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Adding Sunglasses to a face

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Find a picture of a person wearing sunglasses with his/her head in a similar position as Shakespeare in your image.

Paste the picture on a new layer above the one with Shakespeare.

Erase everything but the sunglasses.

Use the move selection tool to adjust the glasses to fit.

Use feather or AA's assistant to smooth the edges of the glasses if needed.

No, Paint.NET is not spyware...but, installing it is an IQ test. ~BoltBait

Blend modes are like the filling in your sandwich. It's the filling that can change your experience of the sandwich. ~Ego Eram Reputo

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Not a bad effort!

BTW I've replaced your image with a link. Rule #29 sets the maximum size of posted images on the forum to 800pixels in any one dimension.

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I want to add a pair of sunglasses to a painting of Shakespeare (Don't ask me why, haha) and I have no clue how. Any tips/tutorials?

Ohh, ok. I tried it today. How does this look?


Looks great. But, that's not Shakespeare. :D

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I think mountnman meant the Effects menu in paint.net. If you haven't got Feather installed, go download BoltBait's plugin pack: HERE.

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I think mountnman meant the Effects menu in paint.net. If you haven't got Feather installed, go download BoltBait's plugin pack: HERE.

I checked the effects menu as well. And it's weird because i downloaded his plugin pack when I first got Paint.net. Can I just download the feather file separately and add it into my effects folder?

Edited by dukedudez
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You'll have to download and unzip the whole pack first.

After that you can just copy across the feather.dll, but I really, really recommend installing all the *.dll's. BoltBait has some truly excellent plugins in there that you will surely find useful (that's why his plugin pack is pinned on the forum - it's considered one of the best ).

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