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Suggestion: Show the number of Layers in the file

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I think it would be cool if PDN showed the number of layers in a file when its opened, near the bottom of the canvas where its shows info about the canvas and cursor position. Hopefully the image shows this better.

I dunno if it'd be codeable but i think it'd be pretty cool to have. Useful for knowing how many layers you're using in a piece etc.


there are 5 layers, and it shows the number there are. if there were 52 it'd say 52. You probably get the idea by now.

So.. bad idea? or good?


Merry Christmas


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i mean, yeah, that works ouchy, but i like the idea. when you name layers, you cant really be bothered to count them, and youd be able to say in tutorials, make sure you have such and such many layers in your window. if not, check for where you went wrong.

also, i dont believe its really that practical, to add a new layer, just to see how many you have, thats really not practical. i like the idea lfc.


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so if you work like I do maybe one section at a time. and I make 25 layers am happy with that and flatten then start another section is it going to continue on with 25 + or does it revert back to 1 + ?

what happens when you delete the line guides out?

what happens when you like in my feather tut use a separate larger size image for individual elements.

just a lot of excess necessary nonsense coding for Rick. who really cares about the number of layers, its the final image that counts.

ciao OMA

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You could always just add a new layer above what you've done, as that would do the same effect.

Ouchy means to just hit "add new layer ( :AddNewLayer: )." The name of the new layer will always be one more than the total number of layers, regardless of renaming.

That said, I do like this idea.


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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lcf4ever didn't say not like it say not understand how it would work. and not understand what would be purpose.

we have enough people racking up post count needlessly would also have noob (I dislike that word) adding 100 layers just so they can say wow this is x no of layers so it must be good picture.?

not sure of purpose. myself I would rather see more tools than counting layers. something to make it easier to draw.

also another question if you move layers up and down and turn layers off does that change the count?

ciao OMA

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lcf4ever didn't say not like it say not understand how it would work. and not understand what would be purpose.

we have enough people racking up post count needlessly would also have noob (I dislike that word) adding 100 layers just so they can say wow this is x no of layers so it must be good picture.?

not sure of purpose. myself I would rather see more tools than counting layers. something to make it easier to draw.

also another question if you move layers up and down and turn layers off does that change the count?

ciao OMA

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