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Everything posted by Reptillian

  1. Correction - Erm, it's not available there. It is available in Blender, and a few FOSS video editors as well.
  2. @Eli I am now having a conversation with @G'MIC about adding tileset images to the server. The core cli filter has been updated to version 3 with the option of importing placed tiles, and row/column manipulation tools. I haven't updated the filter from the server side of thing.
  3. Outside of Paint.NET, see this solution: https://patdavid.net/2013/05/noise-removal-in-photos-with-median_6.html But, editing out the background is different to median stacking, for that, you do have a solution within PDN:
  4. Sometimes game have limitations which means you only have the choice of playing around with lightness/saturation/hue until it looks exactly right. What if the game utilize 16F or 32F? That's out of scope for Paint.NET. Let us know more about the game engine.
  5. Estimation of another update to RPG Tiler will come in 3 days to 4 days. I'm about to finish it for artistic purpose. It'll be version 3. It will support row/column manipulation. So, in theory, you can make a large overworld by then.Version 4 will be viable for rpg developers as I will provide a way to generate tile datas such as canvas location and tile id in tileset in a multichannel 3d box. Perhaps with tileset location info.
  6. There are definitely places to find tileset. For starters, I would recommend working with this tileset - https://opengameart.org/content/classic-rpg-tileset As you can see, it's a png file. This is the recommended file format. Note: JPG can be used, but it is distorted and lacks transparency, so I would not use that. PNG is better. Even TIFF could work though I didn't try that. With that tileset, I made this image using the rpg filter.
  7. Yep, they have to be downloaded. I would have to speak with @G'MIC with adding preset tilesets when the time comes.
  8. You're supposed to load a tileset. After that, follow instruction. I should have specified that in the instruction, but that'll be for version 3.
  9. It seems that version 3 of rpg tiler is coming nicely. Version 3 will contain a new editing mode, and it will be about manipulating rows and columns. There may be version 4 which will allow you to import tile position data, and use another tileset. So, you can replace tiles placed with another tiles from another tileset. Now, I got a question for @lynxster4 or anyone else - Should there be a separate option for exporting the final tile or make the placed tile fit the canvas instead? This is a workaround to out-of-bound placed tiles in context of Paint.NET.
  10. I mean, I wanted to know what the new feature entails clearly. But, it's clear now.
  11. Non-Isometric RPG Tiler(Interactive) has been updated to version 2. It now supports symmetrical editing, and better window message. I believe it's easier to work with. You can also replace, cut with version 2 filter.
  12. After much time, I finally figured out how to get symmetry mode into the new interactive filter. For proof: NOTE: Not available on G'MIC-QT yet. I'm still working on adding more features before pushing.
  13. I have made my first interactive filter for G'MIC-QT - Non-Isometric RPG Tiler(Interactive)
  14. Yes. It appears that only red channel is different when testing with luminosity b mode and intensity rgb. All of the other channels has 0 difference. For some people, there's no point into having 3 different separate plugins just for doing a thing where 1 plugin offers features found in 2 plugin.
  15. @Ego Eram Reputo Now, by the time you read this, it should be that time of the month. That being said, in the new update, there should be a notice that @ReMake plugins - Saturation RGB and Intensity RGB are subset of RGB-Gray interpolation. Test the slider, and you will notice. Check Luminosity B (Intensity RGB) and Average (Saturation RGB) mode.
  16. @null54 G'MIC-QT 2.9.0 has been officially released. Latest stable version: 2.9.0
  17. 1. Glass Vignette received the color space conversion support. 2. I have converted TechnoRobbo's Strange Attractor with success. There's some differences though such as negative value support as well as exponential value support. There's no color mapping support. I believe exponential value is enough as Paint.NET and other programs already have ways to enable users to color map, and all exponential value would do is to enable one to alter the midpoint. That inherently enables more way to color map. 3. I have also added a new filter called Trigonometric Mapping. This filter maps trigonometric functions into image.
  18. I do have to agree that exact replication isn't possible, and I do noticed that there's more pixels on the second image. But, without re-scaling, and accepting the rounding errors that comes with pixel-processing, connecting it similar to the second image is certainly possible as it's not impossible to filter out the background based on area and filtering them separately. Eroding is used as an aid to extracting outline.
  19. From a theoretical standpoint? 1. Erase the colored pixels or have them in separate layer. 2. Connect all the dots. 3. Find areas that are outside the lines of connected dots. 4. Largest area implies the outside area. 5. Erode using largest area as base. 6. Pixels outside the eroded area is the outside base. That means you can filter out the inside. 7. Connect the dots using distance threshold within the inside area. Yes, it's doable from a theoretical standpoint. As far as actually proving it, I do have a g'mic script that can be used to detect non-alpha pixels and output them into vectors of coordinates, but I'm not at the point where I want to do proof of concept for this and related things.
  20. Actually, this isn't true at all. If you connect all the dots, you can definitely determine which region is the outside and filter it out. Then reconnect the dot separately with distance threshold. However, I must add that this is too much work to do no matter what scripting language or programming language you're using.
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