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  1. OK with some external help I was able to exactly replicate Paint.NET's effect with this in ImageMagick! Note the mathematical values conveniently correspond between ImageMagick and Paint.NET, with (1-0.4) and 160% for brightness, and 0.5 and 50% for saturation, respectively. magick.exe .\sample.png -channel RGB -negate -evaluate Multiply 0.4 -negate +channel -colorspace HSL -channel 1 -evaluate Multiply 0.5 +channel x.png Further explanation at https://github.com/ImageMagick/ImageMagick/discussions/6357
  2. I have been messing around with the dialog for "Adjustments" → "Hue / Saturation", and was curious whether it uses HSL/HSB/HSV. Didn't realize it was such a rabbit hole! According to ImageMagick when adjusting HSL hue-saturation-lightness or HSB/HSV hue-saturation-brightness/value, "For some images you are damned if you use HSL, and for other images you are damned if you use HSB colorspace. It just depends on what you are attempting to do!" https://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/color_mods/#modulate_colorspace It further explains, "In HSL ... when brightness is then reduced the off-white colors get expanded... That is, small variations in color are exaggerated" and "[In] HSB ... if you brighten an image ... the colors become more saturated, and bolder, rather than the image becoming more brilliant and whiter." So it seems HSL is useful when brightening images, and HSB when darkening images, but I may be oversimplifying not sure. And yet when I try magick -modulate 160,50,100 in either HSL or HSB, I get different results from the Paint.NET dialogue choosing Lightness=60, Saturation=50, and Hue=0. Very interesting, I wonder what's going on. EDIT okay I tried magick -modulate 1000000,100,100, and I see what's going on. Paint.NET's brightness/lightness changes affect pure black, but ImageMagick's do not. There's completely different math going on behind the scenes. I prefer what I get from Paint.NET, but not sure how to script it to automatically apply 50% brighter + 50% less saturation to dozens of images.
  3. I think it would be convenient not just for Teams, but also in general. For example, the related Wikipedia article has three images https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_URI_scheme#Examples_of_use. To see what they are, I currently have to use some random site like https://onlineimagetools.com/base64-decode-png to interpret it.
  4. I have the latest version of Paint.NET and a recent version of Microsoft Teams, and still get the error "The clipboard doesn't contain an image." when trying to copy an image from Teams into Paint.NET. My current workaround is to paste into MS Outlook, then copy from Outlook into Paint.NET. From the screenshot from @toe_head2001, it looks like a standard Base64 image. See https://www.w3docs.com/snippets/html/how-to-display-base64-images-in-html.html for more info, or other googling. I think it would be very convenient if Paint.NET automatically checked text strings for a data URI to paste, not just for Teams but also for general web developers as well. For example, the related Wikipedia article has three images https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_URI_scheme#Examples_of_use. To see what they are, I currently have to use some random site like https://onlineimagetools.com/base64-decode-png to interpret it. Paint.NET could scan text strings for "data:image/XXX;base64,", and then try the same decoding steps used by the existing Base64 FileType plugin. For reference, these are the three images on the Wikipedia page: Red dot image: "" `Checkbox image: '\ ORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQAQMAAAAlPW0iAAAABlBMVEU\ AAAD///+l2Z/dAAAAM0lEQVR4nGP4/5/h/1+G/58ZDrAz3D/McH8\ yw83NDDeNGe4Ug9C9zwz3gVLMDA/A6P9/AFGGFyjOXZtQAAAAAEl\ FTkSuQmCC' 35 mm angle of view vs focal length image: "data:image/jpeg;base64, /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQEAYABgAAD/2wBDADIiJSwlHzIsKSw4NTI7S31RS0VFS5ltc1p9tZ++u7Kf r6zI4f/zyNT/16yv+v/9////////wfD/////////////2wBDATU4OEtCS5NRUZP/zq/O//////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////wAARCAAYAEADAREA AhEBAxEB/8QAGQAAAgMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQMAAgQF/8QAJRABAAIBBAEEAgMAAAAAAAAAAQIR AAMSITEEEyJBgTORUWFx/8QAFAEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP/EABQRAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAD/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/AOgM52xQDrjvAV5Xv0vfKUALlTQfeBm0HThMNHXkL0Lw/swN5qgA8yT4 MCS1OEOJV8mBz9Z05yfW8iSx7p4j+jA1aD6Wj7ZMzstsfvAas4UyRHvjrAkC9KhpLMClQntlqFc2 X1gUj4viwVObKrddH9YDoHvuujAEuNV+bLwFS8XxdSr+Cq3Vf+4F5RgQl6ZR2p1eAzU/HX80YBYy JLCuexwJCO2O1bwCRidAfWBSctswbI12GAJT3yiwFR7+MBjGK2g/WAJR3FdF84E2rK5VR0YH/9k="
  5. Thank you for the welcome! I've been using and loving Paint.NET for years, but only now am joining the forum 🙂 I'm making some how-to photos. First I do some minor image editing, then on the last step I draw a box around the target to help highlight it. For visual consistency, I'm using the same color across all photos. Unfortunately, the primary box color is similar to the background color for some of these photos, so the box needs a second color around its border to increase contrast. In PowerPoint this is easily accomplished and repeated with the "Glow" shape effect. To accomplish something similar with the Paint.NET Custom Shapes, I wanted to extend your "Box Emphasis" custom shape. A similar glow effect can be had with setting fill mode to "Draw Filled Shape With Outline", but unfortunately the Box Emphasis shape does not scale well. If I want to make a tall box, then the top/bottom edges become much wider than the left/right edges, and vice versa for a wide box. To fix this, I wanted to add a new "Frame Width" parameter which would programmatically set the width of the edges so they're consistent for taller and wider rectangles. "Glow" Shape Effect in PowerPoint, with base image from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Smiljan_Memorial_Center_Modified.jpg
  6. How I do give my custom shape the "Corner Size" parameter which is available in the built-in Paint.NET shape "Rounded rectangle? The "Rounded rectangle" is very nearly what I need, but needs a slight modification. I was thrilled to discover you can make custom shapes in XAML and with ShapeMaker, but can't find any options for adjustable parameters.
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