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Possible Bug when Copying Image from Microsoft Teams to Paint.NET?

Go to solution Solved by toe_head2001,

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One thing I have noticed when using employer provided laptop that has Paint.NET installed, whenever I tried to to copy an image from Microsoft Teams and paste them into Paint.NET, I get a prompt message stating there is nothing on the clipboard.


For the record, I have Paint.NET version 4.2.5 installed and IT only allows us to install software through an app called Software Center, so I know it is several version behind the current release.  I am only starting this thread to see if anybody else who uses Teams also have encountered similar issue or if it's just me and the laptop I am using.


Edit: I just realized I didn't give the steps how it happens:


1. In Teams, click on the image and after it get bigger, right-click on 'Copy Image.'

2. Fire up Paint.NET and try to paste the image. Error message pops up stating no image found on clipboard.

Edited by TrevorOutlaw




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You're just going to have to get the latest version of the app. Older versions aren't supported, no exceptions, there's a big huge sticky post in this forum laying it all out. It doesn't matter if your IT department is dragging their feet, that's not my problem. Maybe you can just use the portable version.


There are always a myriad of bugfixes in every release, including this one that I see for 4.2.6. Outlook is Microsoft, Teams is Microsoft, I wouldn't be surprised if they share some code here.



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19 hours ago, Rick Brewster said:

You're just going to have to get the latest version of the app. Older versions aren't supported, no exceptions, there's a big huge sticky post in this forum laying it all out. It doesn't matter if your IT department is dragging their feet, that's not my problem. Maybe you can just use the portable version.


There are always a myriad of bugfixes in every release, including this one that I see for 4.2.6. Outlook is Microsoft, Teams is Microsoft, I wouldn't be surprised if they share some code here.




Right, Rick, I know that that's why I made a point to tell you that the Paint.NET version was a few version behind. 


I was thinking that it was an issue within Microsoft's application sharing codes as @toe_head2001 shared below.


Since this is not a Paint.NET issue, I consider this thread as "case closed."

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Try doing a screen capture instead of doing 'copy image'.


Open your 'Team Meet'

Press F11 to go full screen

Press the 'Print Screen' button to capture the screen to the 'Clipboard'

In Paint.NET goto the 'File' tab and select 'New' from the menu (the new image layer will have the dimensions of the screen capture in memory)
Paste the screen capture on to the 'New Image' layer'.
You can use your PDN skills to crop image.


This should work in all versions of Paint.NET


Edited by HyReZ


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21 hours ago, TrevorOutlaw said:


Right, Rick, I know that that's why I made a point to tell you that the Paint.NET version was a few version behind. 


I was thinking that it was an issue within Microsoft's application sharing codes as @toe_head2001 shared below.


Since this is not a Paint.NET issue, I consider this thread as "case closed."


Definitely see if you can try out the portable version since you're unable to install the latest version with the installer/updater.

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1 hour ago, Rick Brewster said:


Definitely see if you can try out the portable version since you're unable to install the latest version with the installer/updater.


I downloaded the portable version after discovering that the system administrator blocked the ability to update PDN within the program, and had no problem running the portable version. Same copy/paste issue with Teams, and as @toe_head2001 stated, it is encoding the image using HTML, and as a workaround, I used Windows Snip to capture the image from Teams to be pasted in PDN.


Thanks everyone for your efforts.




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  • 2 months later...

I have the latest version of Paint.NET and a recent version of Microsoft Teams, and still get the error "The clipboard doesn't contain an image." when trying to copy an image from Teams into Paint.NET. My current workaround is to paste into MS Outlook, then copy from Outlook into Paint.NET.


From the screenshot from @toe_head2001, it looks like a standard Base64 image. See https://www.w3docs.com/snippets/html/how-to-display-base64-images-in-html.html for more info, or other googling. 


I think it would be very convenient if Paint.NET automatically checked text strings for a data URI to paste, not just for Teams but also for general web developers as well.


For example, the related Wikipedia article has three images https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_URI_scheme#Examples_of_use. To see what they are, I currently have to use some random site like https://onlineimagetools.com/base64-decode-png to interpret it.


Paint.NET could scan text strings for "data:image/XXX;base64,", and then try the same decoding steps used by the existing Base64 FileType plugin.



For reference, these are the three images on the Wikipedia page: 


Red dot image:



`Checkbox image:



35 mm angle of view vs focal length image:



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1 hour ago, nuk said:

I think it would be very convenient if Paint.NET automatically checked text strings for a data URI to paste


No. That just gives them an excuse to not fix the bug in Teams.

Microsoft just needs to place the proper formats on the clipboard.

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(September 25th, 2023)  Sorry about any broken images in my posts. I am aware of the issue.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes but that seems like a contrived example to copy raw text from Wikipedia. Are there any examples of programs (or workflows) other than Teams that supply clipboard data in this format? What's an actual use case for something like this? @null54 has written up a prototype for this functionality so it can definitely be done, but I need to be able to test it to make sure it actually works in real world scenarios that will solve something for someone.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

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