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Where, and what do you recommend for webspace ?

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(sorry if this is the wrong sort of question for this particular forum. If I've done something wrong, I'll provide you with a rubber chicken and you can smack me with it...once...gently...) I already know about photobucket and imageshack. They're not what I'm looking for. I've looked all over for a similar question/discussion and don't see any.

I'm wondering what you all would recommend for a good cheap web hosting/ free web space site so I can put all my files in one place, rather than have music codes over there, and images over there and that file over there... I've had a couple different ones but they are so full of malware and inapropriate (really, very :x innapropriate) forced adds that I'm not willing to just go try anything now without a recommendation from someone.

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Have you tried GooglePages?

*scratches head* Umm...GooglePages? No, I've never even heard of that, but I will look into it.

Does it need to allow direct linking?

Now, this is a new term to me. It means basically that I or someone else could take the URL of a picture file and put the URL say on here or another website, and the picture would show up where the link was pasted, and that would be a direct link? If my thick skull didn't filter too much of that, then Yes, I need direct linking. Shall I check out this AFAIK too?

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can you link me to AFAIK? I found a couple of different ones through google that are computer stuffs places so not sure which one you're recommending. They sound pretty good and I want to try it.

I also want to try something, since i'm here, and just testing...wanna see how this goes...


Edit: this host is awful and is why I'm looking for a reference to something better.

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*jumps up all over the place* IT WORKS! IT WORKS! I got my image on here! I made that with my very own pixels! Yay! WHOOP!

*shifty eyes*

....errr...am I allowed to do that? ...


(quietly) WHHOOOT! *jumps around less vigrously and whispers* It works! It works!

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When Simon said "AFAIK," he wasn't referring to a hosting site - he was referring to the acronym "As Far As I Know." :-) Sorry to get your hopes up.


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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Hi Tayoni - I have used a free website called http://www.zoomshare.com for a few years now and can save images, and url's, for work here on Paint.net with no problems. You will, however, first have to learn to navigate the 'webpage editor', which is a bit tricky to start with but it's fun if you enjoy working with computers.


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"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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When Simon said "AFAIK," he wasn't referring to

MMMMm....PPHHHH!!! *Smack Simon with a rubber chicken!* well, I'm sure he'll gimme some kind of link when he gets here!

Hi Tayoni - I have used a free website called http://www.zoomshare.com for a few years
:) hello *waves* yes, I'll try out that place! tricky menus won't much bother me. I know I'll get used to them. How does this place do at storing music files? The one I use now shrinks my images down to 1/2 size and you cannot link music files at all.
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hello *waves* yes, I'll try out that place! tricky menus won't much bother me. I know I'll get used to them. How does this place do at storing music files? The one I use now shrinks my images down to 1/2 size and you cannot link music files at all.

I've had no problems storing music at this place. If you'd like to view my site:


Good Luck :)


How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

My Gallery | My Deviant Art

"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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