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A Text -Translator PLUG-IN for PDN ?....

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HELLO Again Everybody ! -   Is there a PLUG-IN (or downloadable app) to instantly TRANSLATE text in PDN images ?....it would be very useful and time-saving to INSTANTLY translate foreign-language text in PDN images into PDN, JPG, BMP, and other image formats.  For example :  with one click a JPG image of a page of french text opened in PDN is INSTANTLY translated.  Thx !

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No, this does not exist for Paint.NET.


It is not likely to exist any time soon for these reasons:

  • This would involve an algorithm to convert a graphic into text (OCR) which is complicated for various fonts, languages, etc.  Don't forget to spellcheck your results (foreign language dictionaries...) to increase accuracy.
  • This would involve calling a web service to translate the text into another language... (unless you want to do the translation yourself, ha!)  Google has such a service, however, you have to have a commercial account (I think) in order to use it.
  • This would involve trying to match the font used in the OCR portion to render the translated text back to the canvas.  This could be more difficult that you think because of formatting (line breaks, small font differences, etc.)


Good luck.


Try one of these iPhone apps: https://www.guidingtech.com/60504/live-translations-apps-camera/

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Raster images don't recognize text. They have no regard for the shape of colored pixels, so cannot differentiate between objects and characters unless you specify exactly the combination of pixels you're looking for (see https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/110835-anyway-to-replace-one-set-of-pixels-with-another-set-throughout-an-image/).


beaten by BoltBait


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