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Is it possible to put a border around an image

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I have to put this one image header in my blog. My image is slightly too small for the space allowed, and I want to put a border around it (which I'll be able to crop to just the right size on the blog site itself) to hide the ugly margins that show up on the blog with a too-small image. (I did resize it easily, but don't like the result. It got a little distorted, and blurred. The border idea is better.)

I can do this in Word, but couldn't save it as an image, only as a doc or rich text, and thus can't upload it to the blog site, which only accepts images.

To summarize: Is there any way to just put a border around an image in Paint.net?

I tried drawing a rectangle and filling it, and 'merging' the rectangle and the existing image somehow, by putting one image behind and one in front, but couldn't even make the rectangle tool work other than directly on top of the existing image, not around it like a border.

Thank you. I attached what I'm calling 'the existing image' which I want to put a band of color around.

(To the moderator: I took out all dumb self-deprecatory remarks. Funny, some places will only answer if one puts them in. But whatever.)

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This is how I'd proceed.

Open Paint.NET.

Adjust the canvas size to be bigger than

your finished image size.

(You can crop later)

In the top menu:

Image > Canvas Size...


In the Colors window, click on More>>.

Set the primary color to what you want your border to be.

Use the Paintbucket tool to fill the entire canvas with that color.


Import your existing image.

Layers > Import From File...

Position it with the Move Selected Pixels tool, which will

automatically be in effect by having imported the image file.

When positioned as you like,press Ctrl D or Esc

to remove the selection that also is in effect

as a result of having imported the file.


You can crop either in Paint.NET or on your blogsite

where you are familiar with the cropping method.

Edited by Sarkut
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Here is a plugin Pyrochild has that I use:


Thanks. Do I understand that Paint.net won't do this particular thing without a plug-in?

I was actually able to get a plain white border around the image by increasing the size of the canvas. I had wanted to make this a color, but it's better than nothing.

I will try to get a color border at the Pyrochild site. Thanks again.

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Thanks. Do I understand that Paint.net won't do this particular thing without a plug-in?

I was actually able to get a plain white border around the image by increasing the size of the canvas. I had wanted to make this a color, but it's better than nothing.

I will try to get a color border at the Pyrochild site. Thanks again.

Since you have the white border, you can just click on it with the magic wand and use the bucket fill to give it the color you want.


SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

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What do you want the border to look like?

Thank you. I attached what I'm calling 'the existing image' which I want to put a band of color around.

Where is the existing image?

Sarkut's method posted above will be quick and to the point.

Possum Roadkill "said to use the magic wand".

As a new user perhaps you have not found the Magic Wand

When you open Paint Dot Net there will be a Tools box (if you don't see it hit F5)

Hover over the tools to read their description.

Edited by Martel

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What do you want the border to look like?

Where is the existing image?

Sarkut's method posted above will be quick and to the point.

Possum Roadkill "said to use the magic wand".

As a new user perhaps you have not found the Magic Wand

When you open Paint Dot Net there will be a Tools box (if you don't see it hit F5)

Hover over the tools to read their description.

I don't know what happened to the attachment--did it in two posts but it didn't 'take' in either one. But in any case, long since got the border I wanted using a variation of the Sarkut method, learned that I can also get the hex numbers of the colors using the Pick Color tool and so did my whole blog site colors (you know, the little bands around areas, the hover colors, the background colors) to 'pick up' the colors in my header image and am pretty happy with the result. I must say that the members here were very helpful and that's a magic wand all by itself. This issue is resolved, for me. Thanks very much. (Hope there's no rule against more than one thank-you per thread.)

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Glad to hear you got it working.

Paint.net is a really great program. While you may not instantly know how to use it there is small a learning curve and once you pass it's all down hill from there.

There are a lot of nice and helpful people here too.

Thanks for the Thanks


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  • 5 years later...

Sorry, I realize this is an old thread—but I've found this method much easier, and it doesn't require a plug-in:

1. Select your whole image, Cut it, then Paste it as a new layer.

2. Increase the canvas size by your desired border's thickness times 2, with your image centered.

3. Fill the Background layer with your border's color.

4. Merge the two layers.

For those who aren't  sure how to do that, I've written more detailed steps below. Cheers, A.

 - - -

- Add a border to an image -

1. Select the whole image (Ctrl+A).

2. Cut (Ctrl+X), then paste as a new layer (Ctrl+Shift+V).

3. On the Image menu, click Canvas Size.

4. In the Canvas Size dialog box:

   a. Clear the "Maintain aspect ratio" checkbox.

   b. Decide how thick (in pixels) you want your border to be. Multiply that number by 2, then add it to the numbers in the Width and Height boxes. (For example, if you want a 1-pixel border, add 2 to Width and Height.)

   c. In the Anchor section, click the diagram's middle box to keep your image centered.

   d. Click OK.

5. In the Layers window, click "Background" to switch to that layer. (You don't have to hide Layer 2, which contains your image.)

6. Select the Fill tool, then click your image. Your border appears.

7. In the Layers window, select Layer 2, then merge it with the Background layer (Ctrl+M).

8. Save your image in the format of your choice.

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Sorry, I realize this is an old thread



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