eleven (11) .Net Framework 4 updates.  Then Installed .Net Framework 3.5 SP1 ( which included v 2.0 & 3.0 ) after installing these some more automatic updates were downloaded.


I then ran Paint.net installer and behold it worked and installed.


I have not installed v 1.1 it shows as being available at the Microsoft site if I want to download it.  I do not know what this is for, so will not be downloading this at present.


It has took a while but at least I am up and running again.


I can now get on with doing something else like enjoying the British Summertime!


Best Regards.


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That's fantastic news Retcop! You deserve a prize for persisting so long and trying so hard to fix this. Well done. :star:

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