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Yes, I had quite a few troubled spots getting through the tutorial. I had to backtrack several times because it didn't seem to be working out as the tutorial was demonstrating. I'm going to make another attempt at it and see if I can't get a better result.


Part Deux


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Part Deux looks really nice. One suggestion if I may ?

Lower the opacity of the reflection of the statue and use a transparent gradient to blend it in, that will help to get rid of the jaggies @ the bottom as well as add a bit more realism

Thank you.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Phase One:


Enlarged view of (semi-)completed pic:


The next phase is to try to add the/a shattering glass effect as was discussed here:


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Nice start and perfect idea for a smash through effect. (Nice start sounds trite ... insert more colorful language expressing how well done this is and the amount of work shown ensuring the effect was taken to ensure a solid foundation for the rest of the shattered glass illusion to follow.)

Also took a few to quickly review some of the other items not in the top of the gallery. Nice work Jim.

**EDIT: took some more time to review just because I felt silly for being quick on the draw while I try and manage too much at once. Love the orb work, especially on the last revision. I'd almost suggest looking at the highlight some but the more I look at it the more I can see that causing all sort of issues in a revision. Which reminds me about something I need to do ... ack. Glad I revisited this for sure. Inspiration and a task list reminder ... kudos.

Edited by delpart


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Thank you all!

I haven't yet had an opportunity to begin working on the glass shattering effect to the picture as I was out most of the day yesterday but I'm planning on starting it shortly. But, before I complete this (provided I'm successful in creating the effect), I have a question:

The image I created shows the upper portion of the body from mid-rift section with the shadow indicating essentially this is the portion of the body extruding from the screen. Do you think it would add or detract from the image if the lower portion of the body is slightly unfocused - to further add to the effect? or would it be better to leave it as is?

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Thank you all!

I haven't yet had an opportunity to begin working on the glass shattering effect to the picture as I was out most of the day yesterday but I'm planning on starting it shortly. But, before I complete this (provided I'm successful in creating the effect), I have a question:

The image I created shows the upper portion of the body from mid-rift section with the shadow indicating essentially this is the portion of the body extruding from the screen. Do you think it would add or detract from the image if the lower portion of the body is slightly unfocused - to further add to the effect? or would it be better to leave it as is?

If you want to create the illusion of a field barrier or pressure zone or similar I could see doing that to some degree. However, since the screen is actually being displaced, this can create another illusion problem of leaving behind a ghost screen on the laptop itself.

To be fair though, that's one of those things you'd have to probably test to judge. You could consider blurring the rest of the background image out slightly and combine a small streak to blend in with some of the edge fragments etc.

The image itself already has a good depth of field to me in other words. Plus as a background layer this is at least something you dont have to commit to straight out.

On the glass fragments, a friend mentioned that the glass showing the parts of the person or object coming through on them may add another level of complexity that could provide for the ack of ray traced light sources ...



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Phase Two (First Attempt) With Broken Glass:


I'm thinking of giving this another go 'round. I'm contemplating another method to divide the glass.

Maybe use alpha mask utilizing something like the right-side of the diagram below (without the intersecting lines of course):


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Jim, the slightly bevelled edges are a bit jaggy (that sounds really funny, it's broken glass!) & maybe Gaussian Blur them before the bevel? after? The glass looks a bit blurry maybe a low value drop shadow? Not too keen on the Trail or Zoom blur? Where the glass is on the laptop & the picture looks great. I think you are headed in the right direction. I can see that you have put a lot of thought & hard work into this already. You are the master of photo manipulations!


Knowledge is no burden to carry.


April Jones, 2012

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You have the right idea and I like it already. I was thinking that when glass breaks there are tinier pieces of glass flying everywhere. Kind of like this: HERE What do you think?

Edited by HELEN

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Phase Two (Second Attempt):


Wow, what a time consuming attempt. Each shard of glass is a separate individual layer. I suppose this could have had better results, but it's easy to get lost in manipulating each individual layer - especially if you modify or find something else to further accentuate a piece. In this instance, it wasn't until I was 3/4 of the way through working with the layers that I attempted to try to add drop shadows to pieces laying on the keyboard. The effect was acceptable to me, but not all of them have them because it was difficult going back through to try to find the pieces previously done.

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I must say that the laptop image worked out fine. You are right about the drop shadow too. It is very hard to go back & find the layers with so many. Ina nay case it is a very good i,age & you have learnt a lot along the way.

LOVE the balls on the sword but the handle also needs to be bigger in ratio with the rest of it. The blade looks a bit too rounded as Aislin said but I agree with the highlight on the tip. Darned good outcome just the same. Well done Jim!


Knowledge is no burden to carry.


April Jones, 2012

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Uhg I hate text when I want to try and convey what I'm "seeing" in something. Especially with a lacking lexicon and some knowledge of PDN to back up any suggestion. Just read this as someone who's got a big smile and has come back the next day to look again and talk with you about it. Not as some anonymous jerk who thinks critique is a fun way of messing with people ... 'Cause to be fair, people dont throw out this much text unless they are seemingly vested on some level ...

First off though when I stand back from my monitor or shrink it down to about 75% I get a solid breaking out illusion. That could just be my vision, monitor size to resolution ratio and such, but I figured I had to try and explain it. Meaning that it does work, and works well. And works better when I shrink down the perspective on it. Plus the amount of labor to do that in single layers versus combining some of the layers is simply awe inspiring.

You mentioned placement of shadows ... this is where I'm constantly trying to figure out in general and something that I'm sure you got stuck on ... where is the light source creating them and how strong should they be for glass in motion. I've always appreciated the animator's headaches with things like this. This image helps to illustrate just how complex all that rendering software really is as well. Semi transparent shadows are evil. I've read up on that a little recently and seen some examples from photos in water, etc and it makes my head hurt. Especially with the contrasting source from the player potentially creating reflections ... ((hrm, I lost where I was going with that.))

(Again disclaimer about struggling for text descriptors here)

The blur to give a sense of motion is what requires me to stand back to have a sense of the screen fragments come into focus better I think. Either that or they need to be "darker" ... which may be why that other image this is based of utilized the white background. And of course, I'm struggling from an IT person's viewpoint of knowing what these screens look like when they break ... that's just me fighting my inner anti-artist demon though. =O

Perhaps its from being spoiled but I keep expecting something different from the glass shards in the way of light reflections (evil ray tracing, which we know is not done here) and extra fragments like Hollywood always adds seem missing or off.

Not a critique of the image, just sharing my eyes. Like I hope I conveyed: very impressive complex work on this one.

The sword "blank" is nifty as well. I get cold feet with anything on the realism scale still (I get discouraged quickly). But I've seen plenty of real life sword works in progress to appreciate that as it stands. On the handle, one of the reasons for layering it up is to help rid of that problem from what I recall in looking at that tut.

Back to work for me ...

Edited by delpart


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Perhaps its from being spoiled but I keep expecting something different from the glass shards in the way of light reflections (evil ray tracing, which we know is not done here) and extra fragments like Hollywood always adds seem missing or off.

It was suggested to me also to put in some fragments, and I did a few. I resisted doing more and even smaller ones because I didn't feel comfortable about doing anything smaller than the smallest ones I had added with all the dark background and dark laptop. I just thought

a.) it would be too much work since each shard was/were on a separate layer (this was done because I wanted to rotate each piece of glass at different angles and doing multiples on a single layer didn't seem like I would be able to get the right effect.

b.) with even smaller pieces and little "definition" to them, I thought they would simply "get lost" in the image.

The sword "blank" is nifty as well. I get cold feet with anything on the realism scale still (I get discouraged quickly). But I've seen plenty of real life sword works in progress to appreciate that as it stands. On the handle, one of the reasons for layering it up is to help rid of that problem from what I recall in looking at that tut.

I know we (you and I) were involved in that other discussion for the individual who wanted assistance with the PS tutorial, but actually I did the above image without a tutorial. It was all done mostly by just toying around with just a couple of plug-ins. As a matter of fact I was home sick yesterday and did it to pass the time.

The blade looks a bit too rounded as Aislin said but I agree with the highlight on the tip.

Yes, when I did the piece I didn't know at the time how to cut the point off (but since have learned the right procedure), so I utilized the "lasso select" tool to do it. The point came out fine initially inasmuch as it was pointy, but the edges were jagged. So utilizing the feather and AA to clean it up resulted in losing the point. Ahh well, live and learn!

And to everyone: Thanks for the comments, I appreciate them.

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