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Pen input doesn't work on my HTC Shift.

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I have recently purchased a tablet PC (HTC Shift) which runs Windows Vista Business. All the tablet PC and stylus options within the control panel are those from Microsoft itself. So I don't think, that they use some special sort of driver.

In the normal Paint i can draw with the stylus without any problem. But in newest Paint.Net (3.35 Beta) this doesn't work. I only move the mouse around over the Paint.Net window, but it draws nothing.

Please can you tell me, what I have to do now? Paint.Net is much better than the old Paint ^^

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With the paintbrush it happens nothing with the image. But in the history it always adds a "Paintbrush" entry.

It works with the pencil but very bad: It doesn't react fast enough. It oven makes a even line instead of a curve. For example i can not make any circles.

But in paint this works much better.

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