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This is what disappoints me. Many winners of comps lately have been those who edit/manipulate photos (see SOTW, WOTW, SAC). I remember when I used to do that, but it was a creativity lapse. Anyone who's been here for some time knows that I have made some (IMO pretty nice) pieces 100% PdN. I don't see the pride in entering a manip and beating a 100% sig that is as nice as the manip. That is why I was proud of my SOTW win. If I won a photo-manip, what's the pride?

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Paint.NET is a photo manipulation program after all. We are all learning still. Photo manip is not as easy as it looks, at least not for me. When you have to blend 2 or more images together to make it look seamless - that is an art form.

There are plenty of artists that are accepted in art circles as serious artists who manipulate images or even photograph others' photos. Art is quirky to say the least.

What I like seeing here is the growth in people. I love seeing people get better & better. I don't make much of distinction between 100% PDN or using stocks & brushes. My attempts at either are less than pleasant with the exception of the Cinderella sig (still really like that one). WOTW Giant entry I thought was a reasonable attempt at getting 2 stocks together.

CSM, I still like the tomato sig - something about that one.


Knowledge is no burden to carry.


April Jones, 2012

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I'm the opposite ... if I'm around when voting starts, I always vote for the one that catches my eye.

Maybe why I'm not around here much anymore ... and it also makes you wonder why people bother entering competitions if that's the mind-set here.

You've gone down in my estimation with that remark hexratt. some of us put a lot of work into our images ... without the need to trace, and you're just putting 2 fingers up to all that.

Agrees 100% Welsh ^_^

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Thank you, Welshy, for the fine example. And the key word is practice, practice. When you paint something enough times, you become familiar with its every shape, lines, curves, and shades of texture. Some day I hope to become that good and proficient at using the various plugins of pdn. But til then I will continue to practice and practice and do what my art instructor told me, "always sketch out what you want to paint before you start painting until it becomes second nature".

Thanks, chrisco97, for your compliment on my sig but I'm gonna keep the car one.

Again, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Love some times is blind, or is it love can some times make you blind. Whatever, either way you like whatever stimulates your neuro-receptors. Sounds like insane in the membrane, doesn't it?

bbq25, the bee is not hostile, it is your friend. Thanks all for sharing.

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Welshy, thank you for clearing things up. None taken.

Also, when I "trace", I just outline important parts of the image and use them as a guide on the real image. There is a difference between "tracing" and "drawing guide-lines".

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Welshy, thank you for clearing things up. None taken.

Also, when I "trace", I just outline important parts of the image and use them as a guide on the real image. There is a difference between "tracing" and "drawing guide-lines".

Tracing is what I did as a kid on paper. Wow, I just realized I've been accused of plagiarism because I made a guide trail, or maybe it's just my imagination. And not by you my friend, csm75. My poor PC can't handle 40 to 50 layers so I need to break up my images which my guide trails make it easier to reassemble later. Yes, I employed the same techniques such as distorts, line gradients, blurs, and shape3d to make my War Machine. If you think you can do the same give it a try, and please do search the web, I bet you won't find much of War Machine to use as reference let alone trace the image. I really would like to see some one trace it and show me the result. Here is free lesson how to paint Iron Man: http://idrawgirls.blogspot.com/2008/01/how-to-draw-and-paint-iron-man-video.html

No offense to pdn or anyone who use plugins. Plugins are great and can make up for some of your lack of artistic skills that you can't do with a paint brush. But it's no substitute for a formal art education. People, please don't use plugins as a crutch but rather use it to help enhance and expedite your art work. If you learn how to paint on real paper, painting on digital canvass will be much easier. Well this could also be just my opinion.

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My crude way of making a tire using blue guide lines for the tread so that when I change tread patterns, I don't have to change shape3D settings.


So when I run my shape3D it will consistently give me something like this.


And put a rim on it for the finishing touch (rim is the result of using csm75's slice orange tutorial).


My method may be not be the best or produce the best result but as Franky sang "I did it my way".(just a little humor)

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@bbq25- I knew you would see the humor in that.

Ok, new tutorial. King Kong style gorrilla. Well, this is what we will make.


1) Ok, start with good size canvass 800x600 is fine. Render clouds at default settings, add noise set saturation to 0 everything else at default, then run motion blur with angle 100 or which ever direction you want the hair pointing.

2) Duplicate this layer a few times, set blending mode to multiply. You should have something like this now.


3) Merged it all down and call it original texture then duplicate it.(reason is if we may want to use it again)

4) Now decide on a pose for your ape. If you don't know what an ape looks like here is a guide: http://www.zeldauniv.../donkeykong.png

5) Now make a new layer and call it body guide. You should have something like this.


6) use magic wand at default setting and select anywhere outside the outline.

7) go to the original fur texture layer and make it active then hit delete key on keyboard. You should now have something similar to this.


8) select effects->tools->smudge. Then select paintbrush not soft brush, use size around 15, strength 10, smudge around the outline of ape to get the hairs to stand up.

9) add new layer for mouth, nose, and teeth, and tongue. Use line/curve tool to draw and paint them. You should bevel teeth, nose, tongue, and lips at setting 3 or your preference depending how you made the face. You should have something like this.


10) Last step is to decide on a scenery and put your ape in it. You may also want to do some more touch up by adding shadows and hilights on ape's body by using line/curve tool and gaussian blur around 5 and adjust layer opacity depending on how dark or light you want it. In my image, I added another layer for the left arm because it needs to go in front of the building.


I believe you can also make a werewolf out of this texture. But here is the end result.


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Tracing is what I did as a kid on paper. Wow, I just realized I've been accused of plagiarism because I made a guide trail, or maybe it's just my imagination. And not by you my friend, csm75. My poor PC can't handle 40 to 50 layers so I need to break up my images which my guide trails make it easier to reassemble later. Yes, I employed the same techniques such as distorts, line gradients, blurs, and shape3d to make my War Machine. If you think you can do the same give it a try, and please do search the web, I bet you won't find much of War Machine to use as reference let alone trace the image. I really would like to see some one trace it and show me the result. Here is free lesson how to paint Iron Man: http://idrawgirls.blogspot.com/2008/01/how-to-draw-and-paint-iron-man-video.htmlNo offense to pdn or anyone who use plugins. Plugins are great and can make up for some of your lack of artistic skills that you can't do with a paint brush. But it's no substitute for a formal art education. People, please don't use plugins as a crutch but rather use it to help enhance and expedite your art work. If you learn how to paint on real paper, painting on digital canvass will be much easier. Well this could also be just my opinion.

How many expletives (swear words)can you think of? I can think of plenty!

I have to agree with Welshy - the last few posts have taken the mickey out of a lot of artists not only here but world-wide. Good on you.

Let me explain a few things, free of charge:

1. Not every artist - famous or not has had formal training nor do those with training make good artists.

2. Plugins - thanks for negating the blood, sweat & tears of plugin writers. I use plugins & so do many of the great artists not only PDNers but other programs too. Maybe we can go a step further & say that anyone who uses a program to create art is less than an artist?

3. Have you ever used paint & a canvas? What medium did you use because there are more than just oil & acrylic. Shall we take this a step further & say that photography is not an artform? Or that signwriters who use a program & vinyl are not really signwriters? What makes you think the techniques for painting on a canvas are the same for using a digital canvas?

4. Given that Welshy has helped a lot of people - CSM & myself included, I am incensed at the slur on him.

5. I had hoped that my previous posts would put an end to the slagging off but I was wrong - again!

6. No, genius, you could not make the war machine or any of the other artwork without plugins & still get a halfway decent result. Making YOU a monkey, case in point.

7. Your humour is better than your artwork but your facetiousness, as Welshy rightly pointed out, is uncalled for.

8. What drugs are you on?

9. Leave the drugs alone.

10. You - the plural of you is YOU, so the opinion stated above applies to more users than just Hexratt.

NEVER make the mistake of thinking that I don't side with Welshblue - he's my hero - quality of work that I aspire to!

Don't PM me & ask if I like so & so...I don't have time for that <No cursing.>! Yeah, I am might pissed off & very disappointed in a lot of people.


Knowledge is no burden to carry.


April Jones, 2012

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My point exactly, plugin shape3d was used to make that tire. It can only take me so far, but if I want to make it more realistic I would still have to manually paint that thing. Using shape3d has its advantage though, for one the tire can be reusable unlike if I were to paint on a tire. Oh btw, not every art piece has to look realistic but of course you know that.

The only thing that I may have insulted is your ego, which I believe every artist should have a big ego. Nevertheless, your art work is quite fantastic, but let me ask you this: can you even still draw/paint an apple without the help of plugins?

Not once did I ever said anything bad about your art but you, sir, have insulted mine ever since I made War Machine even in your private message to me. Machine gun uses bullets not hose. And you're quite certain that I don't have a painting hanging in a museum. But rest assure, I'm not here to steal your show if that's what you're worried about and I don't think anyone else is either. I believe you're still the best at using pdn plugins.

Please do make a tire for us all to see if not for me then for the others. So far, yellowman, has the best looking tire imho. Also, I ask please do not clutter my gallery with off topic discussions. If you must comment or criticize my art then please just keep it to the art. Your opinion is appreciated. Thank you and have a fine day. Now go make some art for goodness sakes.

@bbq25- I do apologize to you and all artist who may have been offended. I may have gone overboard with the humor. Let's clear things up though. First, I never sent you any PM's. Second, no slur was directed at anybody just overboard humor. Third, iron man and war machine can be done just using digital brush as the video link will show. Fourth, I used plugins too, so makes me less of an artist. In fact, I don't even consider myself an artist just a dabbler; developers made plugins to make the work easier-they already possess high education. My point trying to get across is for beginners, please learn to draw an apple first before trying to use plugin to do it, it will be easier since you will know what shape and color to make it.


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The humour, in my opinion, was overboard and hinted towards insulting those who use distorts rather than tracing. For my phone, I used distorts. For my booth, I used tracing. As you may or may not know, I am in no way a real artist with real credentials. I am in middle school (for you Americans) and I just 'dabble around' with PdN in my free time. I like to think of some high-quality people here (such as welshy, bbq25, gw14, and more), who help me when I PM them, who even go out of the way to write me a private tutorial, as my friends. Whether they think of me the same, I can only hope...

And hexratt, your signature is indeed correct, we won't like you when you're angry - calm down. There are some people that it would just be better to see their wonderful art than their personality. Barbieq, I think conveying humour (especially sarcasm) is extremely hard over the internet., so ya never know when someone is jk'ing.

And one more thing,

"My point trying to get across is for beginners, please learn to draw an apple first before trying to use plugin to do it, it will be easier since you will know what shape and color to make it."

When I was a total noob, here is a piece I made (after only 3 months with PdN and 1 month with the forum):


And another piece I made after 3 months with PdN:


Except for AA'ing, this piece is pretty darn realistic...

100% S3D.

Each of us has their own style of art, mine and welshy's and bbq25's is making (hella) realistic pieces with plugins.


Anyways, interesting way to do the tire.

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And you have done a very fine job. A great example of how you used the plugins to

enhance and expedite your work. I would imagine if you were to make the poker chips free

hand that it would take a lot longer to make, and if you have unsteady hands like me I could

never make a perfect circle. This is where using plugin shape3d will help make up for my lack

of artistic ability to make perfect circles,it uses programmed algorithm to make the brush

stroke for me. Also, since you are familiar with the tomato, you knew what shape and color

to make it. Excellent work on both of them.

You are also correct about the humor and sarcasm. I will leave them out. A lot of things

typed over the internet can be misconstrued in so many different ways by different people.

I should not try to joke over the internet if people can't see the facial expression and I

don't know them personally. Case in point, I should have never called bbq25 a hijacker, she

could have easily been insulted, and naming my king kong tutorial "making you a monkey"

right after replying to her is also a very bad choice on my part. Although to me the

name may be funny but to her,I could be calling her a monkey. Well, I can correct that though.

Oh,csm75, there is no need to shout, against forum rules. Here again, I am kidding, I know

you're only venting. Thank you for sharing and continue to make fine art.

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I honestly think this discussion is pointless! We shouldn't fight over something as stupid as this...we all have a different type of art, and that is that.


Anyway, love the gorilla!

@chrisco97- That's the first reasonable remark I've heard so far, conveyed without

passion or prejudice. I didn't think we were fighting though, Welshy may have made

derogatory remarks about my art, perhaps instigated by my perceived insult,

but that is expected from a well seasoned artist. However, he didn't make any

personal attacks, not in public anyways, and for that he is a true professional and I respect him for it.

Unforturnately, I cannot say the same for some.

Glad you like the gorilla and thanks. Btw, love your new sig and the movie. I wish they would make a sequel.

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Looking forward it.

Also, I may have found a way to make lots of money in art. I'm going to write a wizard plug-in where even a child who can read and use the computer can make flawless

art. A wizard that will render any shape such as cars, buildings, jewelry, and etc...All the child has to do is tell it what color, shape, size, and pattern of decoration to use

then hit the button. The child then can flaunt his art work to his friends, family, and the world. Of course, if anyone ask how much work did you put into it, the child can say, one percent perspiration and 100 percent inspiration but the computer did most of the work. This should make me very rich. So, for the time being I'm closing down the gallery to pursue this.

Thank you all for visiting.

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I'm going to write a wizard plug-in tell it what color, shape, size, and pattern then hit the button.

Like to see the beta version.

EDIT: Really like the gorilla!

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Plugin for PdN or completely new program?

Target platform is Adobe Photoshop. Can't make money off PDN, it's free. But PDN will be used as a test case. Now, that I am better acquainted with PDN the development team wants to get the ball rolling. There's so much work to do in building the database, I do apologize in advance if I don't post here as often.

You guys take care and continue to make fine art.

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