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Everything posted by DrewDale

  1. Read this rule #11 11) Don't reply to very old threads. Also known as "reviving" or "resusitating" old/dead threads. Also called "necroposting" (eww). If there has been no discussion in a thread for, say, 3 months ... then it is dead. Do not reply to it -- pretend like it is locked. If you reply to it, then the thread will be immediately locked and your post may be deleted. Please just create a new thread if you have something to say about that subject. However, this rule does not apply to The Overflow, Tutorials, Pictorium, or Plugins sections of the forum.
  2. This thread is six years old, start a new thread or at least read the forum rules.
  3. Impressive cyber-flower nitenurse79. Cool metalflower skullbonz This has to be one of this years best plugins
  4. So, is this comp gonna get off the ground ? or is it just added to the maybe pile ? Out of sheer boredom, I even created a logo / banner for whoever would host it Send me a PM if you would like to have it (that's if the comp is going to happen)
  5. Blast from the past is really cool, although to echo Welshblue. I too remember radio's like this.
  6. Tough call. I like everything on penguin dolphin's apart from the blue cat (not really needed IMO) the glow on the circle is really cool though, good work. rafroller has a great perspective on the font and a really calming background. penguin dolphin - 0 rafroller - 1
  7. DD is fine by me True about some nice sigs that would work better larger, I would like the idea.
  8. Brilliant entry Welshblue, well done to the runners up, I'm just impressed I got 6 votes, thanks A well run comp, hats off to nitenurse79.
  9. It must be awkward having to keep the camera in one place until the thaw imagine the dust it would gather
  10. It sounds like a good idea. I would assume though that the max size would still have to follow the forum guidelines ? (eg-800x600) The only problem I could see with this kind of comp is with it being an image battle, it would take longer for people to come up with an entry. I think sigs are easier to come up with, but that's just my 2 cents.
  11. @BoltBait - how did you do that image? that's really impressive
  12. should work, try restarting paint.net. never had that issue before.
  13. I might be wrong but check the antialiasing as show on this sreenshot
  14. A background layer is exactly what it is - a background, kind of like a blank canvas Anything you want to modify (drop shadow / outline feather etc..) has to be on it's own layer. Each layer can allow you to manipulate what ever it is your working on, so each layer can be modified with any effect you wish to use on it
  15. DrewDale

    PJC #8

    Is this another comp going to waste? deadline reached, no pictures to vote on?
  16. In order to get it to work, it has to be used on a separate layer, it won't work on a background layer
  17. Looks interesting, not seen anything like this on my journey through here, would love to see what you have on this theme
  18. This link will tell you how to do upload images - http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/12193-how-to-use-images-in-your-posts-signatures-and-avatars/
  19. Your best way is using keyboard shortcuts - Ctrl + C to copy and then Ctrl + Shift + V to paste it into a new layer
  20. A problem with your browser perhaps ? As Rick say's it just seems to be an issue at your end. I have no re-directing going on when I click anywhere on here.
  21. Nihahhat - Great glowing background, neat font too very clean. Noswad - Nice concept on the background, the font needs to be better (perhaps if the N was not as large) Nihahhat - 2 Noswad - 0
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