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HD Vinyl Graphics Design

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Trying to design some vinyl graphics to print high definition. Can this be done with Paint.net?

I've been told they need to be printed at 300DPI...

The design below file size is 3.26MB in .pdn.

Any guidance with small vinyl graphics design would be greatly appreciated.




CHEETAH hydros_ png.png

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52 minutes ago, Timbo128 said:

Can this be done with Paint.net?



53 minutes ago, Timbo128 said:

Any guidance with small vinyl graphics design would be greatly appreciated.


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(September 25th, 2023)  Sorry about any broken images in my posts. I am aware of the issue.

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Very basically, take the finished print dimensions (in inches) and multiply by 300. That's the pixel dimensions of the image you need to supply.


e.g. if you want a 6" x 4" print at 300DPI, the image should be 1800x1200px.

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I seem to recall seeing that cheetah picture before.*  Be sure you have permission from the original creator of the image for whatever use you have in mind.





*somewhere on the net... or, maybe it was just a similar picture.


EDIT: Here it is: http://www.lyhyxx.com/download/3911381.html

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Thanks for the help...much appreciated.

There's been enough of the image modified, removed and added to where copyrighting is a non factor.

Been down that road before... good looking out, though.

On 3/12/2018 at 6:10 PM, toe_head2001 said:


Thanks, 'toe'... yes, played around in the prog and figured out how to manage all of that in 'Resize Image'.

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