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Copy text into a picture...

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I have created a text in MSWord that I want to copy into image 1. For that purpose, I open a new and blank image 2.
The background is then white. I copy the text in the Word-document and paste it into image 2. The background changes to a checkered pattern. I mark and copy/paste  image 2 into picture 1. The checkered background will follow. I just want the text.

I'm sure I'm doing most of it wrong. Can someone help me?

/hans peter

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Short answer:


Put the text+checkerboard on a new layer.


Long answer:


What you're doing is copying the text and the transparent surround. When you paste this it is overwriting the white layer.


What you want to do is paste it into a new layer (Ctrl + Shift + V will do it). Then the transparent areas will allow the white background to show through.


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Just to make that clear: the checkered pattern you're seeing is not a patterned background it just means the background in your text layer is totally transparent.


If you put that layer above any other background layer, eg. a photograph, that background photograph will appear with the text on top of it.


To replace the background colour with a plain white layer just create a new layer (by default a new layer is transparent too) and fill it with white or whatever colour you like and merge the text layer down with it.



What's mildly interesting is that I haven't been able to reproduce the 'problem'.


hanspeter: what MSWord text format type was being used?


What I've found using a new PDN image with the default white background layer is whether the copied/cut text was added as a new layer,  to the existing white background layer or opened in a completely new image, the white background remained.


With Notepad (.TXT) you can not copy/cut and paste into PDN but when I tried it with both WinXP Wordpad and Win7 Wordpad (.RTF Rich Text Format) ), as said, both kept the white background whether I used Select All or just selected and cut/copied the text from the mouse context menu.


I also tried using Libre (Writer) and apparently you can not copy/cut and paste its default  .ODT text format into a PDN image or even when saved as a MSWord document (.DOCX, .XML tried). The only Libre Office text document format available I have tried which works to copy/cut paste direct into PDN  is one saved in .RTF, just as for Wordpad.


So whatever this particular problem was caused by would seem to be particular to the MSWord text format or settings being used unless there is some default PDN setting that could cause this and I do not think there is.





Edited by IHaveNoName


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You can also use Microsoft Word's 'Word Art' feature to create text. After creating the Word Art text , highlight the Word Art and make a copy while it is highlighted and paste it into a Paint.NET layer. ( Do not copy the Word Art as it is within the box anchored frame or it will paste with a white background rather that a transparent background! )


Edited by HyReZ
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Just did a search and apparently LibreOffice also has an equivalent to MS' Word Art:-



The feature is called Fontwork. You can read how to use it here. In a nutshell, you open the Fontwork toolbar from View -> Toolbar -> Fontwork, then click on "Fontwork gallery" and select the style you want. You can edit the text by doubleclicking it.


Not tried it yet but I thought the information might be useful as not everyone has Word now.

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10 hours ago, HyReZ said:

I tried Fontwork in LibreOffice but I didn't find a way to enable transparency for the background of the Fontwork graphic.




So it looks like you must either use Word > Word Art or just stick to the .RTF text format if you want to cut and paste into PDN. the latter without background transparency. The only other option I can think of if you want it to import text with a transparent background is to use the Color > Cut Color plugin > Remove color as the background option.


But with just text, particularly smaller/complex fonts, I suspect it would do an unacceptably crude job. 

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The strange thing in Libre Office Write & Draw is that I can place shapes behind the Fontwork object and it shows that its background is transparent, but when it is copied to the clipboard it is converted to white when it is pasted. I went to Fontwork help to see if there was an option to set the background to a color. No luck yet!

It appears that it is being converted to a bitmap format that does not support transparency.


Since the Microsoft Office apps use the same graphics engine ( even Excel ); you should be able to use any of the apps to create text and graphics that can be copied into PDN. These MS Office apps can do both raster and vector graphics.


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https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/17056-i Note this is a free trial, with watermark. The full plugin requires payment & registration to remove the watermarking.

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I always add my text to its own transparent layer. This gives me the option of moving or removing the text, changing the text later for a different project, or for updating a similar project. I save all of my projects as PDN files first and then to other formats; mainly TIFF or PNG!


There are several Text Formation plugins available. After installation; they can be found under the Events Tab in the Text Formation options.


Goto the Paint.NET Plugin Index and type Text Formation in the Search Options box to locate various plugins.

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On 12/24/2018 at 3:45 AM, sargentodiaz said:

I know this sounds stupid but I can't figure out how to add text to an image.

I've done it before many times but have gone brain dead.


I have 4 layers to the image and left a blank space above the colage. This is where I want to add the text.


When you're using layers it is effectively all one image. You can choose not to display any layer by unticking it which makes it easier to work on/identify particular layers.


Remember that at any point you can just use Undo. PDN saves everything you've done to an image after it has been opened. I don't know if there is some limit to that but if there is I've never hit it.  


When everything is as you want simply flatten the whole thing (again any unticked layers won't we included). If there is any problem simply use Undo. But if all is OK save in the image in format desired.


What I do then for important images I've done a lot of work on is use Undo to separate the layers again and backup the image as a work in progress .pdn file too. This saves the layers at that point but just the layers, it doesn't save the work done before the save so you can't use Undo to reverse any changes you made prior to that.


Having that .pdn file to go back to is why having the text on a separate, transparent layer is so useful as it allows you to edit or even completely replace the text. You can't change the font or any of the existing text formatting using the text tools of course.


Part of what we were discussing earlier in this thread, about being able to save a text document and import it into PDN with a transparent background, is related to that. As you've found out Word does allow this which far from being a problem is actually useful.  You could save that Word document alongside the .pdn image backup to give you full flexibility if you want to change the text layer. 


 I hope that explains things.



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