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Everything posted by Sarkut

  1. The Printer+ plugin may be helpful for this. Printer+
  2. Do a Google search on: rubber stamp font ------------------ Here's one example. http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~mad.mutt/Fonts.html#Top
  3. What steps specifically do you use to select a rectangle, for example? ------------------------- I might open Paint.NET, click the top left icon in the Tools window, go mouse-button down on the canvas, drag at a diagonal and release the mouse-button. This will create a rectangular selection. When you do this, is the deselect button grayed-out, etc.?
  4. The plugin linked to from this post will cut an image into fractional sized PNG files that can be printed out individually.
  5. Yes. Getting people started using Alpha Mask is a worthy endeavor. Should I remove my post re: GCR plugin?
  6. You could change the title to "One-Step". Use the Grim Color Reaper plugin, set to white. Reduce Color Tolerance to around .60
  7. Best I can suggest with the Maze plugin is to erase parts of it, so it looks less maze-like and more like circuitry.
  8. More tips. When done set blend mode to Multiply. This will give a shadow that is a black shade of the background color, rather than a whitish gray tone. Duplicate layers for a darker shadow.
  9. So, you want this for making an animation?
  10. So, anyway, where can I find this John's Pie Gallery? Must have pie!
  11. Here's an example using a desired bevel of 200. (4 times 50) Make the selection that you want to bevel. Make a new layer, fill the selection with black. Ctrl A, to select all of the layer. Use the Move Selected Pixels tool on the lower-right adjusting node while holding down the Shift key. Move the node up and to the left until the X and Y dimensions are one quarter of the canvas dimensions. Magic Wand the black, make a new layer, run Bevel Selection at 50. Make a rectangular selection of 1/4 canvas dimensions in that corner around the bevel. Use the Move Selected Pixels tool to expand the selection to full canvas size.
  12. Zuriki, This should work for you. Sprite Sheet Helper
  13. If you don't want to rely on the online conversion site, there is software available. Just do a Google search using --- .eps file converter, as search keywords.
  14. I've seen the Mazes/Random Maze plugins used for the look of printed circuitry. Part of the MadJik plugin pack.
  15. You can convert the file to PNG, then open it in Paint.NET. This site and others can do the conversion. http://www.online-utility.org/image_converter.jsp?outputType=PNG
  16. No worries. That's where we all start. Enjoy!
  17. Press Esc before using Align Object. See if that makes the difference.
  18. ngruson, For Align Object to work right it needs to be applied to an object surrounded by alpha (transparency) and also be sure that the object is not selected.
  19. http://www.LupiUpload.de/images/2010/06/03/fb8202a4eb8e203b0eed43172a7dccb9dd9d82b9.png . Texture http://www.LupiUpload.de/images/2010/06/03/31a1bbfc2526da70df80556fe488f932376bb1b1.png
  20. Align Object Use the download at the bottom of the first post.
  21. Have each circle on its own layer, center each using Align Object, merge layers, reposition the now concentric set of circles.
  22. You can draw the second circle on a new layer, select it, and position it using the Move Selected Pixels tool. For the lines, you'll have to draw a regular line, then apply Dents to it. Effects > Distort > Dents
  23. If you have that font, then replacing the text at full size would be best. It looks like Mein Schatz font. ------------------------------------------- There's no easy/automated way to resize upwards and get a good result. If there is any possibility of accessing a pre-existing higher resolution file, that's best. ============================================================ If you are going to fix it manually, open Paint.NET and set the canvas size to 2124x1230. Image > Canvas Size You can resize down to 1062x615 after you have finished editing. If you have a fast PC with plenty of RAM you may want to start with a 4248x2460 canvas. It's much easier editing to have more pixels to work with. ================================================================ Import your starting image. Layers > Import from File... The image will import into the upper-left corner of the canvas. It will be selected and the Move Selected Pixels tool will be active. In the toolbar, change the Quality from Smooth to Pixelated. To avoid blurriness when upsizing, now apply BoltBait's Transparency plugin effect at max Opacity. Transparency Next, use the mouse to drag the bottom-right adjustment node of the selection to the bottom-right corner of the canvas. This will enlarge the image. It will have jagged edges but won't be blurry. =========================================================== Because the green is a gradient, it's probably better to work on fixing this as an all-black image. That way there won't be any distractions from color match disparities. The repaired all-black image can be used as an Alpha Mask and applied to a green gradient layer. One way to turn it all-black is with --- Adjustments > Brightness/Contrast. Set Brightness to -100, Contrast to 100.
  24. Congratulations Trine0, j.d.melek and yellowman.
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