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About Timbo128

  • Birthday January 28

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    R/C boat racing, pets, cycling, reading, do graphics projects

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  1. Thank you, Rick... Pixey's response is what I was actually looking for. All's well now... I certainly appreciate everyone's input- Thanks! Timbo
  2. Pixey, thank you so much!... I took the long way home, as stated in my last reply to Ego. Now I know! Have a great weekend, and thanks again. Timbo
  3. Thanks, Ego... I think I've found the issue... it was a particular photo from the internet that I was going to generate a meme from- a .jpg. The issue, whatever it is, was the problem, something in the photo. The Paint.net program works fine with everything else... I went into the program, copied all the plugins I had installed in the 'Effects' file to Desktop, uninstalled Paint.net, installed a fresh install, and pasted the 'Effects' folder into the fresh install. All seems well now. Thank you! Timbo
  4. Hi- UGH!.... Paint.net updated last week and all was fine, until now... If I go to use the text tool and click on the field where cursor is, it just leaves a little blinking dot. Changing Text size changes nothing. The problem: Can't type text- nothing happens. I've a few plugin's installed, can't remember which packages and really don't want to re-install. Is there a procedure to repair Paint.net, without an uninstall? Any and all help would be greatly appreciated... Thank you! Timbo
  5. Hmmm... will the final black guide outline show up on the graphic, and what to do about back/ drop shadowing?... do I just put the cutting guide outline on another layer and not flatten?... is there a tutorial here for vinyl cutting setup?... I'm thinking I could use the white illustrated above as a temp layer and throw it out after establishing cut line. Thanks for your patience and help.
  6. Hi- Hoping I can get some help/ direction with prepping Paint.net generated vinyl graphics for cutting. We had some simple graphics made and should have specified they be printed to transparent matte vinyl laminating stock. Instead, the print source put them on white and they are too small and detailed to cut out with an Xacto knife. I need some guidance on setting up a cut line path, on a separate layer, for these graphics we're playing with. If more details required, please inform. Appreciate any input- Thanks! Tim
  7. Thank you, we're aware that Pint.net works in RGB colorspace... it seems to be most affected at fairly extreme ends of the spectrum. We've found a bit of a workaround exporting RGB to Adobe Acrobat Pro and managing colors and converting to CMYK there. We're going to have a meeting with the printing source tomorrow and he's going to explain all of this to me, along with current trends in the printing industry. He's already told me I'm thinking about it too much. Can't hardly ask for a color sample on a $30 job... so we'll learn a $30 lesson. The issue I am having is the 'neon' green in the text is washing to a softer hue... we've just got some learning to do and we look forward to it. Again, thanks.
  8. Thanks, 'toe'... yeah, we had told them about that CMYK vs. RGB concern. To print that single sheet, unlaminated, was only $30. The guy responded that the clarity and sharpness at 300 DPI would be very good- said the file provided excellent clarity. So, as you mentioned regarding the 1:1 aspect, is there anything I can do to provide the print shop with anything better?...I guess it's fair to assume the RGB, HSV, Opacity, and Hex values would be worthless to them. I'm looking for suggestions for improvement, do you have any?... That attachment above doesn't illustrate how well the package turned out, IMO. Thanks
  9. Hi- We designed a sheet of individual graphics for printing to vinyl stock with pigmented latex inks. I saved as PNG and converted to PDF and emailed file to print source a long way off. Today, I get a reply back from the source saying they'll print fine 'but if you want us to adjust the image to hit a certain color this file type will be difficult to work with' was their response. I've no idea what they are talking about. Furthermore, our plan is to use a straight edge and circle templates to cut the individual images out. I'm hoping someone here can help me along with this...any direction and/or advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  10. Thanks for the help...much appreciated. There's been enough of the image modified, removed and added to where copyrighting is a non factor. Been down that road before... good looking out, though. Thanks, 'toe'... yes, played around in the prog and figured out how to manage all of that in 'Resize Image'.
  11. Hello- Trying to design some vinyl graphics to print high definition. Can this be done with Paint.net? I've been told they need to be printed at 300DPI... The design below file size is 3.26MB in .pdn. Any guidance with small vinyl graphics design would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Timbo
  12. OK, thank you, MadJik... will do.
  13. OK, thank you... rather busy right now on a project, but will go back and take some screen shots and expand on topic.
  14. Of further note, can't seem to get the Lens Flare to work, either... Thanks!
  15. No matter the settings in the effect- (first pic is work layer) NOTE- using latest Paint.net version (4.0.21)
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