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Blending a coulor into the image

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So I just thought that there may be some people (like me) that (Example): You have an image of a wooden table, but would like the table to be a bit redder.So you would

select the table and use a "blend with coulor" tool that would work like a bucket, but instead mix the default color of the table(or the selection) with the color you pick.So you pick red and... You got yourself the same table only instead of it being wood-brown, its reddish wood-brown.


If there is a already a way to do this please tell me how :smile:.




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There are many ways to do what you wish to achieve  Here is a few pointers:

1- Use Hue / Saturation. Or
2- Use Colour balance, Or
3- Duplicate the image layer and play around with the blend modes of the upper layer (F4 on the keyboard) Or

4- Use curves to change / enhance the colour. (found in adjustments menu)


I guess there are many more ways too. 


Edited by DrewDale



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There will be dozens of methods.  Here's another using Conditional Hue / Saturation (plugin):  http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/21134-how-can-i-create-a-shape-and-recolor-it/?p=348884


You could also use the RGB mode of the Curves adjustment (Adjustments > Curves).

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Where in the world do you guys learn all this stuff? I am new to Paint.Net and am having a terrible time just trying to figure out the basics. Could someone direct me to a  very BASIC beginners site? Is there a way to make adjustments just to the part of the picture I have lassoed?  I would like to change the angle and tilt it. Why does the paint can color the whole page? What are layers all about? I have a million questions about the vocabulary, like threshold, Mandelbrot fractal, and usage of tools. I appreciate any advice or help I can get! Thanks!

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By the looks of it, you already found EER's ebook, so I won't direct you to that like I usually do.


However, back when I was learning the basics, I didn't have a nice ebook like that, so I had to learn from other places.

Whenever I needed help figuring out how to use a tool, I could look it up in the paint.net documentation. If I wanted to learn a technique, I'd take a look in the tutorials section.


After you get a good understanding of the basics, I also highly recommend trying out all the tools and effects to see what they do. Fiddle with settings to see how they change the result. Once you understand what everything does, it becomes trivial to figure out how to create more advanced effects on your own.

No, Paint.NET is not spyware...but, installing it is an IQ test. ~BoltBait

Blend modes are like the filling in your sandwich. It's the filling that can change your experience of the sandwich. ~Ego Eram Reputo

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