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Keyboard shortcuts removed from v4.1?

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I just installed PN 4.1, and found that the keyboard shortcuts for Brightness/Contrast (Ctrl+Shift+T) and Hue/Saturation/Lightness (Ctrl+Shift+U), which I've used for many years, no longer worked.


I now see the 4.1 change log says:



Changed: Removed shortcut keys for all built-in Adjustments except for Invert Colors (Ctrl+Shift+I). This is being done to free up shortcut keys for other functionality.


"Freeing them up for other functionality"? What the heck does that mean?


And now, rather than pressing a quick key combination, we must do all this:


1. Remove hand from keyboard

2. Place hand on mouse

3. Move mouse pointer to menu

4. Click

5. Find command on menu

6. Click command

7. Return hand to keyboard


...every time we want to make one of these basic adjustments?


Do future plans include making us stand on one foot, do celebrity impressions, or do anything else to slow down and complicate our work?


I realize some people find it difficult to remember shortcuts, and prefer to interrupt their work to shuffle through menus. And that's fine. But it's a big step backward for me—and, I'm guessing, lots of other P.N. users, too—and a very presumptuous and inconsiderate change to make without even consulting anyone.

Edited by anderpainter
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What BoltBait said. There's no need to get overly dramatic.


I'm planning to put the keyboard accelerator chords into the menu items, it just didn't make it in for the 4.1 release. Sorry about that -- I'll prioritize it for the 4.1.1 release!


You can _always_ access menu items with the keyboard. Learn it, love it.



a very presumptuous and inconsiderate change to make without even consulting anyone

Is there a committee that I'm supposed to send RFC's to or something? ? 

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There are also some other keyboard commands that need to be baked into tooltips. The button for Crop to Selection in the toolbar doesn't mention Ctrl+Shift+X, for instance.



The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

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Thanks for your replies. Sorry, I was just surprised to find that suddenly the commands I'd used, like, forever, did nothing, and that I had to hunt down the explanation elsewhere.


I can certainly get by with the menu combinations you described, and will be grateful when you restore some (any) actual key combinations for them. And thanks for putting up with us moody artist-types.  ;?)

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14 hours ago, anderpainter said:

You'd better update your online documentation's Keyboard & Mouse Commands page, too, as it's no longer accurate.




Ain't gonna delete that. It says "Most" - how is that not accurate?


Please remember that I maintain the paint.net documentation on a VOLUNTARY basis. I do updates  when I can, like when they fit into work, life, family and all the other things I like to do.


See Ricks post here: https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/113212-help-me-downgrade/?do=findComment&comment=548673 I'm working on it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for restoring my beloved keyboard shortcuts! And sorry again that I overreacted.  :?P



Ego Eram Reputo > Please remember that I maintain the paint.net documentation on a VOLUNTARY basis. I do updates  when I can, like when they fit into work, life, family and all the other things I like to do.


What—there are other things in your life besides P.n?  :?D


Anyway, I wasn't trying to order you about. (I didn't say "You'd better update your documentation now!") It was just a reminder, as I assumed the changes were permanent (again, me overreacting).

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  • 1 month later...

The keyboard shortcuts from the Adjustments menu still do not work, unless the menu is first opened.

How to reproduce:


start Paint.net

press CTRL+L

nothing happens :-(

click Adjustments menu to open it, click elsewehere to close it

press CTRL+L

Levels adjustment dialog shows


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